Grade 10 2L1 Science

September 2009

Classroom Policies of Behavior and Expectations
Rules of Engagement


Students have many responsibilities with regard to their learning, and these increase as they advance through secondary school. Students who are willing to make the effort required and who are able to monitor their thinking and learning strategies and apply themselves will soon discover that there is a direct relationship between this effort and their achievement, and will therefore be more motivated to work. Students who develop mental attitudes and ways of behaving that contribute to success in life will benefit as learners.
Successful mastery of scientific concepts and investigation skills requires students to have a sincere commitment to work and to the development of appropriate learning skills. Furthermore, students should actively pursue opportunities outside the classroom to extend and enrich their scientific understanding and skills. For example, students can make an effort to keep up with current events related to local, national, and international scientific discoveries and innovations.

Marks for this class may be found at

Course Content

Chemical Reactions with Applications
A chemical reaction is the interaction of chemicals to produce new substances.

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:
The interaction of living things with their environment is the study called ecology.

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:
Electricity and You
What is electrical energy.

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:
Science and the Media
A look at modern day scientific issues and how the media deals with them.

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will: