ISU - Polymers

This is a series of questions based on polymers studies. To be handed in April 15, same day as the Organic test.

If for any reason I do not receive your ISU it cannot be used for your midterm mark.
  1. Define these terms
    1. polymer
    2. repeat unit
    3. monomer
    4. copolymer
    5. glass transition temperature

  2. Explain the difference between the following:
    1. oligmer and a polymer
    2. an addition polymer and a condensation polymer
    3. a linear polymer and a branched polymer
    4. thermoplastics and thermosets
    5. hard and soft plastics
    6. step- reaction polymerization and chain-reaction polymerization
    7. With the aid of a digram show the difference between linear, branched and cross-linked polymers. State examples of each.

  3. Draw the polymer expected from the reaction of phosgene with hydroquinone. What category of polymer is this?

  4. Explain the difference between Chain Growth Polymerization and Step Growth Polymerization. A diagram would be useful in your explination.

  5. Explain what vulcanized rubber is and why it will get brittle in the cold? Who invented this material?

  6. Explain what an elastomer is and why when stretched it will bounce back to its original shape.

  7. Outline how each of the following products are produced; state the moner units used and type of polymerization. reactants products and any catalysts must be mentioned.
    1. Dacron
    2. PVC
    3. Nylon 66
    4. Lucite or Plexiglas
    5. spandex and why is it considered an elastomer?

Lastly; a bibliography must be included.