
Here you will find links to websites I've got RK pics from,
(my deepest thanks to them)
and including some of my favorite links.
If you want to add a link to your homepage, just mail me.


Lots and lots of screen caps. And lots of RK merchandise images too. I spent hours drooling over them.

Lots of cool pics! Lots of cool stuff! Lots of funny stuff too. I had a great time.

A really great site about Shishio! Very beautifully made.

Really cool and beautiful. This is where I got Kenshin's 'oro'. There's everything here... sounds, lyrics, translations, pics....

Don't miss it, Aoshi-sama fans!

Everything about our dear Sanosuke! You are going to enjoy this site, even if you're not a Sano fan.

Yup, a shrine to Hiko Seijuro. If you (like me) are impressed with his arrogance, this is the place to be.

You know you've watched too much RK when.....
I love this place! It's really cool and funny.

Innocent Smile
Dedicated to Seta Soujiro.

May’s Homepage – Animation Rurouni Kenshin
Do you know Kenshin's exact birthday? or height? or weight? 

Rurouni Kenshin Page
Nice Pic Gallery! Very cute pic of Sano and Sake! hehe

Ryeka : Rurouni Kenshin

The Archive's RK Page
Cool layout, great gallery. If you would like to know the basic stuff about RK, look no more!

Mibu no Ookami
Saitoh adorers, be there, you would be spoiled!

Or you could just go to Anime Web Turnpike there is a huge list of RK links there.



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