
I have a lot of people to thank in making this homepage happen.

                Thank you! First of all, I have to thank my sister, who has been a really big help.  Without her, this page would never have been made in the first place.

                Thank you! My parents, who has supported and encouraged me all the way.

                Thank you! All the people whose pictures I've stolen. I didn't mean to. At first I was going to save those pics for my own collection. Well, anyway, their honorable links can be found in the Links section.

                Thank you! Microsoft Front Page. I'm a complete dummy when it comes to building a page. I know nothing about HTML. Microsoft Front Page makes it a lot easier for me.

                Thank you! Geocities, for hosting this page.

                Thank you! The people who have signed my guest book or given me comments and suggestions on how to improve my page.

                And Thank You! for visiting my humble site and having the patience to read all this. ^_<


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