US Faces a Grave Danger

Richard Wilde

Junior Foreign Affairs Analyst


When a nation finds itself bordered by a country whose action or inaction constitutes a belligerent advance, the failure to respond in a timely manner is not only cowardly but also is a threat to its national security and a surrender to the downfall of its civilization and vitality.  It therefore becomes expedient that the wronged nation use whatever force necessary to repel the offending party, whether the invaders engage in an open war or in the condoning of upsetting factors.  This is the current plight of the United States of America, whose long border stands undefended from an onslaught of dangerous influences, presenting a massive threat to the security of the nation.  The situation being thus, the United States is obligated to mobilize against Canada’s nefarious objectives.

            The list of grievances is lengthy, and begins with the Canadian connection to radical terrorist organizations.  Numerous accounts have testified that Canada is turning a blind eye while terrorists use it as a launching pad for attacks against the US.  Senior terrorism expert Kenneth R. Timmerman wrote of the situation that “Canada has a problem and the government in Ottawa knows it. Lax immigration and political-asylum laws have made America's neighbor to the north a safe haven of choice for international terrorists of bin Laden's al-Qaeda network”.  And was this an oversight, or does Canada, jealously eyeing our leadership of the world market, have its own motives?  Naturally, a Canadian nation, out-produced year after year by the US, with a feeling of security fostered by 188 years of US toleration, would find satisfaction in the destruction of the World Trade Center towers that stood as a symbol of US dominance of the world economy.  Some may say that this would hurt Canadian interests, as many Canadians were working in or otherwise dealing with offices in the World Trade Center.  This, however, neglects the fact that the towers were located in the US and Canadian entrepreneurs were attracted to them, causing a “brain drain” on the Canadian populace.  For years, potential Canadian greats, from the prolific inventor Reginald Fessenden to comedian Phil Hartman, have abandoned Canada for the US.  Yolande Lavoie has estimated that some 900,000 French Canadians migrated to the US from 1840 to 1940, constituting only one third of Canadian emigration.  Besides the drain that nearly 3 million emigrations had on the Canadian populace, this immigration of Canadians clearly shows that we have already been invaded.  We cannot stand idly by while these harvesters of pro-Canadian propaganda spill over our borders.. The border must be guarded and our military must be employed to show these Canadians that we are willing to stand up for ourselves.

            Equally unsettling are the actions of Canada’s rogue government.  The Liberal Party which currently controls the region has recently been found to have given over C$100 million worth of sponsorship funds to pro-Liberal advertisers, while the nation’s half-trillion dollars in debt stay unpaid.  Parliament members are contemplating holding off “elections” for months until, as Prime Minister Paul Martin has said, “we’re ready”, throwing into doubt the Democratic façade of this administration.  The people of Canada find nearly half of their income taxed away and suffer under the stifling and violent power of the police.  Amnesty International attests that “A disproportionate number of homeless and mentally ill individuals, as well as members of racial and ethnic minorities, are victims of police abuse and brutality ranging from verbal epithets to unwarranted searches to beatings and killings”.  Indeed, one need not look far to find cases similar to the May 3, 2001 incident where a constable repeatedly slammed the face of a defenseless woman into his cruiser.  Police in Saskatoon now face allegations of leaving aborigines in sub-zero temperatures without means of returning to civilization.  The tyranny of this regime cannot be allowed to persist, and the US is the best medium by which freedom can be spread through the world.  Surely, the pseudo democratic process of Canada cannot be trusted to redress the wrongs of the Great White Northern power structure.

            While an invasion of Canada seems to be a radical move, our options are narrowing.  Though Canada is not publicly aspiring to nuclear weaponry, it is admitted that Canada has researched nuclear technology since World War Two and its nuclear program, Canada Deuterium Uranium, (CANDU), is among the most advanced nuclear systems in the world.  CANDU, established ostensibly for energy concerns only, nevertheless threatens the delicate balance among the nuclear powers.  The façade of energy research is the perfect way to ease the world’s fears of nuclear proliferation, and this tactic has recently been employed by the power-hungry Iranian regime. Furthering the deception is Canada’s apparent loyalty to worldwide nuclear freeze initiatives, such as the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.  By supporting these measures, the Canadian potential for nuclear prowess slips under US radar while aiming to convince US politicians to sign onto them.  Current leaders are hesitant to leave the nation undefended, but could a future administration, the likes of John Kerry, succeed in disarming the US?  Can we allow this to happen, opening the door for Canada to take over as a nuclear power?  Nay, we must exert our strength in liberating the Canadian civilians and uncovering the weapons programs that indubitably have been established in anticipation of such disarmament.

            Canada has persisted in its activities for far too long.  The US has given Canada a free ride since 1813 and it is now time for a reassertion of US interests to counter the Great White invasion.
