Unixware 7.11 Enterprise Walk-through Installation

Download the most recent EFS from Compaq drivers website
(Select server type and Unixware 7x, the latest EFS is under bundles)

Boot to SmartStart
Select manual install
System Configuration Utility and if you have an array controller
     Array Configuration Utility will run… The system will reboot
     and create the Compaq Partition…
The system will reboot …

Insert Unixware CD 1 of 3
Proceed with installation in English (I selected this option)
Select language
Press Enter
Welcome to Unixware 7, Release 7.1.1
Press F10 = Next

Choose a zone for this system and press F10 (I selected Americas (Latin-1))
Press F10 = Next

Choose a locale for this system and press F10 (I selected English for USA)
Press F10

Keyboard (I selected United States)
Press F10

System License (Enter your License Number, License Code, and License Data)
Press F10

Choose One
	Install HBA diskette (You want to select this option)
	Proceed with installation
Insert the HBA (Refer to the readme on how to ID this disk)
Press F10
This diskette is not an HBA diskette…. (You have inserted the wrong disk, Insert HBA)
	Press Enter to continue
Processing drivers…
Copying Drivers
Choose One
	Install HBA diskette
	Proceed with installation (You want to select this option)
Press F10

Extracting drivers…
Copying Drivers
Choose One
Enter the DCU (manually configure drivers) (I selected this one this option)
Do not enter DCU (auto-configure drivers)
Press F10

Device Configuration Utility Main Menu
	Hardware Device Configuration
Software Device Drivers
Apply Changes & Exit DCU (I selected this option after reviewing first two)
Exit DCU and Cancel Changes

System Node Name (Name your node)
Press F10

Installation Method
Install from CD-ROM (I selected this option)
Install from TCP network server
Install from SPX network server
Cancel installation and shut down
Press F10
Please wait while the install media (cdrom) is verified…

Disk Configuration
Press F2
Choose One
	Use whole disk for Unix
	Customize partitions (I selected this options)
	Re-load partition information from disk
Press Enter
Select partition type and  % of disk to be used for the partitions
Example: Highlight partition 2 Type using TAB
		Press F2
		Select UNIX System
Press Enter
		TAB to Status
		Press F2
		Select Active
		TAB to %, Type: 99
		Press Enter
Press F10

Choose One
 Use default filesystem size and types (I selected this option)
 Customize filesystems and slices
Press F10

Choose to customize surface analysis, boot block, and disk geometry options.
Choose One
Use default disk options (I selected this option)
Customize disk options
Press F10

Choose System Profile
	License-Based Defaults (I selected this option)
	Small Footprint Server
	Full (All Packages)
	Customize Installation of Packages
Press F10

Select a Network Adapter
	Select from the detected adapters shown above
	Select from the full list of supported adapters
	Defer network configuration (I selected this option)
Press F10

Set Date and Time
Press F10

Select Security Level
	Traditional (I selected this option)
	Improved (C2)
	High (Above C2)
Press F10

System Owner Name
	System owner name:
	System owner login name:
	System owner user ID number: 101 (default)
	System owner password:
	Repeat password:
Press F10

Root password
Press F10

License Agreement
	Accept (I selected this option)
	Do not accept
	Display Licenses
Press F10

The installation is now ready to write data to your hard disk
Press F10 = Install software

Loading installation utilities
Making filesystems…
Preparing to install software
Fetching default Host Bust Adapter…
Installing Software, Please wait
Installation Progress
(If you get a message stating:  this isn't the HBA… Inserted the HBA and hit Enter)
Drivers loaded
Building the operating system screen came up
Installation is complete press enter to shutdown and restart
Remove cdrom and floppy
Press Enter

(System will reboot)

Select type of mouse
	Serial Mouse
	Bus Mouse
	PS/2-compatible Mouse (I selected this option)
	No Mouse
Press F10

Number of buttons (I selected default 2)
Press F10
Configuring mouse screen will appear
Test mouse screen will come up
Press Enter
Test  mouse and click when finished

To continue installation insert CD-ROM #2
Press F10
Examining the installation media…
Loading volume contents…
Select products to be installed (I took the default)
Press Enter to start install
Now installing the following products:
Based on the products I selected to install I had the following screens appear:
Enhanced Event Logging System Installation
Enter Default Database Location (I used the default values)
Press TAB highlighting Apply
Press Enter
Enhanced Event Logging in installed
Now installing the following products
The following products were successfully installed:
Press F10

To Continue installing insert CD-ROM #3
Press F10
Examining the media…
Select products to install (I took defaults)
Press Enter to start install
Now installing the following products…
Based on the products I selected to install I had the following screens appear:
RealNetworks Real Audio 3.1 Encoder Set Installation (I selected to install both options)
Press TAB highlighting Apply
Press Enter
Packages Succeeded
Press Enter to continue
RealNetworks RealPlayer 5.0 Set Install (I selected to install both options)
Press TAB highlighting Apply
Press Enter
Packages Succeeded
Press Enter to continue
RealNetworks G2 Server Set Installation (I selected to install both options)
Press TAB highlighting Apply
Press Enter
Select Automatic or Custom  install options for RealNetworks Server
Press TAB highlighting Apply
Press Enter
Packages Succeeded
Press Enter to continue
	Windows integration Services Set Installation (I selected to install both options)
Press TAB highlighting Apply
Press Enter
VisionFS install notes:
Warning: VisionFS will NOT start after installation, until initial passwords are setup.
You should run command: /usr/vision/bin/visionfs password -wizard
To setup password, and then start VisionFS with /usr/vision/bin/visionfs
	Are these settings OK?  (options Yes,No,Quit)
	Press Enter for default (y)
Packages Succeeded
Press Enter to continue
ARCserverIT v6.6 From Computer Associates Set Installation (I selected to install both options)
Press TAB highlighting Apply
Press Enter
UX:pkginstall:ERROR: preinstall script did not complete successfully
There are 4 more packages to be installed
Press Y
Packages Succeeded (ARCserveIT Hardware Manager and auto-pilot Failed)
Press Enter to continue
Details on any failures are detailed in electronic mail sent to the login ID "root"
Press Enter
Error installing ARCserverIT
Press F10
The following products were installed:
Press F10

Unix kernel will be rebuilt now
Unix kernel has been rebuild
System will reboot now…(system reboots)

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