Hitzrus Response

Alight when this started out I agreed to play by the rules when I was told not to respond to the lies and rumors posted by people on Hitzrus. But at this point it has gone much to far and things need to be cleared up once and for all. You seemed to want either Ashlinka or I to respond and were even convinced that someone else was me! So here it is my response.

Time to lend some truth to the lies that are overflowing the those forums because misinformed seems to topic of that thread entirely (Beware Of Rockin' Roadtrip's)

First of all it's funny how you all grant yourselves the permission to "pass judgement" on my friends and I when most of you DON'T know us. And if you have met us then you didn't take the time to look past the surface (e.g. clothes, shoes, thing's you've heard from others).

Not every story that gets passed around at shows (or online) is true. If you heard something about one of your friend wouldn't you want to clarify it before jumping to conclusions? Did you even think to ask one of us for our side of things? There are two sides to every story after all. But maybe you're just too one dimensional to handle it.

How would you feel to be the topic of conversation at Hitzrus?

So here it is plain and simple the truth, read on if you think you can handle it.

You are all sitting here calling my friends and I stalkers when we went to 7 shows over the entire tour last year. I don't see you talking about the people that went to 27 shows or more. Why is that?
Could it be that those people are you?

Let's begin with the fire starter Feed_Taylor or shall I say Erin.
Did you post this because Ashlinka, Kristen and I ditched you as soon as you told us that the Hanson family hated you?
We didn't really want to be seen with you after a confession like that.
Or maybe is was because a POSSIBILITY of a M&G in Toronto morphed into a promise in your mind (I recall telling you online that we were TRYING to get a M&G for everyone) and you were bitter than the only person who did go backstage in Toronto was me? (Yes I do have pictures to prove it see the photo's link)
Boo fucking hoo you ONLY met them in Ottawa cry me a river.
Now it's my turn to ask you some questions.
Where were you when the REAL reason that we were leading them to Ottawa was being hashed out in the back of the bus?
Oh wait I know the answer to that one...in the front watching the UAL DVD or sleeping right?
Why did both Dave and Billy have OUR walkie talkies on their buses?
Where were you when Rob was talking to Dave about where we were going to be staying in Ottawa?
Where were you when Billy told us that bus call was at noon to leave for the venue in Ottawa?
Where were you when Fernando was picking on Ashlinka in the hotel lobby while she was minding her own business on the computer?
Oh and could you tell me when I cried over Natalie? Because I found that lie really entertaining!

So when it really come down to it you don't know half the answers to everything that went on that weekend. Mind your own damn business and be thankful to have another experiance under your belt.

And finally Gary wasn't trying to sell anything to Machine. Machine was only their tour manager so get your stories straight please! (See the Truth page for details)

Let's move on to our next self-proclaimed know it all and loud mouth Itz_Twins...Suzanna and Esther right?
Strange I think you contacted me about being on one of the trips because that's the only reason I'd have you on my MSN list. How amusing, you calling someone a stalker is really the pot calling the kettle black.
How would you know that Ashlinka and I were at the Hanson's hotel in Toronto, and Ottawa unless...*GASP* You were there too!
Weren't you and your friends the disrespectful jerks taking pictures of the family there? And at the Docks, and in Ottawa and well...anywhere you go? (See the hitzrus photobucket for proof everyone)
Guess you didn't get the memo about them not liking that.
No wonder you were asked to leave.
And if you're wondering why we weren't it's because we were staying at the hotel.

Hanson usually gets off at rest stops? How would you know? I guess we know who really follows them around everywhere.
Wait a minute...weren't you one of that group that stalked them to a freakin' McDonalds?

Next Christella, you're calling us crazy? You seem to be a little misinformed about things too. You were the among the few that went again the rules specifically stated before the Cleveland trip about NO underage drinking which is one of the reason you were not invited again. You were running around the hotel acting like a drunken fool. It doesn't matter that you had just turned 18 drinking age in the USA is 21 and everyone over 21 would have been held accountable had you been caught.
And yes, I have witnesses from when YOU told us in the hotel hallway that you were drunk.
Didn't you give Zac your comp card at Chum? Which he proceeded to pass of to Taylor and which eventually ended up with Ashlinka? I always thought that was funny

So who cares whether I go by a different name? Does it really make you lose sleep at night? Lot's of people legally change their names it's not that big of a deal. As Morgan said I never went by Jessica where did you come up with that Christella? That really is a new one! Besides for all you know I may have legally changed it by now!

Yep I'm a soloist. So I have a couple of songs similarly named to Hanson's big fucking deal! "This Time Around" which I'm not even sure how you heard since I haven't played it for anyone because it was the first demo we ever did was a JOKE song. As for "Underneath" do you know how many songs are out there called "Underneath"? Or "I'll Be There For You" for that matter? I don't think I need to make a list.

So how do you suppose I was able to get backstage if Gary didn't have any connections? I don't know how often I will have to state this: THERE IS MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE HERE. Did you get that? If you don't know what your talking about then I suggest you quit while you're ahead before you actually lodge your large feet in your mouth.

I find it really sad that you had a "large talk" about my friends and I. It just goes to show that you really need something else to think about, worry about, and talk about.

Now let's touch on these fucked up rumors you people have come up with.

Rumor #1 - I claimed that I was Ezra's Mother/think I'm Natalie.
Who the fuck are you kidding?
Someone asked me about this over a year ago and I told them that it WASN'T true. It was proven that some fan invented the rumor because they thought it would be funny. This was the result.

Rumor #2 - Hanson is afraid of us.
Wild imaginations at work again here.
Why would Taylor address someone he didn't want to talk to? Why would I have been INVITED backstage in Toronto?
Why did they select Ashlinka to be reporter for Scranton? Why did Zac give her a hug when he saw her? Why did Isaac ask about me? Scared?
Very doubtful. Erin does NOT know Hanson just like she doesn't really know Ashlinka and I.

Rumor # 3 - Zac is Ashlinka's friend.
Oh my! Way to blow a joke WAY out of proportion. The extent of this was Ashlinka JOKINGLY asked Zac to "Be her friend" to which he replied "Friendship is a joint venture, I can't just be your friend you have to be my friend too" It was a JOKE you had to be there and let's see....YOU WEREN'T! Which means you don't know what you're talking about so...DROP THAT TOO!

Next you guys spent you own precious time researching Ashlinka and I which is quite flattering but don't you think that's kinda sad?
The interviews you posted are OLD! Like 2001 old.
Ashley is NOT Ashlinka. Ashley is an entirely different girl.
Yep I was brought up on oldies, so were alot of people.
The music? Don't like it? I've got a very simple solution for you DON'T LISTEN TO IT!

Yes this website was originally for our own personal entertainment it was mocking another such fan site and it was nothing but a big JOKE.

Finally the most pathetic thing I thought I would save for the end.
You guys are more catty than a season of "America's Top Model"!
Who cares if I was wearing a jean jacket that I got for my birthday? Lot's of people own jean jackets.
Don't like Ashlinka's shoes? Who cares? You're not wearing them.
Not everyone can afford to wear something once and throw it away.

So Hanson grew up but unfortunately alot of their fan base did not follow suit. None of you KNOW Hanson like you like to think you do, and you don't KNOW Ashlinka and I either.

You're all spending so much time in front of your computers watching your asses grow insulting people you DON'T know on message boards in a desperate attempt to make yourselves feel better about your own pathetic exsistance, instead of living your own life you're dwelling on someone else's.

Now I know how reality TV became so popular...

Want some more truth I will answer any questions you have feel free to contact me.


See Ashlinka's Response