The Truth

Disclaimer: The following is the truth. None of the stories here are made up they all happened. These accounts are not meant to bash undeserving members of Hitzrus (but if you said something and you know who you are then you're going to get it back). The sole purpose of this is to tell you what really happened. There are pictures/videos/witenesses to prove everything written here. We also welcome questions, comments and concerns. Please see the contact section for contact info.

Okay before I tell those of you who have made up rumors and lies about my friends and I where to go let's get a few things straight.
Here's what happened straight and to the point just the facts.

Bus Trip #1 "The Storm Cleveland Project"

I don't claim to be the first to have thought of taking a tour bus to a concert because I'm sure many other Hanson fans have THOUGHT about it themselves.
However the difference is that we were the first to actually DO it.
Cleveland didn't even start off as a bus trip I wanted to go down and see Hanson for my birthday which is in May with a couple friends and my manager (whom some of you know as Gary) said if I was going to goof off it might as well be productive goofing off.
So we decided that we would attempt to start filming stuff for my documentary and try to get some stuff for my video done.
So what better a way to do it by recruiting Hanson fans and then as well as doing that and seeing Hanson checking out the Rock N' Roll Hall fo Fame while we were there as well.
So the moment we got the idea we started advertising it and talking to the bus company. (Big thanks to that bus company and our drivers!)
We invited 20 people and Clear Channel was kind enough to sell us a block of 20 seats in advance as well as we got a block of tickets for the RnR Hall of Fame.
Yes we only had one hotel room and yes some things were slightly unorganized but that's life it's a game of trial and error if you don't try then you don't know what works and what doesn't.
So of course like the first time for alot of things there were problems.
There had been a dicussion with someone from the Hanson camp (sorry can't mention names) about Hanson coming to visit everyone on the bus after the show but because of the amount of fans there would have been no possible way for them to get out of their van and onto our bus and be able to get off again.
For those of you who didn't notice there were two cars following us back to our hotel!
So I apologize to those who were dissapointed we tried, it didn't work, shit happens.
But as a final note on the SCP we did get some awesome video footage and thank the people that came out. (Yes, EVERYONE signed a waiver. If you don't remember we'd be glad to post them up or e-mail them to you.)

Bus Trip #2 Reality Show Test Run

Yep we waited until the last minute...LITERALLY to set this one up and I'm still paying for it but what the hell you only live once right?
Anyone who saw MuchMusic the day before the Toronto concert please disregard the statement made by Rick he said it ALL wrong.
We do NOT follow Hanson around the country we have lives and better things to do (no offense to the band or anyone that does go to a great number of shows we just don't have the time).
So we had a few people drop out last minute because as unorganized goes the pre-planning for this trip was almost non-exsistant I admit it.
My friends and I did stay downtown the night before and we don't have to excuse ourselves for that. We had fun that's all that matters.
If you did see us at the hotel yes Taylor spoke to us first. End of story.
Gary did NOT harass Machine He talked to him maybe once or twice. Machine was just the one who opened the gate and led us backstage. He wasn't the one who issued our invitation.
The person who did that is the one that Gary was discussing things with. I knew we would be going back about two days before the show.
So all you need to know is that yes I went backstage and it was because of Gary's connection and that we were indeed guests.
The convoy...we had spent that night before hanging out with Billy and Fern and they are great guys (Thanks Billy, Fern, Dave, and Jimi for everything! And of course the person whose name I can't say Thanks!)
Billy came to our bus that afternoon and brought guitar picks for the people on the bus and hung out there for awhile. He and our driver and Dave worked out the convoy arrangement while we were at the show. (or at least when I wasn't around cause I don't remember it)
Billy was even hanging out on the bus after the show when he left we knew we were leaving for Ottawa.
We didn't stay at their hotel in Ottawa because we did it in TO. If Hanson didn't come off the bus it was not because of us since they had okayed us staying there or the convoy would have split at the last rest stop.(the walkies talkies you made jokes about? One was with Billy one was with Dave what does that say?) Natalie came off, and Diana came off.
Hell our rooms were all together! Why?
Because we passed the test!

As for someone's comment about upcoming trips. Things will be DIFFERENT!
They will not be anything like these trips considering these trips were just warm ups and trial runs. So for more info contact us.