
How to Submit a Story

Please have someone beta read your story before submitting it.  If you do not have a beta reader, please contact someone from our Volunteer Beta Readers list.

Case 1: My stories are already posted on another web page.

Send an e-mail to the Libroarians including the URL of the page where your stories are posted as well as your e-mail address so readers can send you feedback.  Also, please include the following (for each story):

The title
The rating
Spoiler warnings and/or other warnings (i.e. if it contains the death of a main character)
One or two sentence summary of the story

Case 2: My stories are not posted anywhere else on the web.

Please make sure that each story contains the following:

The title
The rating
Spoiler warnings and/or other warnings (i.e. if it contains the death of a main character)
One or two sentence summary of the story
Your e-mail address so readers can send you feedback.

There are two ways that you can send us your story:

1) Cut and paste the story into an e-mail.  Please do not indent your paragraphs and leave a space between them.  Put the title of the story in the subject line as well as the number of the e-mail.  For example, if you have to send your story in three e-mails because of size then the subject lines should look like this:

Subject: Title of Story (1/3)
Subject: Title of Story (2/3)
Subject: Title of Story (3/3)

2) Send your story as a word attachment.

Problems?  Questions?  E-mail the Libroarians!

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