Say Hello to Sarah Peters
Hey There!

Born May 14, 2004 at 5:26 P.M.

Sarah's New Location on the Web!

Look Who's Walking!!!!
Want to know what Sarah has been up to? Sarah's Web Diary! -updated Feb 26th
I know, but we're kinda busy!
Most Recent Pictures:

June and July

May 14
Sarah's First Birthday!!!

April 16
I'm Walking!!

March 31
Discovering Tupperware!!

February 26
Climbing Stairs!!!

February 18
Busy Little Girl

February 9
Happy Birthday Grandma!!
Peek-a-boo Greetings

January 30

Standing Pictures

In The New Year
Using the Chair to Stand Up
Come and Get Me!
My 4 Top Teeth, I Have 7 Now!!
Not As Recent Pictures:

Christmas in Cobourg
Quilt of Grandpa's Ties
Still Opening a Present
Showing How Fast I Can Go
"Hairless Chrishna"
Havin' a Bath in the Sink
With Grandma
Dylan and Sarah

Christmas in Ottawa
Four Pretty Women
Almost Time For Presents
I'm New At This, You Chew It, Right?
Playing In The Paper

Dec 16
Bath Time With Froggies
"Eating" My Veggies!
What If I Turn It This Way
Oh Yeah... That's Good Toast...
Sarah Meets Santa

Nov 26
Almost Asleep With the Charmin Bear
Sleeping Face Down on the CHEO Bear!
Citizen Article Picture 1

Nov 11

Oct 30
Piglet Coat
Cool Piglet!
Cool Girl in her Jolly Jumper!
What Happens When You Play Too Hard
This Is My Foot In My Mouth!

Oct 8-12, Thanksgiving!
After the Meal
Floor Time With Daddy
Thanksgiving Family Portrait
Uncle Paul and Sarah
Overalls Rule!
Older Pictures:

Oct 3,Sarah's Baptism
Close-up of Dress
Dress and Bib
Grandma and Sarah
Daddy and Sarah on Church Steps
Lookin' Good!
Sept 21-23, Sarah at CHEO
Sleepin' in the Big House
Time For a Cuddle And a Nap
I Love the Turtle Mirror!
Katrina and Mary Came to Visit
Me and My New Bear
Talking To Daddy
Warning: Makes Daddy Teary...

Sept 19, First Cereal
Sarah's First Try at Cereal
Show and Tell
After The Sneeze...

Sept 6
Setting Up for the Video Shoot
Video Shoot: Me and My Co-star
Need a Lift?

Aug 17
Family Portrait #3

July 27,2004
At the Big Apple!
Making Faces

July 10,2004
In the Snuggly With Daddy

July 7,2004
Bath time
Sleeping with the Pansies
Sleepin' in the Big Bed
Sleeping in the Swing

Please contact us at if you want to tell us how much you love Sarah too!
Back to Rob and Carole's Webspace With special thanks to Jennifer Byrne for getting this page started.
Visit her Vegas Wedding page here.