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Key phrases quoted from the PDF file: The Kingdom of God isn't a political entity. It simply means, any portion of the universe where God is recognised as King...Don't judge and you won't be judged...The knowledge of good and evil has turned our natural appetite into an evil urge. We can't stop doing bad...Yes, God is all powerful, but two more of His attributes are justice and mercy...When he created humanity, God combined His attributes of justice and mercy...because of God's attribute of justice - God cannot allow sin to stand in His presence...When we talk about the fear of God, we don't mean some sort of phobia. It means we understand God's holy nature, and we act according towards Him...Hear oh Israel: The Lord is God, the Lord is One. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength...You shall love your neighbour as yourself...The golden age of King David and King Solomon became the point of reference by which these prophets predicted the coming of a future king, who would re-establish the Kingdom of God...The Kingdom of God is here! Repnt and believe this good news!... Yeshua began to prove that he was bringing in God's kingdom by starting to tear down Satan's kingdom piece by piece: He cast out demons (Satan's kingdom was shaken), He healed the sick, He raised the dead...He had been sent from God to usher in the Kingdom of God...Since God had given authority over the earth to humanity, only a human could ultimately take that authority back from Satan...The Kingdom of God is like a seed. If you keep it by itself it has no value,but if it falls into the ground and dies, it will sprout, and grow,and bear fruit. You will gain many times more than what you started out with. So it is with the kingdom of God...Messiah would be like a sheep being led to slaughter...He was sentenced to a type of death usually reserved for the worst type of criminal, such as terrorists and gangsters - the type of people who would bomb a school bus - he was crucified...His blood spilled to the ground. It was the blood of a new covenant from a perfect human on behalf of a broken world...Wherever people proclaim God's Kingdom, the same power is present that was with Yeshua as he was proclaiming the Kingdom of God...Remember - the Kingdom of God is anywhere where God is recognised as King. We recognise His Kingship by being in submission to Him...So, do you want to become a part of this Kingdom community? How does that happen?..."Repent" means to "turn around",or to "reverse direction". It means to turn from all our own ideas we've had about how to sort out our lives, and our world, and turn to God. It is, after all, God's Kingdom we're joining, not our own...So, how does one go about repenting and believing?...The purpose of Repentance is to get rid of all that deadwood, so you can make room in your life for The Kingdom of God...One of the purposes of the Kingdom of God, is to make the world more life-friendly. That could well mean adjusting our lifestyle so as to benefit more people than just ourselves...Turn from your sin (repent), return to God, and be immersed on the authority of Yeshua, the Messiah into forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38)...the Kingdom of God, besides being a kingdom, is also a community...Church: where the people's personality and character have been noticeably transformed through abiding in the presence of God (through worship, repentance, prayer and Bible reading) so that the image of Yeshua/Jesus is seen in the lives of the people...Seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you...Your Kingdom come, Your will be done in earth as it is in Heaven