My Pages:

May 15, 2007 21:23 CP

Many things have caused me to rethink the whole picture of life in recent time. It's hard for me to realize how fast things can change. I have alot of time on my hands from the 25th(my graduation) and Nov. 6th (when I leave for the Navy). I most likely will get a job to gain a little extra money and to take time off my hands.

I'm currently attempting to learn some Javascript but the best I can do right is to copy the work of others (with permission) to better my page. I need ideas for different sections of my site but I don't have any. I'm done for today

May 12, 2007 23:30 CP

I've done alot of changing to this webpage within this last day and it is tiresome work. I know that it's a pretty late time to be updating at this time of night but I'm a dedicated programmer. There's always something that needs to be imporved by my standards and I'm never content with my own work.

My time work on this was got off from a complete black out in my town for about half an hour. Nothing big, I'm just glad I was able to work on this some more.

This'll be my last post for today because in 30 minutes, today will be no more.

May 12, 2007 17:27 CP

Ok, so this is my first actual full out webpage that I've hand created with HTML by my self by what W3Schools taught me. I do not wished to be mocked but do so if you wish otherwise just say something that would make my day. I just began learning HTML 2 days ago and I'm working on this wholeweb designing thing. I hope that one day I will get pretty skilled at this and do web designing as a side job.

I'm 18 years old and I'll be leaving for Navy bootcamp on Nov. 6 of this year. I'm going in to become a Nuclear Engineer and web designing will probably keep my sane from all the "nerds" that play D&D and Magic The Gathering day in and day out.

That was my 2 cents for today, peace!
© 2007 By Robert Portell
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