Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
                                    May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you

Welcome to my revamped Islamic Net page , through the bounty of Allah (swt) , this is another my attempt after receiving so many requests from my well-wishers and my potential members of my Islamic discussion forum (Islamic_net) , I tried my the best to compile this resource and to accumulate  the  references (accessible-on- internet) for the benefit of Muslims. I would like to thank my all readers for their continued support and please help me to improve more by your valued comments and suggestions.

Regards / Robin


Understanding Islam

The Myth of Islamic Fundamentalism
What Does Fundamentalism Really Mean?
I S L A M: The Green Threat, or Green Saviour?


Resources for New Muslims

Introductory information on Islam for non-Muslims and new Muslims

An extensive resource site that "was built to assist new Muslims in learning more about their new found faith." Various articles and links are selected that are most beneficial to new Muslims. The site itself is built by converts to

A resource guide offering basic information, advice, an Islamic terms glossary, and book recommendations for new Muslims. By Yahiya Emerick

For someone entirely new to Islam

Islam In History ( History )

Islamic History (Chronology)

Islamic Geography in the Middle Ages

Matt Rosenberg, the Guide to Geography, gives a fascinating look at Islamic contributions to world exploration.
A Brief History of Islam

Islam, A World Civilization

Prophets of Islam Muslims believe in One Almighty Creator, Who is Omnipotent, Compassionate, and Merciful. In His mercy, He sends guidance to mankind on how to properly worship Him and live our lives.

The Prophets in Islam

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

Islamic Gateway Resource Centre

Proofs of The Truthfulness of Muhammed PBUH

The Last Sermon of The Prophet Muhammad PBUH

Muhammad, The Prophet of Islam

The Great Revolutionary Prophet

Voting for the Man of History??

Finality of Prophethood


Companions of The Prophet

This is compilation of the stories/biographies of The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)'s Companions
obtained from many resources (books, internet, etc.). The lifes of The Companions of The Prophet are the source of knowledge, spirit, inspiration, and guidance for us. Hopefully, these stories can benefit us...

The Holy Qur'an

History of the Quran

Four Basic Quranic Terms

The Noble Quran ( Interpretation of the Meaning of the Noble Quran by Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. Verses in Arabic accompanied by English interpretation, and Maududi's Chapter Introductions )

Holy Qur'an -- Arabic Script and Recitation ( A single interface for reading the Arabic text of the Qur'an, A. Yusuf Ali's translation of the meaning, and RealAudio recitation by Khalil Hussary )

Quran Browser ( Searchable Qur'an interface. Searches Pickthall, Yusuf Ali, and Shakir translations. The 'advanced search' also adds Maulvi Sher Ali translation. Many search options

MSA-USC Qur'an Database ( Search Qur'an translations (Yusuf Ali, Pickthall, Shakir)

The Holy Quran Searchable Index ( l Search the topic index of Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation of the meaning of the Qur'an )

Recitation of the Qur'an

Radio Al-Islam Channel RA 100 ( Recitation of the entire Qur'an by Shaikh al-Hussary in RealAudio. Also has reading of meanings of 10 short suras in English, and Dua' Khatam (supplication at the end of recitation of the complete Qur'an) by al-Sudais

1st Online World Competition of Quran Recitation (An online competition accepting video submissions through March 8, 2000, in Quran recitation for youths of age 6 to 20)

Al Muhaddith Islamic Library & Search Program (
A "Public Islamic Library" program featuring over 50 Islamic books in Arabic and English. Public texts include well-known commentaries on the Qur'an, books of hadith, and fiqh texts. The Muhaddith program provides a single interface to these texts along with search functionality.

Preservation of the Qur'aan (
Outlined notes detailing the process of compiling the Qur'an, with references to sources for this material.

Proof of the Preservation of the Quran ( An article by Sabeel Ahmed )

Memorizing the Qur'an ( Excerpt from Abdur-Rahman Abdul Khaaliq's "Al-Qawaaid adh-Dhahabiyyah li-Hifdh il-Quran il-Adheem" (The Golden Rules for Memorization of the Glorious Quran) translated by Amjad Rafiq. Eleven guidelines to help with the memorization of the Qur'an.

Holy Qur'an Resources on the Internet ( Assorted Qur'an-related articles and pointers to other resources )

Essential Points to Remember when Reciting the Holy Qur'an ( 10 points to help recite the Qur'an more properly )

Tafseer of the Salaf ( An article by the early scholar Ibn Taymiyyah on how the early generations of Islam approached the meanings of the Qur'an ) .

Interpretation/Tafseer of the Qur'an

In the Shade of the Quran ( The 30th juz' in Sayyid Qutb's tafseer of the Qur'an)

Tafsir - Qur'anic Commentary ( Commentary on selected
chapters of the Qur'an, compiled from the work of five major scholarly sources, including Ibn Kathir and al-Jalalayn) .

The Rightly-Guided Caliphs


The Status of Sunnah and Hadith  in Islam

The sunna, the practice and example of the Prophet, is the second authority for Muslims. A hadith is a reliably transmitted report of what the Prophet said, did, or approved. Belief in the sunna is part of the Islamic faith.

The Blessed and Mighty, chose Muhammad (SAW) as His Prophet and picked him to deliver the final message. The Qur'an was revealed to him and commanded him to obey all what He had ordered him to do, that is, to expound His message to the people. Allah says, We have revealed to you the Reminder (The Qur'an) to expound to people what was revealed to them (16:44).

Translation of Sahih Bukhari ( Translator: M. Muhsin Khan )

Translation of Sahih Muslim ( Translator: Abdul Hamid Siddiqui )

Translation Of Malik's Muwatta ( Translators: `A'isha `Abdarahman at-Tarjumana and Ya`qub Johnson )

Forty Hadith Qudsi

An-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths ( Translation of Imam An-Nawawi's Book)

Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud ( Partial by Prof. Ahmad Hasan)

The Status of Sunnah in Islam (Google Directory)

Usool al-Fiqh

Sources for Islamic Rulings and Shari'ah, How did Islamic fiqh develop?

Organ transplant, Islam, Fiqh, Fatwa, Ruling, Shariah - A Juristic ruling regarding organ Transplant


(The Four Imams)

Al-Imām Abu Haneefah An-Nu'man (80AH - 150AH)

Imam Malik Ibn Anas (93 - 179H)

Imam Al-Shafi`i (d. 204H)

Iman Ahmed Ibn Hanba ( d.241 H)


Islamic Values & Virtues

Muslim's Character ( his excerpt from the book by Muhammad al-Ghazali discusses the interrelation of faith and morals.

Perfecting One's Character ( A selection by Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah)

Islamic Brotherhood: the most perfect brotherhood of all times ( Hisham Zoubeir presents collected reflections on the power and significance of brotherhood among Muslims )

How Does One Attain Sincerity? ( A selection from Ibn ul-Qayyim's Fawaa'id )

Bustan al-`Arifin (The Garden of the Gnostics) ( Imam al-Nawawi's collection of thirty hadiths embodying the roots and basis of faith, beginning with an explanation of sincerity (ikhlas) and intention )

Patience and Perseverance

The Patience of Noble People and the Patience of Ignoble People ( Ibn ul-Qayyim speaks about the patience (sabr) of the righteous, a willing act, in comparison with the patience of the ignoble, who "have the greatest patience in following their own whims and desires, and have the least patience in obeying their Lord"

Islam and Science

Islam and Modern Science ( A lecture at MIT by Prof. Sayyed Hossein Nasr )

Qur'an and Science ( A New Astronomical Quranic Method )  A New Astronomical Quranic Method for The Determination of the Greatest Speed C, by Dr. Mansour Hassab-Elnaby

The Qur'an, Knowledge, and Science ( An article on the Qur'an and science by A. Abd-Allah. Discusses the Qur'anic appreciation of knowledge, and specific knowledge to be found in the Qur'an

The Qur'an and Modern Science ( From Maurice Bucaille's "The Origin of Man." Discusses misconceptions about the Qur'an, contradictions of the Bible with modern science, and scientific predictions and knowledge in the Qur'an.

It Is the Truth ( A graphically enhanced presentation of "Newly Discovered Scientific Facts in the Qur'aan and Authentic Sunnah," adapted from the book of Abdullah M. Al-Rehaili )

Qur'an and Scientific Knowledge ( Selected verses from the Qur'an that address various topics, many of them of scientific interest

Muslim scientists & contribution to science

Muslim Scientists and Islamic Civilization ( The "Muslim Scientists, Mathematicians, and Astronomers -- Before European Renaissance -- 700 - 1500 CE" site of Dr. A. Zahoor. Biographies of Muslim scientists and scholars; articles on science and technology; focus on Islamic Spain (Andalusia)

Muslim Scientists and Thinkers (Complied BY Walid )

Islamic Contributions to Science ( By Aminuddin Ahmed )


Astronomy and Moonsighting

Astronomy for Islam ( The astronomy and moonsighting home page of Dr. Khalid Shaukat.

Astronomy and Islam

Islam - Salat - Hilal - Crescente - Halal - Twilight ( Information on prayer times, hilal sighting, and the phases of the moon. Also offers software for determining prayer times, including BASIC source code. )

Special Topics

Tawhid: Faith in the Unity of God

Effects of Tawhid on Human Life

Witness Unto Mankind


The Inner Dimensions of Hajj

Important Articles

Short Islamic Stories


What is the Ka'ba? ( The Ka'ba is the place of worship which God commanded Abraham and Ishmael to build over four thousand years ago. The building was constructed of stone on what many believe was the original site of a sanctuary established by Adam. God commanded Abraham to summon all mankind to visit this place, and when pilgrims go there today they say 'At Thy service, O Lord', in response to Abraham's summons


What about Muslim women?

To Separate Fact From Fiction

The Status of Women in Islam

Muslim Women

The Place of Women in Pure Islam (By M.Rafiqul Haqq and P.Newton)l

Fatawas Regarding Women (Most Fatawas are General to Men too)

Woman's Status In Bible & Quran

Who Practices Polygamy?

Women in the Quran and the Sunna

Men in Islam

Choosing the desired wife
(by Ibrahim Abu Khalid )

HAYA (Shyness) by: Zahra Abdul Haseeb

Who Practices Polygamy? (Mary Ali )


Islamic Voice ( A web monthly featuring articles in many areas, including world events, current events in Muslim communities, editorials, Qur'an, women in Islam, and a children's section.)

Insight Quarterly Journal of Concepts & Ideas   (A monthly journal now published on the web which deals with particular themses in depth each month)

Nida'ul Islam / The Call of Islam Magazine Online (An Australian Islamic publication in English and Arabic offering Islamic topics and news.)

The Muslim News   (News and Views of Muslims in the United Kingdom" )   (An Internet news publication which will focus upon timely news reporting and insightful analysis and commentary on issues of importance to Muslims... written from an American Muslim perspective,

The Muslim Observer (A weekly Muslim newspaper, in print and online.)

The Islamic Herald   (A web publication which is updated sporadically; currently offers articles on hajj, Islam and science, modesty in Islam, the Bible, and many other subjects.)

The Islamic Link   (Project to collect links to the best Islamic pages on the Web and to rate them.)

Jobs Network at Muslimsonline(An online source for everything related to employment and careers. Includes a web-based job bank, resources to help put together a resume, and more. Also runs a mailing list for job offers and job seekers.)

A site with a "city" metaphor; you can go to the "virtual mosque" on Mecca Street (Quran, Hadith, history, more), the CyberPort (links), Market (links to Islamic commercial entities on the web), Chat, Radio Al-Islam (audio files), and more. Other areas have links to Islamic and other resources pertaining to science, politics, economics, culture, education, and the arts

A comprehensive educational site about Islam, including an on-line Islam 101 course, articles about Islam and views on.

Contemporary issues, and further direct contact opportunities, including a question-answer board and a toll-free phone number

Fatwa Bank

Authentic Islamic Literature ( Complete Quraan Translation )

Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Islam Questins and Answers (Q&A in english)

The Online Fatwa Resource

Muslims Eat Halal

Some Good Websites for Dawa / / /


My Islamic_Net Discussion Forum (mailing list )

I would like to invite you to join my Islamic _Net Discussion Group  here you can Talk About Any Issue Related to ISLAM . to Remind, to Stimulate, to Allude, and to Discuss , Religion, Society, Marriage, Traditions, Politics, Comparative Religion Articles; Converts' stories?. anything relative to Islamic practice can be discussed.



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