The Forgotten Ones
An orange glow, from street lamp

Under dark skies, the air so damp

Sat in doorways, under glowing light

No place to go, on cold winter's night

Street urchins, wandering around

Searching for shelter, none to be found

On our heads fall, showers of rain

What we would give, to be wanted again

All we ask, is a place to call home

Not on streets, we constantly roam

We want to be safe, in from the icy cold

Nothing but trouble, we're always told

We're not all bad, really quite kind

If only people listened, answers they' find

We are someone's daughter, someone's son

Yes we are homeless, the forgotten ones

Copyright: Robert Lewis 1998-2003 Worldwide
All rights reserved
This poem may not be copied by any means without the express permission of the author