Just to Walk Away
Walking through school gates
I see you in your big shiny car
You call out my name, smile at me
Though I don't know, who you are

You took away, my life that day
My family and my friends
You said it would'nt hurt me
This was the start of the end

You said it would be wonderful
See rainbows, and pot of gold
Sparkling lights and colours
And treasures I could hold

All I felt was sadness
Sorrow and regret
That day we came together
That fateful day we met

I just wanted to try it
Taste it or maybe smell
Not knowing one day
It would take me to hell

Alone in darkened doorways
waiting for you to arrive
Keep me going through the day
Helping me to survive

The pain inside of me
If only you'd share
You feed me more drugs
You just don't care

If only I could see
In the light of day
All I really want
Is just to walk away

Copyright: Robert Lewis 1998-2003 Worldwide
All rights reserved
This poem may not be copied by any means without the express permission of the author