The Rock and Slick Rick Record "PIE" for WWF The Music Vol 5...

On Superstars February 18, 2001..Footage of Rock and rap star Slick Rick getting together to record Rock's debut song "Pie" for the release of WWF the Music Volume 5 is shown and Rock talks a little about the project and the depth of which fans should take it serious..He's just having fun and when asked how he rates his voice on a scale of 1 to 10..Rock jokingly says 22...I dont think he's looking to get a Grammy anytime soon but he wants the fans to enjoy your pie which is guaranteed to sell that cd!.....These Superstars pics are courtesy of
Below those are more photos of Rock and rapper Slick Rick laying down the track "Pie" for WWF The Music Vol 5....These pics are courtesy of

Rock and Slick lay down the track for "PIE" from Superstars

Rock and Slick Rick recording of "Pie" from