<%@ Language=JavaScript%> A 12 year olds memorial to those lost in the September 11,2002 tragedies

I Is Our Country

Will there be a World War III?

Today around 9:00am two passenger planes crashed into the twin National Trade Center building. Both buildings went plummeting down shortly after. One of the plane was an American Airlines flight #77 it was leaving Boston and going to Los Angeles. American Airlines shutdown all of their lines in the country. Another flight crashed in Pittsburgh. Boston has shutdown all their schools for the safety to the children. You could only imagine how many people were killed and howmany hearts were broken. You know what makes me mad is that people think that the best way to solve a problem is to KILL KILL KILL!!!! But why? Those people did notdisserve to die. They were just living their lives like they are suppose to but now their lives have been taken away from them. About 264 people died in those planes but that's not even counting the people in the buildings and on theground. Plus not even counting the fire fighters and police men who risked there lives to try and save people that died trying to save the people. The government believes the hijackers were trained pilots and that three to five were aboard each of four airlines that crashed Tuesday, the worst terrorist attack sense Pearl Harbor.Here is something else a man had his cellaphone when the building went down. He lived that crash and called 911, told them exactly were he was. So you know cellurphones play a huge roll in this disaster. So if you anymore info that I need to add and/or forgot then e-mail me. Thank you.

I want to give a rose for every person that died in the planes, in the buildings, and on the ground.



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A man story on how he survived!

Another story of how a man survived!



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