U.S. Army Air Traffic
Controllers in Vietnam
When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, 'cause I've spent my time in Hell!
This site is dedicated to all
U.S. Army
Air Traffic Controllers, especially those of the
359th-366th ASDs
of the
1st Aviation Brigade,
who served in Vietnam.
The new Dak To tower
The 366's unit patch. It can be seen on my shirt in the picture, left, & the tie-in to the sign hanging on the tower, above. Unfortunately, I lost mine while still in-country. Provided by Carl McLelland.
Michael Greenberg
"I was that which others cared not to be. I went where others feared to go and did what others failed to do. I asked nothing from those who gave nothing. And, reluctantly, accepted the thought of eternal loneliness- should I fail.
"I have seen the face of terror, felt the chill of fear, warmed to the touch of love. I have hoped, pained, cried. But, foremost, lived in times others would say best forgotten. At the very least, in later days, I will be able to say with greatest pride, that I was indeed a Soldier"

Author Unknown
Safe landings since 12/21/99
E-Mail the webmaster
If you were in one of the ASD's/ADD's in Vietnam or were a controller & have info, recollections, or images from your time in the Jolly Green Jungle, & would like to submit them for consideration for inclusion in this web site, please forward them to me by e-mail. Also, please checkout the USAATCA forum at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/usaatca/ & our web site at www.oocities.org/Usaatcg. We would like to hear from anyone who was in any Army ATC unit in RVN or was/is currently a controller in the Army.
Vietnam Veteran is not what we are, but it is
who we are. Vietnam did not end in the 70's
but goes on still today. Vietnam was not just
a war, not just a place where blood was shed
and lives lost. Vietnam is a place where deep
friendships were made, characters assembled,
and lives changed forever.

Vietnam Vet is not a title, it is a statement.
That statement is: We went, we fought, suffered
and yet endured to see another day, another way
of  life. The Vietnam Vet has come full circle,
finding old buddies; healing minds and hearts with
that phrase we never heard, "Welcome Home." 
We have people who thank us on Veterans Day,
wishing their best to us and saying prayers for us.
The Vietnam Vet has earned his place in society,
paid in full. Yet we are, by our own standards,
indebted to our brothers, those who gave their lives,
their blood or their minds. We stand proud for who
we are and what we have done in life.  Let us, upon
whose shoulders it bears, become the source of
healing for our own brothers.
Rick Bartholomew, 1999
Join the USAATCA
Copyright 1999-2009, Michael Greenberg. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 04/28/09