Relevance of the study of Law

What relevance, if any, does the study of the concept of law, in general, have in computing and your study of computer ethics?
The study of the concept of law is relevant in our study of computer ethics because it is where the laws of computing are based. Computer ethics is the responsible use of computers and computer networks, an important principle is that computers are not exempt from the pre-existing laws. Computers, Internet, and Infromation Technology have changed our lives rapidly and irreversibly. As the Internet grows and changes, it will play an increasing important roles in our lives. Computer networks are emerging as important communication tools. Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, multimedia, robotics and other cutting-edge technologies of the electronic revolution offer promise for future applications. At the same time, computers threaten our privacy, our security, and perhaps our way of life. As we rush into the information age, our future depends on computers and our ability to understand and use them in productive, positive ways.