I finally decided one day that I was going to adopt a puppy from the pound rather than a pet store. Mainly because I couldn't afford to adopt one from the pet store at the time. While I was visiting the
pound, looking at about 100 different dogs, I found the dog that I wanted. Of all the dogs barking and
jumping up as I passed he just sat there and looked up at me with those big beautiful eyes. I told the lady
that he was the dog that I wanted. He was a border collie, adult male.

    I went and filled out my paperwork and as I was coming back to get my new dog I noticed down the hall that two of the people that worked at the pound was dragging a little hound dog down the hall. The dog was dragging his feet trying to stop the people from taking him with them. It was like he knew what was coming. I turned to the lady next to me and asked her if they was taking him to be put down. She told me that they was. They dragged him into a  room at the other end of the hall and the last thing that I heard was a whine come from the room. I knew immediately what they had done. The dog had taken his last breath. I watched them drag that dog to his death.

    The pound to me is nothing more to me that a prison for dogs. You can go and place bail for one of these dogs and set them free or you can stay at home and try to just forget about it and do nothing. Every  dog or cat that goes to the pound is automatically given a death sentence. If they are lucky they will be saved. Unfortunately not many are saved. That day is one that I will never forget. It sticks in my mind all
  the time. If i see a dog running the streets I get a mental picture of them dragging that dog to his death. May his/her pour soul rest in peace. For those of you that buy your dogs from breeders or pet stores I hope that you think of this story every time that you go to buy one and consider adopting instead.
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