F*** YOU!
Now here would go the damn disclaimer which would say you are not allowed to own this rom, ALTHOUGH the site is distributing it!

Come on, we are intelligent people, aren't we? Everybody knows that this is shit!
You know that you are not allowed to own the rom, and I know it that you know it, and you know it that I know it that you know it....ughm..yeah..
But still you are here, are you?

And what for?

To DOWNLOAD the rom and to PLAY the game.

And since we are all friends, I know that you would buy the game if it was available here in your country! But it obviously isnt! So go ahead and download the rom, cause I dont give a fuck and you dont give a FUCK!
As long as we follow our own moral everything is okay, baby!
And when ANIMAL CROSSING comes out here we all will buy it, but we just want to take a look at this game before because we all cant wait!

Now stop reading and download!