Sports News

Leslie Wilson

The Late Leslie F. Wilson, doyen of Sports Journalists in Karnataka, who is the recipient of the Eminent Journalist Award for 1978 from the Karnataka Union of Working Journalists ( The P.R. Ramaiah Memorial Award for 1978), joined the Fourth Estate by chance. He was competing on the South India Billiards and Snooker Championship at Madras when a friend of his introduced him to T.K. Stanley, Sports Editor of the Indian Express, with the remark "You should have someone like Leslie covering sports since he plays and knows all the games." Leslie took the cue and applied and thus began his career in the news world. Shortly after "Deccan Herald" was started, Leslie joined the new venture in its tabloid days working under Ron Hendricks. When Hendricks left the paper some time later, the mantle of Sports Editor fell on Leslie and literally till the day he passed away remained with him, giving him ample scope to play a role he had cherished and continued to cherish - the cause of promoting sport.

Apart from personally covering every game in the State, some major sports events in the country and also abroad. Leslie also became a Commentator of All India Radio, Mysore, when the station was alive before Bangalore became the main centre of AIR in the State. He was doing running commentaries on Cricket, Tennis, Soccer, Hockey, Boxing, Swimming, Basketball, Athletics (which included the national Games in Delhi for Melville De Mello's Radio Newsreel), Cycling and Horse racing. He has given Sports reviews. Interviews and was Moderator of Sports Talks. As though he had not a full-time job as Sports Editor, Leslie has done commentaries on Independence and Republic Day Parades and covered the arrival of Marshal Tito's visit to Bangalore.

As Sports Editor of "Deccan Herald", and through his personal column "Straight from the Shoulder", which has been appearing for almost 30 years and is keenly read, Leslie has contributed a good deal to the advancement of clean sports in the State. In the late 70's, the Karnataka State Cricket Association made him an Honorary Member in appreciation of his services on the game of Cricket.

Leslie, who has trained all the sports reporters who have worked in his department, had the distinction of successfully completing a course in journalism offered by the Thomson Foundation Editorial Training Centre in Cardiff (Britain) in 1966. The course covered advance studies in news collection, treatment and display, reporting, sub-editing, feature writing, management advertising and circulation, publicity and photography. The successful certificate was presented to him in person by the late Lord Thomson of Fleet.

Those days Deccan Herald used to have the best News coverage for School Sports, and the 'Action' photographs really were rewarding for any youngster. Other supporters to the Sports Arena that interacted with Leslie were Fr. Eric Vaz, Fr. Mervyn C., Mr. Browne of St. Germains, and many others, all these stalwarts really built up the sports challenges in the youngsters of Bangalore in the 'Good Ole Days'!!

- Extract from the Write-up by the Karnataka Union of Working Journalists on the P.R. Ramaiah Memorial Award for 1978, March 25, 1979 Bangalore.

The "Other Side" of Leslie is being prepared by his wife 'Joey', Josephine Wilson, and should be available in a week or two. They have a son Leslie Wilson Jr., who is presently with Gulf News in the Middle East, following his father's footsteps... Ronnie J.

Women's Hockey at Bangalore - Reminisces of a Player

Women's Hockey at Bangalore was a game started by a small enthusiastic group of the Anglo Indian Community - the stalwarts of which were Majorie Suares, a P.Ed. Teacher of the Bishop Cotton Girl's High School and a long jump bronze medallist of the 1st Asian Games held in Delhi in 1951 and Barbara Webster a P.Ed. Teacher of the Sacred Heart Girl's High School, a medallist at Discus Throw, both of whom could well be called the pioneers of Karnataka (then Mysore) Women's Hockey at Bangalore.

Strongly believing in the motto 'catch them young' the game in 1955 - 56 was started in just 4 schools - The Bishop Cotton GHS, Sacred Heart GHS, St. Francis Xavier's GHS ( with Doreen Suares, sister of Majorie Suares, as the P.Ed. Teacher) and the Baldwin's GHS., spreading to other schools like the Clarence H. School, the Frank Anthony Public School, etc. during the later years. The schools in which the girls also excelled in athletics ( BSAA Sports) provided the Clubs with a regular input of talent and this being the time the Anglo Indian Community having a major presence at Bangalore contributed greatly to the respective school and Club Teams - a contribution that has been enjoyable.

Inter School & Club Tournaments were held, also Inter Association matches between neighbouring States ( Madras now Tamilnadu, & in Mysore), the game being played with healthy rivalry in a most healthy atmosphere. Soon the Women's Hockey became a very popular game in bangalore, when one saw abundant talent especially in the Inter - Club matches which featured teams like the Blue Jays for whom the Indian players like left inside forward Shirley Fitzgerald (nee Briggs ) and Eileen di Lisi played, the I Club let by Majorie Suares, the eagles represented by Indian players Nirmala Mandanna and Durdana Nair (nee Gill) and the Bangalore Sporting Team for which the wingers with wings - Rita Britto and Marie Narayan ( nee Morris) played, also Elura Britto, Mae Britto, and Jacqueline Colaco. The Bangalore Sporting Team usually walking away with the Trophy - the famous Dorothy Raoof Sait Trophy in existence till today.

It was however not until 1960 that the State body got the recognition of the Indian Women's Hockey Federation when the Karnataka State Team ( then Mysore) took the field for the first time in the National Championship. The foundation had no doubt been set up and it was during this period of the 1960's that the Bangalore women excelled and dominated the game - It was the Golden Era of Women's Hockey when players proved Women's Hockey was a game of colour, speed, and thrills galore. The game being played with dedication, sheer zest of ploy and love for the game.

The enthusiastic players and Karnataka Association received a lot of encouragement from the media. Denzil Letoille former Sports Editor of the Indian Express and the late Leslie Wilson former Sports Editor of the Deccan Herald has stated that Women's Hockey was on the upgrade. The prophecy came true in the 1960 National Championship at Trivandrum when Karnataka women players held the State flag aloft with their sensational victory, and thus continued for 8 successive years. In every match played - Statewise or Nationalwise, the team gave superlative performances with convincing wins, each girl bore a stamp of supremacy and was a class by herself, excelling in the position she played, wingers Rita Britto and Marie Narayan ( nee Morris) with their athleticism and speed down the flanks earned great appreciation and applause from the public. The year 1960 apart from Karnataka winning the national Championship for the 1st time in the 1st participation evokes nostalgic memories as the team included four sisters of a family - the Britto sisters Priscilla, Elura, Rita and Mae - students of St. Francis Xaviers G.H. School not excluding the school goalkeeper Gabraelle Piers ( nee Pinto), Marie Narayan ( nee Morris), Esther (nee Herbert), Sylvia Morris ( nee Raines) and Francina David, Barbara (nee Pereira) were students of Sacred Heart G.H. School while Shirley Fitzgerald (nee Briggs), Deanna ( nee Wilson) and Eileen de Lisi belonged to Bishop Cotton G.H. School, Majorie Wilson then Secretary of the Karnataka State Women's Hockey Association accompanying the team as Manageress.

After the next National Championship at Bhopal in 1961, a Indian Team was selected to play 3 Tests and 4 Exhibition matches at Ceylon now Sri Lanka. Karnataka Women dominated the Indian Team with 5 players and a spectacular outcome - India scoring 59-0 in the matches, a record score. The National Championship followed in 1962 to 1965 were a repeat performance with the Lady Ratan Tata Trophy - symbol of National supremacy being the permanent possession of Karnataka State. The Committee of the Karnataka State Women's Hockey Association at this time was under the Presidentship of late Mrs. Gool Tarapore, late Gwen Webb ( V. President) R.D. Anderson ( V. President) late Raoof Sait (V. President) and late L. Britto, Secretary, were very encouraging to the players and always gave the players needs priority.

The Anglo Indian girls who had a major presence in the Karnataka Team with the passage of time - many left the town and migrated to different parts of the world. Replacements were there in Virginia Smalley, Jacqueline Colaco, Colleen (nee Patterson), Durdana Nair (nee Gill), Heather (nee Faville), Shoba Sreedhavan, Margaret Conceicao to name a few. At the 1967 National Championship at Trivandrum, there were heavy rains for 3 consecutive days. The final match was played against Punjab in a water logged pitch, many of Karnataka's players including the Beauty Queen - Heather Faville played barefoot. Despite the odds, the Karnataka team moved like a well oiled machine to victory - achieving their goal - it showed a good team irrespective of odds never complain.

In 1964, 7 players namely Marie Narayan, Nirmala Mandana, Shirley Fitzgerald, Rita Britto, Elvera Britto and Durdana Nair were chosen to represent India in a Test & Exhibition Series against japan. Major Dhyan Chand - the wizard of Indian Hockey greatly appreciated the Karnataka Players for their outstanding performance. The National Championship at Jaipur in 1962 saw six Karnataka players chosen to tour Malaysia. This was the third successive win in the National Championship for Karnataka. Every player of the team worked tirelessly with perfect co-ordination in the team. The team played with constructive moves and each player at the right spot to give the other a helping hand. It was a treat for the spectators and public to watch the Karnataka girls play. Players were not concerned about other issues and nothing held them back in the true spirit of sportsmanship, while enjoying every minute of play.

Captain of the Karnataka and Indian Team for 8 consecutive years was Elura Britto, eldest of the 3 Britto sisters, was awarded the Arjuna Award in 1966. It is the highest award for Women's Hockey by the Government of India, Ministry of H.R.D. Today, Elura has been appointed as a National Selector for Women's Hockey.

Coaching of the Karnataka Team at the early stages was by Alan McBride ( a former State player, and a player for HAL ), while coaching during the later stages was continued by V.V. Naidu, NIS & International coach & Impire - a hard taskmaster and disciplinarian who spared no pains to achieve a high standard of Hockey, ably assisted by late Jani Sait brother of late S.M. Sait - former Secretary of the Karnataka State Men's Hockey Association & Technical Advisor of Karnataka State Women's Hockey Association (KSWHA); also by V.J. D'Cruze a former player who deals more with the Technical aspects of Hockey. Presently V.J. D'Cruze is Jt. Secretary of the KSWHA. After 1967 - 1968, when most players migrated or leeft for some reason or the other, Women's Hockey standard at Bangalore took a sea of changes, as happens in many other departments and has remained at a standstill. Presently, the Karnataka State Women's Hockey Association however with stalwarts like V.J. D'Cruze - Jt. Secretary, Marie Narayan - Vice President, Elvera Britto - President, are trying to revive Hockey to it's former level. Its a challenge and miles to go ahead, but with the motto 'Try and you will succeed', success will dawn someday soon for the Karnataka State Women's Hockey Association.

Elura Britto & Marie Narayan ( nee Morris )

Alan McBride

The Famous Hockey Coach of Bangalore

This Page is under preparation

Salis P. Nazareth

A Famous Cricket Coach of Bangalore

The Late Salis P. Nazareth was born on 27th June, 1932, and lives at 35, Residency Road Cross, Bangalore 560 025, phone: 5582173.

He studied at St. Joseph's European High School (now known as the St. Joseph's Boys' High School) Bangalore in 1950. He went on to complete his Senior Intermediate in Science at St. Joseph's College in 1953. During his college career, he evinced keen interest in out-door games such as football, hockey, badminton and athletic sports, and highlighted cricket having participated in all the major tournaments in Karnataka State in the aforesaid games. Salis excelled in cricket and it became his ambition in life to one day be a professional cricketer, and he persued this game with great interest at heart.

Salis played for the (Mysore) Karnataka State Schools Team in the All India Schools Tournament in 1950. He also played for the Mysore University for the Rohinton Baria Trophy in the year 1951-52. He played for the Karnataka State in the Ranji Trophy Tournaments during the periods 1952 to 1962, and scored over 1000 runs in Ranji Cricket. His highest individual score in the Ranji Trophy was 181 against Tamilnadu in 1957. He played for the South Zone Team against NewZealand in 1955-56; and against the West Indies in 1958-59. Played for the Presidents' XI against the Pakistan team in 1960-61 and again for the South Zone team against M.C.C. in 1961-62. He attended Test Trials Camp conducted by the Board of Control for Cricket in India at Bombay, Calcutta, Poona for the preparation of visiting teams.

Having over 40 years experience as a coach, Salis was first appointed a full time Cricket Coach under the Rajkumari Sports Coaching Scheme from 1st October 1959 to April 1963, and was attached to the Mysore State Cricket Association, Bangalore Corporation Area. He coached the Mysore State School's Team from 1969 to 1964. Salis's service was taken over by the National Institute of Sports, Patiala, when the Rajkumari Sports Coaching Scheme was amalgamated with the National Institute of Sports in the 1st October 1961. He had undergone training as a Cricket Coach under the Later Prince M.S. Duleepsinjhi at the Coaching Camp in Bombay in 1959, and in the First Ad-hoc Course in 1961 conducted by the NIS, Patilia under the Australian Cricket Coach L.P.O. Brien. On the 1st April 1963, he was attached to the Mysore State Sports Council, Bangalore (now Karnataka State Sports Council) for the appointment as Cricket Coach. The Regional Coaching Centre conducted by Karnataka State Sports Council was started in November 1965. In 1981 he was attached to the Directorate of Youth Services and Sports, and conducted four Certificate Courses at the NIS (South Centre) for Physical Education Teachers and Sports Teachers from all over India from 1975 to 1979. He served the State in the capacity of a Selector and judge. A few of the trainees that can be mentioned that have benefited from Salis's training were Purushotam, Sriram, V.Shivaram, Manoj Turakia, Mohd. Sadaquat, R. Shivakumar, Nelson D'Souza, other national players who benefited from his coaching were G.R. Vishwanath, Brijesh Patel, Syed Kirmani, Fazal Khaleel, Ms.V. Kalpana, and K.S. Raghavendra who represented Karnataka for the State and All-India Deaf and Dumb tournament in 1995-96 in Australia.. Salis also held special coaching camps for the 6th South Zone Women's Cricket Championship at Bangalore from 15th December to 19th December 1980, and the Karnataka State Girls Team won the tournament for the second time.

Salis retired as a Cricket Coach in NIS in 1985 September, but he still coaches the St. Joseph's Indian High School Cricket Team. He also conducts private coaching camps at St. Joseph's Indian Middle School Grounds and he keeps in touch with cricket and has been the cricket coach for Brijesh Patel and Imtiaz Ahmed Cricket Coaching Camp for the last 12 years.

In this endeavor, Salis was supported by his wife Theresa Ivy, and sons Colin, Cavin and Rev. Fr. Christopher and daughter Cherylon. Salis suddenly expired in 2002.

Keki B Tarapore

A Famous Cricket Coach of Bangalore

The Late Keki Tarapore joined St. Joseph's E.H. School (now known as St. Joseph's Boy's H. School ) in 1933 and passed out in 1941. His first teacher in the lower Standard was Dorothy Andrews ( now Dorothy A. Alveres) the wife of Alec Alveres a much respected ex-Science teacher of St. Joseph's. Keki goes back into his memory and recalls masters like the late F.X. Paul, Maj. Davenport, Percy D'Silva and a few others. He was a Latin Student in the School and continued to take the subject in St. Joseph's College. He was the only student in the Final B.A. that took Latin and the late Rev. Fr. T. Gonsalves who later became the Principal of the College. His first Principal in the School was a French Priest the late Rev. Fr. R. Collart. He feels that the foundation that he got at St. Joseph's and the motto of "Faith & Toil" "Fide et Labore" always stood him in life and helped him to cope with the ups and downs. From 1942 to 1945, he studied his B.A. at the St. Joseph's College. Even from the early age Keki showed great interest in sports. He played Hockey and Cricket and was the Captain of the School team during his last two years at School. In College he also captained the College Team for two years. During his Final Year in College he played for the Mysore State ( now Karnataka State) in the National Ranji Trophy Cricket Tournament. After College, Keki joined the Central Bank of India and worked there for over ten years. In 1959, the Mysore State Cricket Association recommended his name to be one of the players to undergo training as a Coach under the late Sir. Duleepsinji in Bombay. He considers Duleepsinji as his guru as far as his cricket coaching. In March 1969, Keki was appointed by the Central Government as a "Cricket Coach" under the RajKumari Sports Coaching Scheme and was posted to Jaipur for six months, then back to Bangalore to the Mysore State Cricket Association ( now K.S.C.A.). Keki worked for K.S.C.A. from 1960 to 1991, which a couple of years with the Board of Control for Cricket in India, after his retirement from the National Institute of Sports. During his stint of over thirty years as a Cricket Coach, Indian cricketers like Prasanna, B.S. Chandrashekar, G.R.Vishwanath, Syed Kirmani, Brijesh Patel, Roger Binny, Raghuram Bhat, Sudanand Vishuanath, Anil Kumble and new entrant Rahul Dravid, to name a few, had the benefit of Keki's guidance. From 1975 to 1991, Keki was involved in the National Summer Coaching Camp conducted every year by the Board of Control for Cricket in India. Although Keki officially retired from the NIS, he continued to be in touch with the game. He is the President of the famous Bangalore United Cricket Club which has an illustrious list of active cricketers on it's rolls. He is still serving the K.S.C.A. as he is a member of the Coaching Committee. Besides Cricket, Keki serves his old "Alma Mater" when he was on the St. Joseph's Boys' High School Old Boy's Association Committee for over thirty years, even as Vice President for a term. He was also on the Managing Committee of the Bangalore Zoroastrian Association for over two and a half decades. In November 1991, the Government of Karnataka awarded Keki the prestigious Rajyotsava Award for his contribution to the game of cricket in Karnataka and the Country. Keki still affirms that he owes his success in life to the training he got in his younger days in St. Joseph's Boys' High School, which helped to build his character, integrity and honesty. A real successful Josephite! Keki expired in 2002 after a brief illness.

Some more Sports women of Bangalore from Sophia High School 

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Thought for the Day: " Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, Fon in the manner their fathers did to the prophets. But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full, For you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, For you shall mourn and weep. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did they fathers to the false prophets."Holy Bible: Luke 6:20-26