About Rottweilers

Rottweilers are very strong and powerful dogs. Irresponsible ownership has given the breed an awful, but largely false reputation for viciousness. Bad ownership can encourage aggression, but Rottweilers who have been properly trained and socialized are big babies! They are sweet-natured and, if raised with them, love to have kids around. Rottweilers weigh about 70-130 pounds. They stand 22-27 inches at the shoulder. Rottweilers live for about 8-11 years.

A Rottweiler’s coat is short. Their markings are always black with tan to rust markings on their chest, muzzle, eyebrows, legs, and under their little stub of a tail. Their feet are tan to rust in color but they often have black “pencil marks” on their toes.

Rottweilers are supposedly good watchdogs and can be trained as guard dogs. My Rottweiler tends to sleep on the job, and let our German Shepherds do the barking! :) He usually doesn't know if anybody is here until they're opening the door.

Rottweilers can adjust to urban, suburban, or rural living as long as you are willing to provide proper exercise and etertainment for them. Most Rotts are not hyper but they can be active. If your Rottweiler is going to spend any time outside without supervision, you should seriously consider fencing a portion of your yard.

Rottweilers are a recognized breed of the American Kennel Club (AKC). They are placed in the working group.... because they are working dogs! Especially as puppies and adolescents, if you don't give them something to do, they will find something to do! You can’t just put them in a kennel and expect them to stay there all day without anything to play with, attention, or room to run. They need something to do and they need a job. They are people-dogs, they need human attention & affection. Always make sure your dog has plenty of toys and fresh water, attention and love.

There are many things you can do with your Rottweiler to give him a "job". From playing a good game of fetch to learning obedience commands to carting the neighborhood kids around the block in the wagon.

Most Rotts are generally good with children. If there are small children in the house, though, you might want to wait to get a Rottweiler. Because of their great size Rottweilers can easily, but accidentally, knock over a child.

Puppy Rotts can usually learn to like and live with other pets and animals. For older, adult dogs, it’s takes a little more time and effort to get them to peaceably live with other animals if they have not been around other animals regularly.

From their big wet nose to the tip of their stubby little tail Rottweilers are powerful and strong dogs. They have beautiful coloring and awesome size. They are working dogs and need something to occupy themselves. They can be good with children and other pets and can live almost anywhere with you.