The History of Buffy and Angel

Angel first saw Buffy when she was called at the age of sixteen to be a Vampire Slayer. They didn't actually meet until a year later when he followed her to Sunnydale, a town located above a Hellmouth. There, Angel began to make himself known as a helpful stranger – "Cryptic Guy," as Buffy called him.

It soon became clear, however, that there was more than helpfulness in his motives. Angel was falling in love with Buffy. He tried to hide his feelings and his past from her, but he couldn't stay away.His true identity was revealed when they finally kissed and his vampire face surfaced.

Buffy came to know of Angel's past and understand the curse that allowed him to retain his soul. They worked together against the evil forces in Sunnydale, but they also grew more intimate. Ironically, their romance was abruptly ended by a night of passion that broke the curse and turned Angel back into Angelus.

After that night, Angelus made it his mission to destroy Buffy both emotionally and physically. He turtured her watcher and killed her friends. And in a final effort to destroy humankind, Angelus tried to open the Hellmouth. But Buffy defeated him, and to keep the Hellmouth from opening she had to kill him. At the last moment, before Angelus was swallowed by the Hellmouth, his soul was restored. But it was too late.

Buffy returned to Sunnydale after a summer of grief and denial, determined to put her feelings for Angel behind her. To her surprise, she found that Angel had returned from Hell. He was weak and disoriented at first and had no knowledge of why he had been sent back, but one thing was clear — Angel and Buffy still loved each other.

Buffy nurtured Angel back to health and they resumed their romance. But the pressures of circumstance and the questions of Buffy's future made Angel realize that if he truly loved her, he would have to leave her. So Angel ended his relationship with Buffy, and after the final battle was won, he silently walked away from Sunnydale and the only woman he had ever loved.