Angel: "What is it, Wesley?"
Wesley: "It? There's no it. It's nothing, really."

Lindsey: "Somethin' happen?"
Darla: "God, yes. So many things. I remember them all . Which one were you thinking of?"

Darla: "You never talk about yourself, Lindsey. You have a girlfriend? Boyfriend?"

Darla: "Now do you know what we've become?"
Lindsey: "Enemies."
Darla: "Oh no! Much worse! Now, we're soulmates."

Darla: "Do you know what I am?"
Master: "A woman of some property -- no husband, no inheritance. Yes, I know what you are."
Darla: "I'm a whore."
Master: "Well, yes. That, too."

Master: "You should have asked for a priest long ago, child. Your life may have been the better for it."
Darla: "You should have paid me a visit before today, father. Your life may have been more interesting because of it."

Angel: "We can't just sit around here waiting for Wolfram & Hart to make a move. It's time we got ahead of the game."
Cordelia: "This won't involve kidnaping again, will it?"

Cordelia: "And this would be the same woman who you didn't notice was in your bedroom every night for, like, three straight weeks?"
Angel: "That was different."
Cordelia: "Different in a sitting right on top of you sense, yeah!"

Wesley: "The last time Darla emerged, she wanted to be found. Now, she's out there among six million other people."
Cordelia: "She could be sitting on top of anybody."

Angel: "Come on guys. We're a detective agency. We investigate things. That's what we're good at."
Cordelia: "That's what we suck at."

Cordelia: "Let's face it, unless there's a web site called www.oh-by-the-way-we-have-Darla-stashed-here.com, we're pretty much out of luck."

Cordelia: "Before, he said he could smell her. How 'bout, we cruise around with the top down, and you take big whiffs!...Well, we'll wait until the after the sun sets, obviously."

Gunn: "Big law firm. They gotta have housing for the out-of-towners, right?"
Wesley: "'Out-of-towner'? It's not as if they flew her in from Miami. She was raised from the very depths of hell by an ancient and dangerous ritual."
Gunn: "Yeah? And? They still gotta put her up don't they?"

Angel: "She'd want something with a view! Darla always loved something with a view."

Master: "Angelus? The Latinate for 'Angel'! It's marvelous!"

Darla: "On the way back, we cut a bloody swath through South Wales and Northern England."
Angelus: "Yorkshire men, tough as leather."

Master: "The Order of Aurelius. We are the select, the elite."
Angelus: "And you live in the sewers, do ya?"

Master: "We lurk below giving tribute to the old ones, awaiting that promised day when we will arise -- arise and lay waste to the world above!"
Angelus: "Why'd'ya want to do that?"
Master: "Hunh?"
Angelus: "Well, I mean, have you been above lately? 'Tis quite nice."

Darla: "We fed very recently. The blood is still hot in his veins."
Angelus: "You noticed that didja?"

Master: "We stalk the surface to feed and grow our ranks. We do not live amongst the human pestilence!"
Angelus: "I'll be honest. You really couldn't with that face, now, could ya?"
Darla: "Angelus!"
Angelus: "It's not stuck like that, now, is it?"
Darla: "The Master has grown past the curse of human features."
Angelus: "I'm not gonna get a bat nose like that, now, am I?"

Angelus: "Tell the truth. Whose face do you want to look at for eternity -- his or mine?"

Master: "No. Let them go. It won't last. I give it a century. Tops."

Darla: "So beautiful. Not a blemish, not a freckle. Perhaps we should have preserved that beauty for eternity."
Angelus: "Still, he won't now age."
Darla: "No. But he'll rot. Seems a pity."
Drusilla: "When I bit into him, I could hear the ocean."
Darla: "Of course you could."

Drusilla: "I'm full and warm, yet all alone."
Angelus: "That's not true, precious. You've got us."
Drusilla: "Not in the least. You won't even hurt me just a little bit."
Darla: "All you have to do is ask!"
Drusilla: "No. His head's too full of you, grandmother."
Darla: "Stop calling me that."

Drusilla: "Don't be cross. I could be your mummy."

Angelus: "Well, if you're lonely, Dru, why don't you make yourself a playmate?"
Drusilla: "I could! I could pick the wisest and bravest knight in all the land, and make him mine forever with a kiss."
William: "Watch where you're going!"
Darla: "Or you could just take the first drooling idiot that comes along."

Cordelia: "It has a view."
Angel: "That's not enough."
Cordelia: "And Berber carpeting."
Angel: "Nah, we need to narrow it down further. Keep looking."
Cordelia: "And my sister is living in Unit 319."
Angel: "You don't have a sister."
Cordelia: "Sure I do. My older...way older, like, 400-years-older blonde sister, Darla -- no last name. I've been desperately trying to find her because mom and dad are in the coma. Sue, the property manager, was very helpful. She even cried."

Wesley: "Perhaps it would be best if you let me contact Gunn, and he and I could check this out. We could do the reconnaissance, give you a full report, and we can all decide how to proceed. As a team."
Cordelia: "Probably a good idea since it's one o'clock in the afternoon and that address is in Sun Valley."

Angel: "Heh. Sun."
Cordelia: "Actually, I was thinking Valley. I mean, why go there if you don't have to?"

Darla: "You think I ever hesitated when I wanted something? Life's too short. Believe me, I know. Four hundred years, and still too short."

Darla: "It's not me you want to screw."
Lindsey: "What?"
Darla: "It's him."

Darla: "I can feel this body dying, Lindsey. I can feel it decaying, moment by moment. It's being eaten away by this thing inside of it. It's a cancer -- this soul."

Gypsy: "He must suffer as all his victims have suffered."
Darla: "That is not justice. Whatever pain he cost your daughter was over in an instant. Or an hour.But what you've done to him will force him to suffer for the rest of eternity!"

Drusilla: "Angelus has gone away. Where is he?"
Darla: "Drusilla? The camp. Go on! Kill things!"
Drusilla: "He shall be very cross if he finds we had a lovely mass slaughter without him."

Drusilla: "Pretty music. Pretty, pretty music. They cried out for mercy! They cried out for mercy!"
Darla: "Show none."

Cordelia: "What happened? Did someone break in?"
Gunn: "Well, us."
Cordelia: "You guys did this? Real mature."
Wesley: "It was like this when we found it. No evidence of forced entry."
Gunn: "Well, not before we got there, anyway."

Cordelia: "Angel!"
Angel: "Cordy, please, I'm talking."
Cordelia: "Hi Darla. He can't talk right now. He'll call you back once he's found it -- Yeah, bye-bye."

Wesley: "You know better than anyone what she was."
Angel: "What we were. And I know what she's going through. And unlike me, maybe she won't have to go through it alone."
Cordelia: "You're not alone."
Wesley: "You may be right. She may be experiencing all of this exactly as you did. But Angel, you yourself wandered for a hundred years without ever seeking redemption."
Angel: "That's right. I sought her."

Darla: "What do you want?"
Angel: "A second chance."
Darla: "What?"
Angel: "I want things to be like they were. You and me, together. Darla, I miss the view."

Angel: "(to Lindsey) If this is a trick, just know I'll be coming back for you. Hell, I just might be coming back for you anyway."

Angel: "Let's find something warm."
Darla: "Yes, some missionaries. We'll drain the piety right out of them."

Darla: "While Spike -- Spike! -- was out killing a Slayer, you were saving missionaries. From me."

Angel: "Look I've killed men. You've seen it!"
Darla: "Rapists and murderers, thieves and scoundrels. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Only evildoers, that's all you hunt now. You swore to me. You said, if I took you back you'd prove yourself."

Darla: "Angelus..."
Cordelia: "Um, sorry. I know you're concussion gal and all, but around here, it's Angel. Just Angel. Okay?"

Darla: "I have question. Where was I? I don't remember anything. It's a great big nothing. Could it be there is no hell?"
Angel: "There is a hell. A few of them. I've been to one."

Darla: "You'll make the pain stop, won't you?"
Angel: "Takes time."
Darla: "Takes moments. Do it. Now."

Darla: "Turn me back. God, I can't bare this pounding in my chest for another instant."
Angel: "It's a gift -- to feel that heartbeat, to know really and for once that you're alive."

Darla: "I released you from this world once. I gave you eternal life. Now it's time for you to return the favor."
Angel: "Favor? Is that what you think? You think you did me a favor? You damned me."
Darla: "Fine. Fine, then if it's such a punishment, take out your revenge. Pay me back! Please."

Angel: "I can't."
Darla (in flashback): "What do you mean you can't? You won't."
Angel: "I can't seem to be what I'm not. I'm sorry."