Charles Gunn

who later turned into a vampire after she was captured by an enemy vampire gang. It was during this time that Angel met Gunn and told him that he might need some help some time.
So Gunn has become the newest member of Angel Ivestigations, someone Angel can depend upon when he needs some extra help like: throwing a live vampire into the Wolfram and Hart Offices because thats his type of fun. Gunn was the one person Angel could depend upon when Cordelia 
Charles Gunn has been a street kid ever since he and his sister ran away from an orphanage. He is a survivor, a natural born leader who chooses to lead the other street kids in a quest to rid L.A of vampires. Gunn has been through a lot, including having to stake his sister 
and Wesley were in hospital when Wolfram and Hart were raising Darla. Without a doubt Gunn will continue to be an important member of Angel Investigations in Season 2.