War Zone
Cordy: Mmmm-aah. I've missed that smell.
Wesley: Camembert, I believe.
Cordy: What? No. Money. I like to smell a little money once and awhile.
Angel: She's not just saying that. Hide some in the office some time and watch her. It's uncanny.

Angel: Thanks for having us.
David: It's a pleasure. Who are you?

David: I've always said that I could make a billion dollars in the software and learn to talk to girls. I'm... still working on step two.

David: Are you familiar with Dungeons & Dragons?
Angel: Yeah, I've seen a few.
Wesley: You mean the, uh, role playing game.
Angel: Oh. Game. Right.

David: I used to play a lot in high school. You know, it was pretty cool. Get to be someone else for a while -- a wizard, a warrior, you know, whole world is magic, and you're fighting troglodytes and romancing exotic demon princesses. You know, it's a rush.
Cordy: Did someone find out you were a big nerd?
David: No, that's actually public record.

David: Some of us got really into it. Especially the demon romance part. And we heard about this place where the real... The guys were joking about getting some tail.
Wesley: You went to Madame Dorian's.
David: Just once.
Wesley: It's a demon brothel.
David: Or twice.
Wesley: In Bel Air, I believe. The Watcher's Council is rife with stories about it.
Angel: How many --
David: Twelve times.
Angel: -- people knew about you doing it?

Cordy: Don't worry, we're incredibly discreet. We'll mingle here for a few hours so no one suspects.

David: When I moved here, I thought it was all glamour and valet parking. There's a whole world here that no one ever sees.
Angel: More than one.

Madame Dorian: We don't do vampires.
Angel: I just came to talk.
Madame Dorian: We don't do that either.

Nina: Look, ma. No hands!

Lenny: What do you want?
Angel: Good question. What do I want. Love, family, place on this planet I can call my own. But you know what?
Lenny: What?
Angel: I'm never going to have any of those things. And unless these few minutes go exactly the way I want them to, neither are you.
Lenny: Look, pal. You're obviously not from around here. But trust me, you do not want to see my bad side.
Angel: You show me yours -- (game face on) -- I'll show you mine.

Cordy: I'm in charge of the... unh... m-m-mo...
Wesley: I think there's been some mistake.
Cordy: I'm sure Mr. Nabbit knows how to write a check.

Cordy: I like David. It's such a strong, masculine name. Just... feels good in your mouth.

Angel: Ow! You know, for some reason, I'm getting the impression you don't like me too much. Maybe I'm just overreacting.

Wesley: Oh my.
Angel: It's upside down.
Wesley: Certainly not something you ought to have framed.
Cordy: How does that feel?
Wesley: I can't possibly imagine it was pleasant.
Cordy: I was talking to Angel.

Cordy: You look...
Angel: Like I've been beaten and stabbed?
Cordy: Want to see the check again?

Wesley: I can certainly understand their stake first and ask questions later state of mind. That's how they survive.
Cordy: And the idea of a vampire in a white hat probably seems a little gimme a break-y.

Angel: Ah. Ah. Can I just see that check again?

Gunn: The guy bugs me, Alonna.
Alonna: Everybody bugs you.
Gunn: You bug me the most!

Cordy: You know, there's nothing like riding in a convertible with the top down to make you see the sun and sand. Mmmm. Smell that salt air.
Wesley: That's not salt.
Cordy: I don't think it's air, either.

Cordy: Reality is a choice, Wesley. You see what you want to see, and I'll see what I want to see.
Wesley: A man exiting an alley pushing a shopping cart.
Cordy: No, I see a very tan lifeguard type with large...

Wesley: You ask this gentleman if he's seen anyone that fits the description of our young vampire killers, while I check the power line for any taps.
Cordy: Uh, why don't you ask him and I'll check for taps?
Wesley: Because you can imagine him as a scantily clad buff young stud, while I'm stuck with the naked truth.

Gunn: I don't need advice from some middle class white dude that's dead!

Cordy: Trying to open that? They locked you in, huh?
Angel: No. I just love old meat lockers.
Wesley: You should have tried to call us on your cell phone. ... You probably forgot you had it.
Angel: These things hardly ever work. Besides it was a lot easier and quicker to just... Look, I'm the boss here. I say when we use the cell phones, and people are gonna die, and I have to go.
Cordy: You're welcome.

Alonna: Say good-bye to everything you ever knew.
Gunn: Good-bye. (He dusts her.)

Knox: She was so sweet, your sister. So smooth goin' down, if you know what I mean.

Angel: Here's the deal. You can go.
Knox: What?
Angel: If you go now, and I never see any of you again, you get to live.
Knox: Are you high?
Angel: L.A.'s my territory. You want to stay out of it for the rest of your eternal lives. These kids, my town -- off limits from now on.
Vampire: Who the hell are you? You know who you're talkin' to, you fool?
Angel: Name's Angelus. (He stakes Knox.) I wasn't actually talkin' to you.

Wesley: I asked for a coffee. I know it must be in here someplace.

Wesley: Certainly gives one a sense of perspective, doesn't it?
Cordy: Yes. It does. And I think, perspectively speaking, I might want to prostitute myself to billionaire David Nabbit.
Wesley: Cordelia!
Cordy: What I mean is, he's a nice guy who wants companionship. I could use some security. So when I say "prostitute," what I mean is...
Wesley: Prostitute.
Cordy: For instance.
Wesley: Do you think you really could?
Cordy: I dunno. I could probably learn to love him. Looks aren't everything. Chemistry. Personality, that's important. And except for a lot of... other... It's not what's on the outside that... Nah. Never mind.

Angel: I'll be around.
Gunn: I don't need no help.
Angel: I might.