Grove of the Royal Palms Grove of the Royal Palms Miami, Florida

Why A Wiccan/Pagan Circle for Gay Men?

Traditional Wicca can come across as very heterocentric. It usually has a heavy emphasis on male-female polarity, and while most covens and groups accept gay members, many gays and Lesbians feel somewhat left out.

Women have had Dianic Wicca for decades. In their circles, they are free to discuss and express their spirituality as women. Isn't it time that gay men founded a tradition where we can reclaim our spirituality and delve into the Male Mysteries without the specter of the old heteropatriarchy hovering overhead?

Some gay men can work with boy-girl polarity, interpreting it in a non-sexual way, but most find it alienating. Even those who can work with it may also want a space where they can experiment with other currents that are more directly related to their own life experience. We deserve and claim our own spiritual space, on our own terms.

The Grove of the Royal Palms consists of a group of gay men in South Florida who come together to study, work, and create ritual. We believe we can achieve balance with each other and with the Universe without having to necessarily mold ourselves to heterosexist norms. We acknowledge the duality of the Lord and the Lady. The Lord represents our Father, Brother, and Lover, whereas the Lady is our Mother, Sister and Friend. But for us the qualities of the God and Goddess are archetypal rather than literal absolutes that must be reflected in circle. We see this duality within ourselves and thus are at odds with other traditions that only see their corresponding roles reflected through their gender.

Merry Meet, and welcome to our site!

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Vision Statement    ----   I am Pagan   ----  Frequently Asked Questions

Links  ---- Glossary of Wiccan Terms

Wiccan and Creativity  ----  Spirituality and Sacred Sex

I Am Pagan


Vision Statement

Frequently Asked Questions About Wicca


Glossary of Wiccan Terms

Essays on Wicca and Creativity

Essays on Gay Spirituality and Sacred Sexuality