That's a FREE email address!

JUST FOR CLUB MEMBERS (and guests)!!


It's quite simple... Just CLICK HERE with the username you would like to use and your permanent email address.

You will be set up with an alias email address that you can give to people that is COOL with a domain name you LIKE!!

Plus, since there are not thousands of demands, you can be almost guaranteed to get the first name you WANT!

~~ ACT FAST ~~

Any mail that is sent to you will be forwarded from your email account to your permanent email account so that you don't have to do any silly address changes or check your mail at a difficult location on the web. It's that easy!!

Plus, if at any time you change your permanent email address, just contact us and we will forward your mail to your new address in one simple step without any delays to your mail service or any annoying email address changes to send to your entire address book!


Step 1. Send us your permanent email address and the username you'd like to use for your alias.
For example:

Step 2. Wait for a reply email confirming that your address is available to give out!

If, for some reason the name you choose is already in use, please be prepared by sending a second choice along with the first. If not, you will get a reply back without  a confirmation that your address is available, but with some suggestions to use instead.


THE FINE PRINT : Every name that is used, should be chosen with the knowledge that you are representing our club and our community. Please no profanity, vulgarity or otherwise offensive names.
There is a possibility that your request can be denied or rejected at any time.

    We can not be responsible for mail that is lost or misdirected. Make sure that the email address you send is a valid address. Upon receipt of hard bounces, your account will be cancelled. Soft bounces may be reset, but if it happens more than twice, you will need to set up an alternative. Please note that any mail you reply to will come from your permanent email account. Keep in mind that if you do not send an email address to forward your mail to,  the address that you sent the email from will be used. You may cancel your account at any time, but you must send an email to us do so! Thanks.


Still don't understand? Read on...

Suppose your name is John Doe and you register for When you first register your name, we'll set it up so all email sent to your address gets forwarded to your own mail account. If you want aliases, let us know. Maybe John Doe wants to have mail sent from people at work to JohnDoesWork@rpmclub. You can do that as well. It will all go into your permanent email account. If you want a different alias to forward to a different email account, we will be happy to assist you there as well. All you have to do is register the name and you're on your way! You can change it so all your email gets forwarded to your work email address so you can check it at work or you can send it home. You choose.
 You make the decisions with RPMCLUB email forwarding. Just contact us!





Author - AHS
Copyright © 2001-2002 RPMClub All rights reserved.
Revised: October 02, 2002 11:20 AM .