Affiliated with the Civil War Round Table Associates in the U.S., the ONCCWRT is an independent
     group which meets monthly to discuss and study various aspects of the U.S. Civil War.  Members are
     military and civilian, professional and amateur historians, united by a desire to further their
     understanding of one of the most tumultuous eras in the history of the world.

     Meetings are normally two hours or so and consist of a presentation given by a member of the group
     or a guest, followed by a discussion period.  Various themes are explored and cover a broad range of
     topics and approaches.

     No special knowledge is needed to participate!  Part of the allure is the learning, along with good

We meet the last Thursday of each month, except for June, July, and December at the
Army Officers' Mess, 149 Somerset St., West, Ottawa, Ontario
Meetings begin at 07:30 PM,  however,  members seem to gather at little earlier  for informal chit-chat.


      The text of some  presentations (when available)
will be published along with schedules for future topics  as  work  on this site progresses.
We are  a "work in progress", a living document.  We are continually .

Currently, there is  a project proposal before the members of the Round Table with the aim of
memorializing individual Canadian participants in the American Civil War
who  joined either the Confederate or Union armies.

I will be updating this site on a regular basis.  Please come back to see what is new.  If you find some of the links are not functioning send me an eMail and let me know.   I would greatly appreciate that.   



Please eMail Comments or Suggestions.

October 2, 2003
R.W. Taubman, WebMaster