F-4D Phantom II Production Summary

Ordered in March 1964 and first flown on 9 December 1965 at Saint Louis, Missouri. Total 793 F-4D built for the U.S. Air Force.
F-4D Phantom II U.S. Air Force serial numbers:

Block 24

  • 64-0929 to 64-0937
  • Total nine aircraft built.
  • Full designation McDonnell Douglas F-4D-24-MC Phantom II.
  • Four Block 24 aircraft (64-0931, 64-0933, 64-0934 and 64-0935) transferred to Republic of Korea Air Force in 1969.

    Block 25
  • 64-0938 to 64-0963
  • Total 26 aircraft built.
  • Full designation McDonnell Douglas F-4D-25-MC Phantom II.
  • 13 Block 25 aircraft (64-0941, 64-0943, 64-0944, 64-0946, 64-0947, 64-0948, 64-0950, 64-0951, 64-0955, 64-0957, 64-0958, 64-0961 and 64-0962) transferred to Republic of Korea Air Force in 1969.

    Block 26
  • 64-0964 to 64-0980
  • 65-0580 to 65-0611
  • Total 49 aircraft built.
  • Full designation McDonnell Douglas F-4D-26-MC Phantom II.
  • One Block 26 aircraft (64-0966) transferred to Republic of Korea Air Force in 1969. Seven aircraft (64-0978, 65-0582, 65-0589, 65-0591, 65-0592, 65-0605 and 65-0610)also transferred in 1972.
  • The AN/AVQ-9 Pave Light laser designator was fitted to two Block 27 aircraft (65-0597 and 65-0609).

    Block 27
  • 65-0612 to 65-0665
  • Total 54 aircraft built.
  • Full designation McDonnell Douglas F-4D-27-MC Phantom II.
  • Six Block 27 aircraft (65-0620, 65-0622, 65-0623, 65-0630, 65-0640 and 65-0650)transferred to Republic of Korea Air Force in 1972. One aircraft (65-0663) also transferred in 1973.
  • Starting with Block 27, the infrared search and track pod under the radome was reinstalled, but not to house the AN/AAA-4 infrared search and track, but rather to carry the forward amplifier and antenna of the AN/ALR-25/26 radar warning system.
  • The AN/AVQ-9 Pave Light laser designator was fitted to two Block 27 aircraft (65-0612 and 65-0642).
  • Two Block 27 aircraft (65-0657 and 65-0660)were fitted with the AN/APS-107 radar homing and warning system and a target acquisition system for AGM-78 Standard anti-radiation missiles. The EF-4D designation was applied to aircrafts as prototypes for the Wild Weasel program.

    Block 28
  • 65-0666 to 65-0770
  • Total 105 aircraft built.
  • Full designation McDonnell Douglas F-4D-28-MC Phantom II.
  • One aircraft (65-0709) transferred to Republic of Korea Air Force in 1970. Five Block 28 aircraft (65-0678, 65-0691, 65-0715, 65-0732, and 65-0762)transferred in 1972. Two aircraft (65-0679 and 65-0755)transferred in 1982.
  • The AN/AVQ-9 Pave Light laser designator was fitted to two Block 28 aircraft (65-0677 and 65-0705).

    Block 29
  • 65-0771 to 65-0801
  • 66-0226 to 66-0283
  • 66-7455 to 66-7504
  • Total 139 aircraft built.
  • Full designation McDonnell Douglas F-4D-29-MC Phantom II.
  • One aircraft (65-0797) transferred to Republic of Korea Air Force in 1982.
  • The AN/AVQ-9 Pave Light laser designator was fitted to one Block 29 aircraft (65-0786).

    Block 30
  • 66-7505 to 66-7650
  • Total 146 aircraft built.
  • Full designation McDonnell Douglas F-4D-30-MC Phantom II.
  • Five Block 30 aircraft (66-7507, 66-7555, 66-7577, 66-7608, and 66-7618)transferred to Republic of Korea Air Force between 1987 and 1988.
  • Two Block 30 aircraft (66-7635 and 66-7647) served as test beds for the AN/APS-38 warning and attack system developed by McDonnell Douglas and later adopted for the F-4G. The EF-4D designation was applied to aircrafts as prototypes for the Wild Weasel program.
  • The Westinghouse AN/ASQ-152(V)-2 Pave Spike laser target designator was fitted to four Block 30 aircraft (66-7509, 66-7531, 66-7546 and 66-7634).

    Block 31
  • 66-7651 to 66-7774
  • 66-8685 to 66-8698
  • Total 138 aircraft built.
  • Full designation McDonnell Douglas F-4D-31-MC Phantom II.
  • Ten Block 31 aircraft (66-7673, 66-7690, 66-7709, 66-7715, 66-7737, 66-7747, 66-750, 66-7753, 66-758 and 66-7762)transferred to Republic of Korea Air Force between 1987 and 1988.
  • The AN/AVQ-10 Pave Knife laser target designator could be carried on the inboard underwing pylon of specially modified eleven Block 31 aircraft (66-7652, 66-7674, 66-7675, 66-7679, 66-7681, 66-7707, 66-7709, 66-7743, 66-7760, 66-7766, and 66-7773).

    Block 32
  • 66-8699 to 66-8786
  • Total 88 aircraft built.
  • Full designation McDonnell Douglas F-4D-32-MC Phantom II.
  • Six Block 32 aircraft (66-8701, 66-8734, 66-8737, 66-8756, 66-8758 and 66-8765)transferred to Republic of Korea Air Force between 1987 and 1988.
  • One Block 32 aircraft (66-8738) was fitted with the AVQ-11 Pave Sword precision attack sensor.
  • One Block 32 aircraft (66-8700) received the Pave Fire system mounted in a centerline pod.
  • AN/ARN-92 LORAN-D equipment was fitted to 50 Block 32 Pave Phantom F-4Ds (66-8708, 66-8714, 66-8719, 66-8722, 66-8726, 66-8728, 66-8730 to 66-8735, 66-8737 to 66-8739, 66-8741 to 66-8745, 66-8747 to 66-8750, 66-8755, 66-8756, 66-8758, 66-8759, 66-8761, 66-8762, 66-8765, 66-8768 to 66-8770, 66-8772, 66-8774, 66-8776, 66-8777, 66-8779, 66-8782 and 66-8784 to 66-8786). They could be identified by a rather prominent "towel-rail" antenna on the upper rear fuselage behind the rear cockpit.

    Block 33
  • 66-8787 to 66-8825
  • Total 39 aircraft built.
  • Full designation McDonnell Douglas F-4D-33-MC Phantom II.
  • Two Block 33 aircraft (66-8806 and 66-8810)transferred to Republic of Korea Air Force between 1987 and 1988.
  • The Westinghouse AN/ASQ-152(V)-2 Pave Spike laser target designator was fitted to two Block 33 aircraft (66-8819 and 66-8821).
  • One Block 33 aircraft (66-8812) was fitted with the AVQ-11 Pave Sword precision attack sensor.
  • The AVQ-9 Pave Light laser designator was fitted to four Block 33 aircraft (66-8814, 66-8815, 66-8817, and 66-8823).
  • AN/ARN-92 LORAN-D equipment was fitted to 22 Block 32 Pave Phantom F-4Ds (66-8787 to 66-8799, 66-8802, 66-8803, 66-8805, 66-8806, 66-8810, 66-8812, 66-8816, 66-8818 and 66-8825). They could be identified by a rather prominent "towel-rail" antenna on the upper rear fuselage behind the rear cockpit.

    This page created by R. Tahsin Guney

    If you can provide any further F-4D Phantom II information, photos and drawings, or have any comments on this site, please contact me :
    E-mail: rtahsing@gmail.com

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