Recently, a friend of mine came back from a tour of Garhwal and he was kind enough to send me a few snaps from the region to let me know what was happening in this hill state of ours and I am here to share with you guys, the snaps he sent had sent me. Take a look guys:




Though, it is said that tourism is going to be a major industry in Uttaranchal and that TPS Rawat and company are working day and night to tell the world that Uttaranchal is a better destination that Switzerland. Well there are a few things which one wouldn’t find in Switzerland and Switzerland probably wouldn’t even care if it doesn’t have. This pile of garbage at the entrance of Dugadda tells us, we are different!





Imagine the tranquility and calmness at the evening in a remote village of Uttarakhand and yes the over-exposed source is of a glowing electric bulb. Unfortunately, this photograph hides the harsh realities in its glare.





While women toil day night in the jungles and in the fields, these good for nothing guys find enough time to play cards during the day and snatch money from their women folks in the evening and to drink Daru. Ask these guys why are they not working and they will give you 1001 excuses why they aren’t!




While the men play cards oblivious of what is going around, this half blind aged woman goes to the local ‘dhar’ to fetch water from there. So asking for safe and clean drinking water is a Communist Agenda, which doesn’t inspires us!




This old man retired from the Army in 1957 and must be over ninety years of age. His clothes were dirty and he doesn’t drink (Yes, there are men who don’t drink!). Probably, there is no one to look after him. His wife might be too old or dead to take care of him or his children must be working elsewhere.



While this young girl is busy selling maize to the customers, her father was busy easing himself with a game of cards and a cup of tea. Welcome to a prosperous Uttarakhand!




Young girl students pose for a photograph. This school is being run by a private trust. Its good that many Uttarakhandis are returning to their roots and doing things to improve the life of people.






As most of the right thinking people have been saying for long, that it is only HAT or Horticulture, Agriculture and Tourism which can bring prosperity in the hills. These dry and abandoned agricultural fields are a grim reminder of the dead economy of the hills. There are thousands of such agricultural fields throughout British Garhwal, which have been left abandoned due to lack of ‘Land Consolidation’ and non-implementation of modern and scientific methods of farming. If we can ask the owners to plant, not crops, but trees of Apples, Malta, Grapes, Apricots, Pears etc, which initially require some effort from our part, it will definitely take Uttarakhand ahead of Himachal in horticulture.


Leave the IT thing to the young, English educated blokes in Dehradun and Haldwani, which is mere eyewash on the part of the government and to mislead people whose vision is far removed from reality. The IT Park, which our fav bureaucrat, Amarendra boasts about, is not even in any kind of tangible form, though only soil testing of the site was recently completed. The proposed IT incubation centre at Bhimtaal is not even formally drafted or approved! This is the work done by the government in Uttaranchal and how Uttaranchal has progressed after three and a half years, it does not matter whether it has signed MoU s with Microsoft or IBM.


Horticulture and Agriculture along with Tourism hold key to Uttarakhand’s prosperity.


Well the best thing about this site is tha you can post photos as well. Otherwise, you guys would have accussed this commie bastard of misquoting facts to justify his existence. Thanks for going through this guys.