Rugby Subacuático
Reglamento Internacional CMAS
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Espa~ol - CASA UCV
Versiones En Linea
English -  bsi-BOBLEN
El Rugby Subacuatico es un deporte jugado por dos equipos de 6 jugadores, debajo de la superficie del agua de una piscina,. Cada jugador debe vestir equipo basico de buceo, por ejemplo aletas, mascara (careta) y tubo de respiracion (snorkel). El objetivo del juego es colocar un balon de flotabilidad negativa dentro de la cancha del equipo adversario. Las canchas estan localizadas al final de cada lado en el fondo de la piscina.
1. Area y Elementos necesarios para el Juego
1.1  Area de Juego
1.2  Cancha
1.3  Balon
2. Formacion del Equipo y elementos
2.1 Composicion del Equipo
2.2 Elementos Personales
2.3 Identificacion de los Equipos
3.1 Numero, Nombres y Deberes
3.2 Equipamento de los Jueces
4.El Juego
4.1 Inicio del Juego
4.2 Duracion del Juego
4.3 Procedimiento para establecer puntajes
4.4 Detenciones del Juego
5. Faltas en el Juego
5.1 Jugada de Falta
6. Penas Maximas
6.1 Tiro Libre
6.2 Tiempo de la Pena Maxima
6.3 Cobro del Penalti
6.4 Regla de Ventaja
7. General
7.1 Organizacion
1. Area y Elementos necesarios para el Juego
1.1 Area de Juego
Notas Guia (NG):  Elementos de Ayuda y Aclaracion
NG. El juez de Superficie debe revisar los siguientes items antes de iniciar el juego:
1.1 El Area de juego, sus dimensiones y las marcas del area para la entrada de los Jugadores Sustitutos (Linea de Cambios).
1.2 Las canchas, sus dimensiones y material.
1.3 El balon de juego, sus dimensiones y flotabilidad negativa.
Si se encuentran discrepancias, el Juez de Superficie decide si el juego puede ser llevado a cabo. Si un juego es llevado a cabo con discrepancias, el Juez de Superficie debe asegurarse de que estas han sido colocadas en el Reporte del Juego. El Juez de Superficie puede exigir la aprobacion de los Capitanes de cada equipo antes de iniciar el juego.
1.1.1 La profundidad en el agua debe ser de  3.5 m - 5 m.
NG. Para Juegos diferentes a Campeonatos Zonales o Campeonatos del Mundo, la profundidad del agua puede ser reducida a 3.4 m indicando esta caracteristica en la Invitacion.
1.1.2 El area de Juego debera ser de 12 m - 18 m en longitud y 8 m - 12 m de ancho.
NG: Para Campeonatos Internacionales,  se prefiere usar las medidas maximas . Tambien esto es aplicable para las medidas de profundidad . Para estos campeonatos, es impornatnte que los lados de la piscina sean perpendiculares al fondo.
1.1.3 La longitud del area de Juego debera ser marcada por una cuerda a lo largo de la superficie del agua
1.1.4 Una Linea adicional paralela a esta, a 3 m de distancia indicara la Linea de Cambios.
1.1.5 Las Zonas de Cambios deberan estar a un lado de la piscina al final de  la Linea de Cambios y deberan ser demarcadas con lineas en cada lado de la piscina. El lado corto del Area de Juego, en su longitud total,  sera la Zona de Cambios
1.1.6 El Banco de Cambios debera estar al lado de la piscina , en ambos lados de la Linea de Cambios, dentro de la Zona de Cambios.
1.1.7 El Bamco de Penalizacion debera estar situado cerca a la Zona de Cambios pero claramente separado.
1.1.8 Los Jueces deberan notificar a los Capitanes la posicion exacta de las Zonas de Cambio, antes de iniciar el Juego.
1.2 Canchas
1.2.1 Las canchas consisten en dos cestas rigidas, las cuales se encuentran ubicadas a la mitad de cada lado en los extremos cortos del Area de Juego. Se ubicaran en el fondo de la piscina contra el muro.
1.2 Sus dimensiones seran de 450 mm. de Alto y 390 - 400 mm. en el Diametro Superior.
1.2.3 El borde de la Cesta debera ser cubierto con una superficie suave.
1.3 Balon Subacuatico
1.3.1 Se usa un balon llenado con agua que permita la flotabilidad negativa. El Balon debera descender a una velocidad de 1000 - 1250 mm.  (1 - 1.25 m) por segundo.
1.3.2 Este debera tener una circunferencia de 520 - 540 mm para Hombres, y de 490 - 510 mm para mujeres.
El Balon debera tener por colores el Blanco y Negro o unicamente Rojo.
2.1 Composicion del Equipo
2.1.1 Un equipo consiste de un maximo de 15 Jugadores, 6 en el agua, 5 jugadores en la Zona de Cambio (Jugadores Sustitutos o de Relevo), y 4 reservas.Un equipo consiste de un minimo de 6 jugadores.
NG. El Juez de Superficie debe revisar que los nombres y los numeros de los gorros de los Jugadores de los dos equipos que estan dispuestos s jugar a un Juego en especial hayan sido referenciados en el Reporte del Juego, antes de iniciar el juego.
Un equipo puede estar compuesto por menos de 15 jugadores, pero debe tener un minimo de 6 jugadores.
2.1.2 Los Jugadores Sustitutos (Relevos) de cada equipo deberan estar sentados en el Banco de Cambios durante el juego.
(i) Un Jugador de Relevo
(ii) Un Jugador de Cambio no puede entrar al agua hasta que el Jugador que sale este totalmente fuera del agua y este en la Zona de Cambios de su correspondiente Equipo.
NG. Cualquier Jugador para ser cambiado debe  salir del  agua unicamente en la Zona de Cambios de cada equipo.
(iii) Un Jugador de Relevo puede entrar al Juego unicamente por la Linea de Cambios
2.1.3 Cada Equipo tiene el derecho a  realizar dos cambios durante un Juego
NG. Es permitido hacer dos cambios durante el Juego, un Jugador que ha sido sacado puede volver al Juego de nuevo, pero esto cuenta como el segundo cambio. El cambio puede no ser causa de Interrupcion. El Juez de Superficie debe ser informado del cambio antes de llevarse a cabo,  ademas de indicar el mumero de los Jugadores
2.1.4 Los 4 Jugadores de Reserva deben estar sin gorros, y usar una camiseta si ellos estan en el area de cambios. Ellos pueden realizar sus ejercicios de calentamiento en la piscina fuera del area de juego y del linea de Cambios
2.2 Elementos Personales
Cada Jugador debera estar equipado con Careta (mascara), Aletas y un Tubo para Respirar (snorkel).
NG. El Juez de Superficie debe revisar los Elementos Personales de los Jugadores antes de Iniciar el juego, confirmando que dichos elementos no son peligrosos y estan dentro de las reglas.
Todos los Bordes que sobresalen en los Elementos  Personales, por ejemplo, Caretas,  hebillas de Aletas deben estar cubiertas; esto puede ser hecho con cinta o elementos similares.
Cada Jugador debera estar equipado con Careta, aletas y Snorkel. Las Aletas pueden ser cortadas conforme a la Longitud maxima permitida. Todos los Elementos deberan estar dispuestos de tal manera que la lesion a otros Jugadores sea imposible, cubriendo hebillas y Bordes que sobresalen.
(i) Cualquier borde metalico que sobresalga en los elementos personales debera ser cubierto.
(ii) Las Aletas pueden ser aseguradas con Sujetadores de Aletas.
(iii) Las Aletas pueden tener la Longitud deseada.
(iv) Las Aletas con injertos metalicos no puden ser usadas.
(v) Las Monoaletas no puden ser usadas.
2.2.2 Los Jugadores no pueden vestir o usar ningun tipo de elemento que cause lesiones a otro Jugador. Las u~as deben ser cortas y el cuerpo no debe estar cubierto con ningun tipo de Crema o Aceite.
NG. La union de los dedos por medio de Cintas es permitida, con la condicion que estos permanezcan flexibles.
2.2.3 Si parte de los Elementos Personales de los Jugadores sufre da~o durante el juego , puede ser colocado fuera del agua para ser reparado.
NG.  Un Jugador puede reparar su equipo sin salir del agua, si lo anterior no interfiere con el normal desarrollo del Juego.
Si un Jugador sale del agua para reparar su equipo, esta salida debe ser hecha por medio de un Cambio Normal (Regla 2.1.2.)
(i) No se permitira que el Jugador reingrese al agua hasta que el Juez de Superficie esta en buenas condiciones.
2.3 Elementos de Identficaion para cada Equipo
2.3.1 Todos los miembros del Equipo deberan usar vestidos de Ba~o del mismo color de los Gorros numerados.
NG. Los Gorros deben incluir proteccion para los oidos , y estos protectores no pueden ser removidos, o alterados. Esto para prevenir lesiones en los oidos.
2.3.2 Cada equipo debe poseer un par de juegos de color Azul y Blanco tanto de Vestidos de Ba~o como de Gorros.
NG. El equipo que hace las veces de Local o el equipo llamado en Primer instancia durante la programacion de los Juegos usara el color azul en sus Vestidos de Ba~o y Gorros.
2.3.3 Los Capitanes de Equipo haran saber a los Jueces los numeros de Gorros que ellos usaran antes del comienzo del Juego, y ellos deberan usar una Banda en la parte superior del Brazo.
El equipo con Vestidos de Ba~o y Gorros azules, debera usar bandas de color negro en las mu~ecas.
2.3.5 Es permitido jugar con protecciones para los Codos y Rodillas, hechas con materiales blandos, siempre y cuando sean del mismo color del gorro  o de un color neutral.
3.1 Numero, Nombres y Deberes
3.1.1 Por lo menos tres jueces seran responsables por cada juego y sus decisiones seran de obligatorio cumplimiento.
NG. En el caso en que muchos Juegos se realizan en secuencias rapidas o en un juego de paricular importancia, es recomendable que el Juez de Superficie tanga uno o mas asistentes, encargados de las siguientes tareas en nombre del
Juez de Superficie:
- regular el Tiempo.
- revisar los Elementos personales de los Jugadores antes de iniciar el Juego.
- vigilar los Cambios
- vigilar a los Jugadores suspendidos.
- vigilar los Jugadores que salen del agua para reparar su equipo.
- guardar  el marcador.
- elaborar el Reporte del Juego.
3.1.2 Dos Jueces estan en el agua, uno a cada lado del Area de Juego, y son llamados Jueces de Agua. Los Jueces de Agua controlan:
(i) El comienzo del Juego despues de una "Interrupcion l Juego."
NG. Una "Interrupcion del Juego" sucede cuando un Tiro Libre es ejecutado. El Juez que determina la Penalizacion (el cual pudo haber sido el Juez de Superficie ) reinicia el Juego.
(ii) Se~alizar cuando un gol es anotado usando dos sonidos de moderada longitud.
3.1.3 El Tercer Juez observa el juego desde un lado de la piscina y es llamado el Juez de Superficie. El Juez de Superficie controla:
(i) El Tiempo de Juego.
(ii) El Tiempo en una Pena Maxima.
NG. El Tiempo en una Pena Maxima debe sacarse del Tiempo Efectivo de Juego;  el Reloj que contabiliza el tiempo de la Pena Maxima es parado y reiniciado siempre y cuando el reloj del Juego sea parado.
(iii) El Cambio de los Jugadores (entrada al agua).
(iv) El inico del Juego, depues de cada Medio de Tiempo, depues de un balon del Juez, y depues de que un gol es anotado
(v) Penaliza ofensas que sucedan en la superficie del agua.
3.1.4 Los jueces interrunpuran el Juego inmediatamente, si en su opinion un jugador esta seriamente lesionado.
NG. Se ofrecera ayuda a cualquier Jugador lesionado. Un nuevo Jugador puede entrar desde el Banco de Cambios (ajustandose a la Regla 2.1.2.) El juego sera reiniciado con un Balon del Juez.
3.1.5 Los Juece tienen la autoridad para retirar a un Jugador del Agua.
NG. El Jugador es enviado al Banco de cambios. Un Jugador puede entrar al agua (Regla 2.1.2).
Si el juego es detenido, su reinicio sera por medio de un Balon del Juez. El envio de este Jugador puede ser determinado si
(i) presenta un agotamiento extremo y se ve exhausto.
(ii) si tiene Elementos Personales defectuosos.
3.1.6 Los Jueces tienen la autoridad de expulsar un Jugador para eventos porteriores
NG. Ademas, esta Regla puede  ser interpretada como que un Equipo debe jugar  con un jugador menos durante el Tiempo que haga falta para finalizar el Juego. La Regla debera ser usada en casos extremos.
Si el Juez no esta seguro de expulsar el jugador o sancionarlo con una penalizacion de 2 minutos, entonces el Juez deberia sancionar la penalizacion de 2 minutos siempre.
En casos con menor gravedad el Juez puede advertir o dar una penalizacion de 2 minutos
(i) En caso de comportamiento anti-deportivo, el Jugador puede no ser reemplazado por un Jugador del Relevo.en ningun momento dentro del Tiempo que falta para finalizar el Juego.
(ii) En el caso de que un Jugador repetidamente infringa las Reglas, el o ella puede ser reemplazado por un Jugador del Relevo despues de que el Equipo haya cumplido con la sancion de 2 minutos. Regla 6.2.6. no es valida bajo (i) y (ii).
NG. Un Juez debe llamar la Atencion a los Jugadores para evitar que nuevas faltas sean cometidas.
The player who is causing the penalty is expelled from the game. After the penalty time is served the team may continue to play with 6 players in the water, and only 4 exchange players. No reserves are allowed. If the player is expelled from the whole tournament, a reserve may enter the game in the next match.
(iii) In both cases the player may not participate in the next match.
Nota: The reason for the exchange shall be entered on the Match Report.
3.1.8 The referees shall make themselves distinctive by audible and visual signals.
Nota: Whenever possible referees are encouraged to announce briefly the reasons for stoppages of play.
It is recommended that the underwater referees repeat each others' signals.
The following signals are to be used by the referees:
3.2 Officials' Equipment
3.2.1 The two water referees may use compressed air equipment if considered necessary.
Nota: In world and zone championship games, at least one water referee shall use compressed air equipment.
3.2.2 The surface referee shall wear a white track suit.
3.2.3 The water referees shall wear a dark T-shirt or a diving suit.
Nota: At least the upper part, or the vest, of a diving suit must be worn.
4.1 Starting Play
4.1.1 At the beginning of the game and after half time the ball is placed on the bottom of the pool in the middle of the playing area whilst each team is in the water at their respective goal lines with at least one hand touching the wall:
Nota: In order to position the ball at the start of the play, a ring or low bowl may be used, provided it will not endanger the players.
(i) The exchange players sit on the exchange bench.
(ii) The surface referee starts the game by a long continuous sound.
(iii) In the case of a false start at the beginning of a game and after half time the play shall be stopped and restarted and the clock reset to zero.
Nota: When play is restarted after a false start, the clock shall also be restarted. This only applies to the start of play at the beginning of the two time periods.
4.1.2 After a goal is scored the teams return to their ends. Then after the referee's signal the team against which the goal was scored attacks with the ball:
(i) If (after a completed goal or a penalty throw) the game is started before all the players have reached their end of the pool, they must do so before joining the game.
Nota: The players must touch the pool edge with one hand before they continue to play.
4.1.3 When attacking immediately after a goal has been scored the ball shall be led visibly until closing with one of the opposing team. The ball shall not be held behind the back, between the legs, etc.
Nota: "Closing" means from the moment a player from the opposing team attacks the player who is in possession of the ball.
4.1.4 On completion of a penalty throw the game is started again as rule 4.1.2.
(i) f a goal was scored, the ball shall be given to the team against which the penalty throw was carried out.
(ii) If a goal was not scored the game is started as per rule 4.1.1.
Nota: The water referee takes the ball and places it in the middle of the playing area.
4.1.5 If the game is stopped and neither a penalty throw nor a free throw was awarded by a referee, the ball is thrown into the water by the surface referee (referee ball).
Nota: A "referee ball" shall be thrown by the surface referee into the water so as to give no advantage to either team.
It is forbidden to touch the ball before it has hit the surface of the water. If this happens a free throw shall be awarded for the infringement of Rule 5.1.12.
Referee ball must be given (thrown) to the centre of the playing area (close to the middle line).
4.2 Duration of Play
4.2.1 The duration of the game shall be two periods of 15 minutes.
Nota: The duration of the game shall be 2 x 15 minutes effective playing time (cf. Rule 4.2.3).
During international tournaments, other than World or Zone Championships, when games have to be played within a limited time, the duration of play may be shortened; e.g., 1  x  10 minutes effective playing time. Any change in the duration of play must be indicated on the invitation.
4.2.2 At half time
(i) The interval shall be five minutes.
(ii) The team shall change ends.
(iii) The water referees shall not change sides.
4.2.3 On all game interruptions the clock is stopped.
4.2.4 If necessary the playing time must be extended in order to carry out a penalty throw.
Nota: A penalty throw shall always be carried out regardless of the expiration of playing time.
This rule also applies to a free throw and a referee ball. The game is stopped immediately the throw has been made.
4.2.5 When a game in which a decision must be reached finishes in a draw, it shall be extended after an interval of five minutes by:
(i) One period of fifteen minutes so called "sudden death".
Nota: T he team who makes the first goal is the winner of the game. The game is stopped immediately after the goal is scored.
(ii) if the game cannot be decided thereby, each team carries out three penalty throws which have to be carried out by three different players from each team in alternative succession.
Nota: The three penalty throws shall be carried out by three different players from each team. The penalty throws shall be carried out in turns. Lots are drawn to decide which team should start with the first penalty throw. The goal defender may be changed at will.
If the game cannot be decided thereby, each team carries out one penalty throw, by a different player each time, until a deciding goal is scored
(iii) If the game cannot be decided thereby, each team carries out one penalty throw by a different player one from each team in alternative succession until either team achieves a leading position.
4.2.6 Each team has the right to ask for one "time-out" in each game. The duration of the time-out is one minute.
Nota: "Time-out" can only be claimed during an interruption. "Time-out" may not be the cause of the interruption. During a time-out both teams must move to the end of their playing area
4.3 Scoring Procedure
4.3.1 A goal is scored when the ball is completely below the goal edge.
(i) It is indicated by one of the water referees by two long continuous sounds.
Nota: The game is considered as "interrupted" at the first sound.
4.3.2 The team which achieves the most goals in a game is the winner.
(i) If both teams have the same number of goals the game is a draw.
4.3.3 In a tournament the winning team of each game shall receive two points, whilst in a draw each team receives one point.
(i) The team with the most points is the winner of the tournament.
(ii) If there are teams with the same number of points the classification is carried out as follows:
- The games in which these teams played against each other shall be the deciding factor (points and goal difference).
If there is no decision, the goal difference of all games is decisive.
If the goal difference of all games is equal, the team with the most "plus" goals gets the advantage.
If the number of "plus" goals is also equal, a new game shall be played observing rule 4.2.5 if
4.3.4 The invitation to an International tournament must specify in detail the scoring procedure to be used for that tournament.
4.4 Stopping Play
4.4.1 A game interruption is when:
(i) A game is stopped for a penalty.
(ii) A referee ball is played.
(iii) A goal is scored.
4.4.2 The clock is stopped during game interruptions.
4.4.3 A game is stopped by:
(i) Repeated short signals for a penalty, a referee ball and at the end of a time period.
(ii) Two long continuous sounds when a goal is scored.
Nota:  The referee should be particularly aware of the following points under foul play which are considered to interfere with rhythm and quality of the game, and he should therefore consistently interrupt for the infringement of Rules:
5.1 Foul Play
It is forbidden:
5.1.1 To attack the opponent's mask.
Nota: To "attack" is to tear off the mask on purpose or by unnecessarily violent play. The mask must not be deliberately touched by an opposing player. A grasp around the head of, or when swimming over, an opponent must not cause the neck strap of the mask to be pushed off.
It is also forbidden to push or throw the ball against the mask of an opponent (e.g., the goal keeper) on purpose.
5.1.2 To attack the opponent's snorkel.
Nota: To "attack" is to tear off the snorkel on purpose or by unnecessarily violent play.
5.1.3 To attack the opponent's fins.
Nota: To "attack" is to tear off fins on purpose or by unnecessarily violent play. To hold onto, or deliberately to touch, the fins of an opponent is forbidden.
5.1.4 To pull or hold onto the opponent's swimming trunks/ bathing-suit.
5.1.5 To push down or pull up an opponent in order to reach the surface of the water quickly.
G.N. It is forbidden to push off from, or to pull on, an opponent in order either to increase one's own speed, or to slow down the opponent. However, if one of the players is in possession of the ball, this note is no longer valid.
5.1.6 To kick or to hit the opponent on purpose, or to play unnecessarily violently. To press onto the opponents head, or to twist the head on the surface. Or to use too much violence on the head, during the play.
G.N. The referee should be particularly aware of the goal keeper trying to repel an attacker by kicking him with his fins.
5.1.7 To use a strangle hold on the neck.
5.1.8 To continue to playing after a goal or penalty throw without having first returned to the start position.
G.N. Refer to Rule 4.1.2 (I).
5.1.9 When a player is not in possession of the ball to pull or to push any player away from the goal.
G.N. The referee shall be aware that infringements of this Rule often happen in places other than where the ball is.
5.1.10 For one team to have more than 6 players in the water at any one time.
G.N. It is up to the surface referee or his assistant (see note for Rule 3.1.1) to check that the number of exchange players on the exchange bench is registered at any one time. If an exchange player is missing from the bench and he has not given official notice of departure to the surface referee, this will indicate that there are too many players in the water and should be punished as per Rule 5.1.10.
If the other team is attacking, the play shall not be stopped but the referee shall raise a flag / his hand to indicate an awaiting time penalty. If a goal is scored the time penalty is cancelled. If the defending team gets the ball, the game is stopped and the time penalty is given.
5.1.11 To hold onto the opponent when he is not in the possession of the ball.
G.N. This ban is most important in order to maintain a fluid and high quality game. The referees shall, therefore, consistently interfere and be particularly aware of "before" and "after" tackles.
A "before" tackle is to hold onto an opponent just before he/she reaches the ball.
An "after" tackle is to hold onto an opponent after he has lost possession of the ball (e.g., after he was tackled) or after he has thrown the ball to another player. This tackle prevents the player from swimming into a new position in order to participate in team tactics.
(A player who is throwing the ball in front of himself and to himself is considered to be in possession of the ball and an tackle on him is not an "after" tackle.)
5.1.12 To lead or throw the ball above water.
G.N. The ball is considered "above water" when the whole of the ball is above the surface.
5.1.13 To knock over or to pull away the goal.
5.1.14 To hold onto or to shift the goal with hands or feet.
5.1.15 To swim with the ball beyond the perimeter of the playing area.
G.N. The whole of the ball shall be beyond the perimeter before it is considered to be "beyond the perimeter".
5.1.16 For the player of the defending team to knock over or to pull away the goal.
5.1.17 For the player of the defending team to hold onto or to shift the goal with hands or feet.
5.1.18 For the goal keeper to hold onto or to wedge his head, arms, legs, backside or any part of his body in the goal. He may not wedge his body to the top of the goal with the aid of neither the pool side nor the bottom. (The goal may only be covered by the body.)
G.N. A penalty throw shall only be awarded by the referees if by holding onto the goal the goal keeper prevents the opponent from utilising an obvious chance of scoring. However, the goal keeper may orientate himself about the goal by touching it.
The goal keeper is not allowed to wedge his arms, head, legs, backside or any part of his body, in the goal. However, it is not foul play if a goal keeper, who is defending his goal with his body, has part of his body involuntarily pressed down into the goal; e.g., shoulder, elbow, knee, etc.
The expression "the goal may only be covered with the body" means that the goal must not be covered with the fins. This would be unjust to the attackers, who must not attack the fins (cf. Rule 5.1.3).
5.1.19 To foul an attacking player in front of the goal thereby stopping an almost certain goal being scored.
G.N. As an infringement of this rule will cause a penalty throw, it is important that the referees note particularly if the infringement has prevented an almost certain goal from being scored. If that is not the case, a free throw shall be awarded for infringement of rules 5.1.1 - 15 as applicable.
6.1 Free Throw
6.1.1 A free throw may be awarded by a referee for the infringements of rules 5.1.1 - 15.
6.1.2 A free throw is given against the team causing the foul.
6.1.3 A player of the opposing team receives the ball on the surface of the water at the place where the incident occurred.
G.N. The team committing the offence must either give the ball to the other team or drop it to the bottom. The referee must give the signal to play as soon as he sees the ball is ready to be played without hindrance from the other side.
(i) A free throw awarded for an infringement on rule 5.1.15 is given level with the rope.
G.N. The throw shall be carried out at the place where the players passed the perimeter of the playing area.
(ii) When a team is awarded a free throw on its own half the free throw is to be taken from the centre of the playing area.
6.1.4 The player carrying out the free throw must not change his position in the water before the ball is handed over.
G.N. The player carrying out the free throw must not dive before the ball is handed over.
6.1.5 The attacker must keep a distance of at least 2 m until the ball is played.
G.N. It is only the attackers who must keep a distance of least 2  m. The referee may start the play if the attacker(s) do not disturb the player who is going to carry out the free throw even if the attacker(s) is (are) nearer than 2 m. If he is disturbing then rule 6.1.5 should be taken literally.
6.1.6 The free throw is given clearance by the referee who previously interrupted the game.
G.N. The ball should be restarted by the referee who has interrupted the game, if it is ready to be played. In other cases, take rule 6.1.5 literally.
6.1.7 The free throw must be carried out within 3 seconds of the referee giving clearance.
G.N. The player carrying out the free throw must not touch the ball again before another player, from either team, has touched the ball.
6.1.8 The ball must not be played directly towards the opponent's goal, it must be touched by another player before a goal may be scored.
6.1.9 If the free throw is not carried out correctly the offending team then receives a free throw.
6.2 Time Penalty
6.2.1 A time penalty may be awarded by a referee for infringements of rules 5.1.1. - 10. The opposing team is given a free throw.
G.N. It should be noted that infringements of Rules 5.1.1 - 10 are also punished with a free throw. This means that time penalties should only be given if it is a question of repeated or gross infringements, with the exception of Rule 5.1.10 which must always be punished with a time penalty.
6.2.2 When the foul occurs the referees may send the players causing the foul to the penalty bench for two minutes. During a penalty throw, the time is running for the time penalty.
G.N. The time penalty (2 minutes) is effective playing time.
The expelled player must be sitting on the penalty bench before the referee may restart the game.
6.2.3 The penalty bench shall be in the immediate vicinity of the exchange area. During the last 10 seconds of the time penalty, the player given the time penalty is allowed to enter the exchange area, but he or any other player replacing him cannot enter the water until the full time penalty is served. The last 10 seconds and the finish of the time penalty must be indicated by the referee.
6.2.4 No exchange player is allowed to go into the water to replace the player being sent to the penalty bench.
G.N. If a time penalty is awarded for an infringement of Rule 5.1.10 (more than 6 players in the water), the referee must ensure that two players are removed from the water so that the team has only 5 players in the water during the period of that time penalty.
6.2.5 If a team deliberately delays the play of a game then the referee may award a 2 minute penalty after giving 2 official warnings to the team (the player committing the last delay is the player to be given the penalty). If necessary, effective playing time may be extended.
6.2.6 If one team is outnumbered due to time penalty(ies) and the opposing team scores, the oldest penalty will be considered served.
G.N. If both teams have even numbers of players on the penalty bench, neither of them is considered outnumbered.
This rule must be observed also during penalty throws.
6.3 Penalty Throw
6.3.1 A penalty throw may be awarded by a referee for infringements of rules 5.1.16 - 19.
6.3.2 The penalty throw is carried out by one player of each team in front of the offending team's goal.
G.N. The teams choose their own players to carry out the penalty throw. All the other players shall be outside the playing area during the penalty throw. They may lie in the exchange lane.
6.3.3 A player of the team which received the penalty throw is given the ball (the attacker).
G.N. The attacker shall start from the centre of the playing area.
6.3.4 The other player (the goal defender) may not be more than 2 m away from the pool edge at kick-off from the water surface.
G.N. The goal defender may not be an expelled player.
6.3.5 The goal defender may not attack the attacker before he has dived.
6.3.6 The attacker has 45 seconds to make a goal. When the goal-keeper has dived he/she must be within reach of the goal the whole time.
G.N. The goalkeeper may not go away from the goal voluntarily, if he is pulled away from the goal by the attacker he/she must swim back to the goal when he/she is no longer held. The goalkeeper is not allowed to bring the attacker to the surface, it must be stressed that it is the ball which should be
brought to the surface. The referees must not inform the teams about the expiration of the 45 seconds. The team captains and fellow players may inform their players from their own half of the playing area.
6.3.7 Clearance is given by the surface referee.
G.N. Signal as for starting play, a long continuous sound [cf. Rule 4.1.1 (II) ].
A penalty throw is carried out within effective playing time and playing time must be extended in order to complete it.
6.3.9 Both the attacker and defender may repeatedly emerge/submerge during the penalty.
6.3.10 The penalty throw is finished:
(i) When the attacker succeeds in scoring a goal.
G.N. Signal is given by the referee as for scoring [cf. Rule 4.4.3 (ii) ].
(ii) When the goal defender succeeds in obtaining the ball and is holding it above the surface of the water.
G.N. Signal is given by the referee as for stopping the play [cf. Rule 4.4.3 (i) ].
(iii) When 45 seconds have elapsed without a goal.
G.N. Signal is given by the referee as for stopping the play [cf. Rule 4.4.3 (i) ].
6.3.11 f the penalty throw is interrupted by incorrect behaviour of the defending team another penalty throw must be given.
(i) The player causing this has to leave water immediately and carry out a 2 minutes penalty after the completion of the penalty throw.
G.N. The period for the time penalty (2 minutes) starts when the normal play is started again. The attacking team may change the attacker.
(ii) If this happens during the execution of penalty throws [cf. Rule 4.2.5  (iii)], the goal defender has to leave the water immediately. He is not allowed to be neither his teams next attacker nor his teams next defender.
6.3.12 If the penalty throw is interrupted by incorrect behaviour by the attacking team, the ball is given to the defending team and the play is started as after scoring a goal.
6.4 Advantage Rule
6.4.1 If at any time during the play the referees decide that a rule infringement does not affect the advantage held by the team in possession, play may be allowed to continue as if the offence has not occurred. This is termed as playing the advantage rule.
6.4.2 This rule must be observed by the referees at all times.
7.1 Organisation
7.1.1 The organising club or association is responsible for ensuring that the playing area, goal and ball all conform to the rules.
7.1.2 The organising club is responsible for supplying all the compressed air units for the underwater referees.
7.1.3 The players play at their own risk.
For further technical details and technical drawings concerning the
playing area, its dimensions and the exchange areas
the goals, dimensions and its materials they are made of
the UWR ball, its dimensions and its negative buoyancy and filling instruction
hand signals of the referees
please contact the Underwater Rugby Commission -CMAS