Last-modified: 25 October, 2006
Copyright © 2001-2004,2006 Ru Igarashi
		           Anime Music FAQ
		                Part 3

Edited by Ru Igarashi
Based on the work of Steve Pearl

This article can be freely distributed for non-commercial use, 
as long as all credits and notices remain intact.  If this is to be
used in any publication, including CD-ROM collections, please
contact the maintainer for permission at

Please e-mail all additions/corrections/comments to:

Changes since last posting: FAQ Entries needed (submissions welcome):
This FAQ is posted in two parts.


Part 1

  1. General Questions
  2. Legality Issues with Anime Music
  3. Artists

Part 2

  1. Electronic Anime Music Resources
  2. Anime Mail Order Businesses

Part 3

  1. Contributors
  2. Disclaimer


    The following are short descriptions of terms and abbreviations common
    in this newsgroup.  For a comprehensive list of acronyms used in the
    rec.arts.anime.* news groups, see Rob Kelk's "Anime Acronym List",
    posted monthly, or found at
    .au/.aiff/.snd/.voc/.wav:  Suffices for different types of audio files.
            Most of them do not use any compression.  Are now mainly 
    	used for computer system sounds (which is what they originally 
    	started out for).
    .avi:	AVI video files.  AVI is not actually a compression format, 
            rather a wrapper for a wide variety of video compression formats.
    .gz:    Suffix for unix "gzip" compressed file.
            See Compressed File.
    .lha/.lzh: Suffix for Lempel-Ziv-Haruyasu algorithm compressed file.
            See Compressed File.
    .m3u:   Suffix for "MPEG1 Layer 3 URL" file. 
    	See M3U and MP1/MP2/MP3 files below.
    .mov/.qt:  Suffices for QuickTime video files.  Like AVI, this is a 
    	wrapper for a wide variety of video compression formats.
    .mp1/.mp2/.mp3: see MP1/MP2/MP3 Files below
    .mpg:   MPEG1 video file.  Not to be confused with MP1/MP2/MP3.  See
            MPEG below.
    .ogg:	Ogg Vorbis audio file.  See Ogg Vorbis file below.
    .pls:   Suffix for Shoutcast PlayLiSt file.  See PLS Files below
    .ra/.rm/.ram/.rpm: "Real" audio/visual files, a proprietary format by the 
            company that produces the RealPlayer line of software.  These
    	are usually used as a source file for streaming AV content
    	over the net rather than download-then-play.  Some of these
    	(.ram, .rpm) are actually contain pointers to the actual file.
    .tgz/.tar.gz:   Suffix for gzipped GNU tar compressed archive file.
    .Z:     Suffix for standard unix "compress" compressed files.  
            See Compressed File.  [SP]
    .zip:   Suffix for the MSDOS zip compressed archive file.
            See Compressed File.
    Anime:  Japanese word for animation, pronounced "ah-nee-meh". In North
            America (and probably everywhere outside of Japan), "anime"
    	is used only in reference to Japanses animation (whereas, in
    	Japan it refers to all animation). The term "anime" is preferred 
    	in this newsgroup over "japanimation" (a term used by North 
    	Americans to refer to Japanese animation), as the latter seems 
    	to be offensive to some people. [SP,RI]
    Anison:	Japanese word for "anime song".  Detailed definitions vary, but
    	basically these are songs made for and used in anime.  Often these
    	are OP or ED, and sometimes instrumental OP or ED are considered
    	anisons.  Technically speaking a "song" is sung, i.e. has a singer,
    	so it might be argued that instrumentals don't count.  Purists
    	also stipulate that anison are sung by career anime artists, 
    	singers who don't have (much of) a singing career outside of 
    	anime songs.
    Anonymous FTP:  A type of FTP to log into a remote machine without 
            needing an account, and extracting files from it (see FTP).  
    	Web browsers make use of this "automatically", so you don't 
    	really need to know how.  If you want to use anonymous FTP 
    	manually but don't know how, ask your local System 
    	Administrator. [SP,RI]
    BGM:    Background music
    bitrate: In the audio context (also in video), the bitrate cited
    	 is usually the maximum volume of digital data (number
    	 of "bits") available at a time (e.g. per second) for
    	 compressed audio data.  It is often used synonymously with
    	 compression factor and audio quality (more compression
    	 results in poorer quality) because the raw audio data
    	 usually starts out with much higher digital size and must
    	 be squeezed down the the assigned bitrate.  For example,
    	 CD audio runs at more than 1 million bits per second,
    	 and MP3s typically reduce that to the order of 100,000
    	 bits per second (100 kbps).
    bootleg:  Copies of a work (e.g. CD) made and distributed illegally, 
            especially with respect to copyright laws, which usually 
    	stipulate that copying and distribution require permission 
    	(and usually licensing) from the original producer of the 
    	work.  Frequently used synonymously with the term "pirated".
    Browser:  An application for accessing the web, like Netscape.  [SP]
    CCCD: Copy-Control CDs.  As the name implies, these are CDs with 
          a form of copy control, particularly to try to block copying of
          music on computers.  Introduced to the market by Avex, it is
          my understanding that the CCCD is actually a multi-session CDROM 
          with data (plus some black magic) and audio tracks.  The audio
          tracks contain the usual CD format music, but the data track is
          what computers see, and that typically contains compressed 
          audio files along with a M$ Windows "private player" (it looks 
          like some companies use their own encoding, one company uses
          K2 enc and Sony uses their minidisc ATRAC).
          If you want to identify CCCDs, the standard logo can be seen 
          in this Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ) news: 
          There are currently 5 Japanese companies using some variant of
          the CCCD format (you'll have to use a translation service to
          read their web pages):
             Avex (
    	 Toshiba-EMI (
    	 Japan Victor (JVC) (
    	 King Records (
    	 Pony Canyon (
    	 Sony (
    	 Teichiku Entertainment
    	 Universal Music Japan
    	 Warner Music Japan
          Avex, King, Universal Pony Canyon and JVC use Cactus Data Shield 
          protection scheme.  Sony CCCDs use Labelgate protection scheme.
          It should be noted that Phillips, the originator of the CD format
          refuses to allow the CD trademark to be used on these CDs (because
          they simply aren't audio CDs).
    CD:     Compact Disc.  These are 5 inch optical storage disks 
    	capable of holding up to 650 megabytes of data or 74 minutes
    	of audio (well, they can squeeze in more, but that's the
    	standard specification).  
    	There are a few types of anime audio CDs:
               soundtrack or original soundtrack or OST - Contains the 
    	        musical score for the anime.  An exception is the 
    		soundtrack for Akira, which includes the voices and
    		sound effects!  If you just want the music, get the
    		Akira Symphonic Suite instead.
               symphonic - A full-symphony rendition of the music in
    	        the anime.
               image - Contains music that "evokes the memory (or mood)
    	        of the film".  This includes new versions of music on
    		the anime, music written for the film but not included
    		in it, and other (maybe new) music somehow related to
    		the film.
    	   drama - Much like a radio play, but on CD.  The story
    	        can be from the video, but often is not.
               high-tech - A synthetizer rendition of the music in
    	        the anime. 
    CDROM:  CDs used for computer data storage.  They can, of course, hold
            audio files, but they can't be played in an audio CD player.
    	Playback is via computer, or portable audio file playback
    	device (similar to the Rio).
    CD-R:   Write once, read many times CD.  Can be used to make audio
    	CDs and computer data CDs.  Compatible with most CD-only
    	players (home audio and computer alike), however, some
    	DVD decks cannot read these since the laser frequency is
    	mismatched to the disc dyes used.  Once written, it can't
    	be written over and more audio tracks cannot be added.
    	Data versions can have additional data written in a special
    	"multi-session" format, which aren't readable on older CDROMs.
    CD-RW:  Rewritable CD.  Can be used to make audio CDs and computer
    	data CDs.  Can be written over many times (though there is
    	a limit), or written incrementally. Not all CD-only players 
    	can play these, but DVD decks should because the dyes used 
    	are coincidentally closer matched to the DVD laser 
    	frequency than CD-Rs.
    CD-Single: A 3 inch version of the normal (5 1/4 inch) CD.  There's
    	no difference in the data structure, but because it is
    	physically smaller, it holds less music.  Usually used
    	for music "singles" (the term "single" is loosely applied
    	as often there are a couple to a few songs on one).  These
    	can be played in most normal CD players (if you see a 
    	smaller diameter depresssion in your tray and have 
    	wondered about it, this is what it's for).
    CD-V:   CD-Video.  A CD that has one track of audio-and-video, and 
    	three or four additional tracks of audio-only.  Not to be 
    	confused with VCD (see VCD below). [SP,RI]
    Compressed File:  Files compressed by programs like Unix compress(1), 
            gzip(1), or MSDOS zip.  This is done to long files (like long
    	FAQs) to save disk storage space and reduce download time.  In 
    	order to view such a file, you usually first run a decompression 
    	program like gunzip(1), or unzip, in order to convert it back 
    	to its original form. There are some programs that allow you
    	to view compressed files without manually decompressing the
    	files first.  Also, in the case of tar or zip, the content 
    	is usually more than one file (even whole directory structures).
    DMCA:  Digital Millenium Copyright Act - a US Bill that amended US
           Code 17 (Copyright Law) (e.g. Chapter 12).  Acquired some 
           infamy with one of its intents which was to update Title 17 
           to deal with computer technology's effect on intellectual
           property.  In particular, the DMCA deals with two issues:
           measures that prevent unauthorized ACCESS and measures that
           prevent unauthorized COPYING (defined as the exclusive rights
           of an author). BUT it explicitly does not affect the other
           aspects of USC 17, including the various exclusions and
           limitations of copyright.  
           And then came the uproar.  The DMCA says that "No person shall
           circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls
           access to a work...".  Unfortunately, some people have taken 
           this to mean that anyone that does something like a screen 
           capture of a DVD for a term paper is breaking the law because
           piping the DVD player's analog signal into a capture card is 
           "circumventing" the DVD's encryption.  That isn't the case, 
           because a) term papers are fair use which the DMCA allows, and
           more importantly, b) the DVD deck is a permitted way to play 
           back the DVD, c) "circumvent protection..." is defined as "means
           avoiding, bypassing, removing, deactivating, or otherwise
           impairing... a measure".  b)&c) indicates ACCESS has clearly 
           not been circumvented since the data went RIGHT THROUGH the 
           protection.  As long as you use standard (authorized) equipment 
           to play back digital media, DMCA is a far smaller issue than 
           alarmists make it out to be.
           Check Chapter 12 of USC 17, for more details on the actual law.
           If you are into lawmaking, you can find the text of the act at 
           the Library of Congress site:
           Like most amendments, it's a bit messy, so the US Copyright 
           Office has an enlightening Summary at
    Dolby Digital: Used to be called AC-3, a digital audio specfication
            for sound recordings used mostly with video.  It is not 
    	limited to surround sound, as the specfication allows for 
    	monaural (1.0), stereo (2.0), and surround (5.1) sound.  It
    	has since been extended to 6.1 and 7.1 in DD Surround EX
    	for more precise rear or back surround sound placement.  This
    	is still technically 5.1 because the extra surround speaker 
    	info is encoded in the left and right surround tracks then 
    	decoded for the extra speakers by the EX-enabled sound system.  
    	This means a DD 7.1 recording can still be played back on a
    	5.1 sound system.
    	This is not MPEG, which is ironic because the video it
    	usually accompanies is MPEG.
    Drama track:  Some CDs have radio-play style skits between music
    	tracks.  They can be comedy or drama, but are still 
    	refered to as "Drama tracks".
    DVD:    The next generation of optical storage medium after CDs.
    	Introduced as a video medium, the specifications for the
    	audio variant was only finalized in early 1999.  The audio
    	DVD can hold a vastly larger volume of music data, some
    	of which is directed towards a higher audio quality than CD
    	and some of which can be used for surround audio, thanks to 
    	MPEG compression (see MP1/2/3 and MPEG below).  However, 
    	audio DVDs are rare, and it isn't clear that older players 
    	will be compatible with DVD-audio software.  For more 
    	information, check Jim Taylor's DVD FAQ at
    ED:     Ending credits.  Also used in reference to the music playing
            during the ending credits.
    FAQ:    Frequently Asked Question.  A question which is frequently
    	asked by new (or casual) users of a newsgroup.	In order to
    	increase the Signal-to-Noise ratio, some newsgroups have
    	a person in charge of posting a monthly list of FAQs and
    	the correct answers.  [SP]
    FTP:    "File Transfer Protocol".  A method of moving files from one
            computer to another that involves logging into the other 
    	machine and issuing commands to get and put files onto
    	either machine.  Logging in essentially opens a data pipeline
    	between the two machines that are normally closed off from
    	each other.  Most of us will use it as Anonymous FTP 
    	(see Anonymous FTP) for getting a file from someone, but 
    	the folks providing that file probably used straight FTP to 
    	put the file where we can get it.  If you want to use FTP 
    	manually but don't know how, ask your local System 
    	Administrator (it's pretty simple most of the time).
    HD:	"High Definition" video.  The allowed picture dimensions are 
    	1280x720 and 1920x1080, with a 16:9 ratio.  Compared to
    	"standard" video, that's a lot better resolution.
    IM:     Image Song (see Image Song below)
    Image Album:  See CD above.
    Image Song:  A song on an anime-related CD that isn't actually used
    	in the anime show.  It usually has some aspect that is tied
    	to the show, like the atmosphere or imagery, or the singer 
    	sings in character.
    IMHO:   In My [Humble|Honest] Opinion.
    J-Pop:  Japanese Pop.  A term used to refer to, well, pop music 
            originating in Japan.  Some anime music fall under this
    	category, and some VAs have some sort of J-Pop career.
    Karaoke version:  Some CDs have tracks from what were originally
    	vocal music, but without the vocals.  This is for folks
    	that want to sing their rendition of the vocals. That is,
    	this is for Karaoke.  Some companies call these "off vocal
    kbps: kilobits per second.  Unit of measure for bitrates.  See "bitrates".
    M3U files:  "MPEG1 Layer 3 URL", a file containing a list of pointers
    	(originally URLs) of MP3 files for streaming audio.  Used 
    	by some MP3 players as a playlist file, which contain a 
    	list of files, or the location of off-site files, to play 
    	back.  Some streaming audio sites use these, but the 
    	actual audio is MP3 format.  See also PLS files.
    MD:	MiniDisc.  An optical music storage format, using a 2.5 inch
    	disc in a cassette from Sony.  These make use of Sony's 
    	proprietary ATRAC (Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding) 
    	compression format to fit data onto the smaller form factor.  
    	This compression uses the same principles as MP3 
    	(see MP1/MP2/MP3) but is a different implementation, and 
    	thus incompatible.  This format has occasionally been used 
    	in .wav files.  Discs can be rewritable and those can be 
    	written and deleted on the fly.  There are home stereo units 
    	that can record and play the discs, as well as portable 
    	playback units.  Never caught on as well outside of Japan 
    	as CD did, despite the recordability, though Sony started 
    	a push in the late 1990's.  Note, this is not the same thing
    	as CD-Singles (see CD-Single).  For more information,
    MDLP:	MiniDisc Long Play.  A newer MiniDisc encoding format that
    	allows the disc to hold 160 and 320 minutes of data.  The
    	bitrate is actually lower than half and 1/4 of the standard
    	(SP) due to the inclusion of space for dummy data to make this
    	format compatible with SP.  Players that can play MDLP can
    	play SP, but machines made before MDLP or without it cannot
    	play MDLP formatted discs.
    MIDI files: As noted above, MIDI files are intrinsically like MOD 
    	files, deriving sound from individual samples rather than
    	one continuous waveform. However, MIDI files use a more
    	standard sample set, and with the proper hardware you
    	can play a piece on a keyboard/synthesizer and have your
    	computer record it as a MIDI file.  More information can
    	be found on the alt.binaries.sounds.midi,,
    	and newsgroups. [SP]
    Mini-Disc: See MD.
    MOD files:  MOD files use discrete instrumental samples plus other
            information (frequency of the note, volume, etc) to play
            sounds, as opposed to WAV and AU formats which just play
            back a single continuous waveform.  Any sample, generally
            up to a size limit (in number of bytes), can be taken,
            unlike MIDI which has a specific, though growing, standard
            set of samples.  The MOD format started on the Amiga and was
            subsequently ported to PCs, Macs, etc.  The original format
            has also been improved from its original four channels
            and somewhat limited effects to more than 30 channels
            and a multitude of effects (volume and tonal slides,
            vibrato, etc).  Probably the most popular "advanced"
            MOD format is the ScreamTracker Module, or .S3M file.
            More information can be found on the alt.binaries.sounds.mod
            and a.b.s.mod.d newsgroups.  [SP]
    MP1/MP2/MP3 files: Sound files which use a "lossy" compression 
    	algorithm to reduce the size of the sound file an order
    	of magnitude from the raw size.  It takes advantage of the
    	human ear's inability to perceive variations beyond certain
    	levels (e.g. frequency).  It can be adjusted to throw more
    	or less information away at the cost of audio quality.
    	The actual formal denotation is MPEG1-layer1/2/3, so that
    	the acronyms result from truncating the "version 1" index.
    	That is, MP2 is NOT MPEG2, it is a subset of MPEG1.
    	There are other MPEG audio codecs, but relative to the
    	efficiency of MPEG1-layer3, the returns are so poor they
    	are not broadly used, except possibly MPEG2 in DVD.
    	There are now portable hardware that can input and play
    	back MP3 files.
    MPEG:	"Moving Picture Experts Group", a series of specifications
    	for compressing digital video and audio data.  They use a
    	"lossy" compression philosophy, which takes advantage of
    	our senses' inability to percieve variations beyond certain
    	levels.  It relies on playback devices to have code that
    	does a decent job of approximating the original information
    	based on the reduced information from the compressor.  There
    	are actually 4 "phases" of MPEG, with varying degrees of
    	public recognition.  MPEG1 is commonly used for video CDs
    	(see VCD below), movie files, and MP1/MP2/MP3 audio files 
    	(see MP1/MP2/MP3 above). MPEG2 is what DVDs use for video 
    	(and Dolby Digital or MPEG2 for audio).  MPEG3 was found to 
    	be redundant with MPEG2.  MPEG4 is for extreme compression 
    	situations, like telephony and internet movies.  MPEG1 was
    	used a lot for transmission of programming to local broadcast
    	stations, but the Digital TV age will guarantee MPEG2
    	dominance for that purpose.
    	For more information, check the FAQs at
    Off Vocal Version: see "Karaoke version"
    Ogg Vorbis file:  An audio file using an open software compression
    	algorithm.  The aim is to be an alternative to MP3 because 
    	of licensing issues for MP3 players.  Algorithm uses a
    	similar lossy compression philosophy (see MP1/MP2/MP3), but 
    	implements it differently so that intellectual property 
    	rights are not violated.  Most major audio players should 
    	be able to play this format.
    OP:     Opening credits.  Also used in reference to the music 
    	playing during the opening credits.
    OS:     Operating System (computers).  After all, computers are used
            to play music, too. :)
    OST:	Original Soundtrack (see "soundtrack").  Usually in reference
            to a soundtrack as a body of work (e.g. CD, LP).  Sometimes
    	used synonymously with ST.
    outro:  The ending sequence or credits, or in the context of music, 
            the ending theme.  see also ED
    Overseas version:  These seem to be CDs destined for foreign (outside
            of Japan) markets.  They are either produced in Japan for
    	export, or produced by a foreign branch of a Japanese
    	company, or licensed by a foreign company.  Beware!  Sometimes
    	this tag is used for bootlegs.
    	[editor's note: Which overseas-version producing companies are 
    	legit?  Which aren't, or which make lousy CDs?]
    PCM:	Pulse Coded Modulation audio format.  This is what the
    	uncompressed or raw data data on CDs is called.  You'll 
    	see the technical sections of your CD and DVD players 
    	refer to this.  This is also the required format for
    	audio on DVD-Audio (i.e. compressed MPEG audio formats
    	are optional).
    PLS files:  Shoutcast PlayLiSt file used by some MP3 Players, which 
    	contain a list of files, or the location of off-site files, 
    	to play back.  Some streaming audio sites use these, but the 
    	actual audio is MP3 format.  The main difference with M3U
    	files is extra information (e.g. title) and syntax, but 
    	otherwise serves the same function.
    seiyuu:  Japanese word for voice actor.
    soundtrack: the music that plays during a show, or the score.  
            Sometimes used synonymously with OST CD.
    ST:	Soundtrack (see "soundtrack").  Sometimes used synonymously
            with OST.
    URL:    An URL is used by programs (usually browsers) to find a
    	specific file or location anywhere on the internet.  URL is
    	short for "Uniform Resource Locator".
            For example, two sites may have the same file called 
    	priss01.gif, but the URL's will be different, such as
            For the technically minded, a URL is made like this:
               ^1   ^2 ^3        ^4 ^5           ^6
              1:  The type of service (such as FTP, Telnet, etc.).
              2:  The separator to the actual address.
              3:  The address (or site) on the internet where the
    	      information can be accessed.
              4:  The seperator to the local directory/folder of the
              5:  The folder/directory structure to locate the item.
              6:  The actual file itself.  This isn't always there, and 
    	      when it isn't the computer pointed to by #3 will send
    	      over a default file, the directory listing, or other
    Usenet: Technically, the proper name for "news groups".  It is a 
    	messaging system in which each message is broadcast to, and 
    	stored at any site that wishes to provide access to the 
    	message to its users, by category, or "news group".  That 
    	means there is no central server, and no one controls or 
    	rules usenet.  Many news groups are grouped under 
    	"hierarchies" which have different policies.  Usenet has 
    	been around longer than the internet, but now mostly uses 
    	the internet to transmit messages (it doesn't have to).  
    	Note, "news groups are not the internet", and vice versa, 
    	and "news groups are not web boards", etc.
    VA:	Voice Actor
    VBR:	Variable Bit Rate.  For some digital audio (and video) 
    	compression schemes, the Bitrate (see "bitrate") can be
    	continuously changed to suit more or less complex changes
    	in sound (or picture).  This helps to optimize the storage
    	space (e.g. on a DVD) and reproduction quality.  This is 
    	done at the authoring phase and is out of the user's 
    VCD:	Video CD.  Video is compressed using MPEG1 lossy algorithm.
    	The specification (White book) is fairly strict, allowing
    	for only a fairly limited bitrate and only 352x240 (NTSC) or
    	352x288 (PAL) resolution.  Can hold up to just over one hour 
    	of video, as well as menu driven access and still images, 
    	and computer files.  Not really an audio format, though not 
    	out of the question.  Not to be confused with DVD.
    WWW:    World Wide Web. A global, interactive, dynamic, cross-
    	platform, distributed, graphical, hypermedia information 
    	system that runs over the Internet.  Note, "the web is not
    	the internet", and vice versa. [SP,RI]

    Jump to: [Contents][1][A][B]      Part1:[1][2][3]  Part2:[1][2]

  1. Contributors

    As with most FAQs, the information documented in the FAQ comes from many people (yes, anime fans are people, too). Our thanks should go to these people.
    Steve Pearl (who started this FAQ)
    Clinton Moulds
    Daniel (a.k.a. vanfanel)
    Joshua Kaufman
    K.E. Bosco
    Mike Quin
    Nobutoshi Ito
    Rob Kelk
    Rob Maxwell
    Ru Igarashi
    Simon Palko
    Thomas Chan
    Tom Norrill
    Wayne C. Morris
    Terrence Huey
    Michael Hayden
    Joe Curzon
    Glenn Shaw
    Nunya Biznes
    Kaijyuu Miyuki-chan
    Josh Berry
    Eric VanHeest
    Zoe (of
    James Mccawley
    Phil Lee
    Dave Watson
    Sean O'Connor
    John Lee Baird
    Skeleton Man
    Mark Weiss
    Wesley Kwong
    Tomoe (smency20)

    Jump to: [Contents][1][A][B]      Part1:[1][2][3]  Part2:[1][2]

  2. Disclaimer

    This document is provided without any warrantees, implied or expressed. The editor assumes no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of the information the document contains or the lack thereof.

    Jump to: [Contents][1][A][B]      Part1:[1][2][3]  Part2:[1][2]

Edited by Ru Igarashi. E-mail submissions and questions about the newsgroup to ru.igarashi[at]