One superb Video Star!

  MAX HEADROOM was a really cool computer generated character who made his debute in 1987 He got his name from a road sign MAX HEADROOM 3 feet. He was the spokesperson for Coke, the original Cokeologist!He was all the rage back then with teeshirts(I have one!),vedios, magazine appearances, and I even saw him in person at a roller skating place in Montreal!

He hasn t been seen since 1988. I think he retired and went to some cyber beach on the web and is living well off of his profites from Coke.
   He had an amusing way of speaking! There are some samples below!He had me st-st-stuttering for weeks!!

Sp-sp-spin that-t-t-t wheel!

Ti-ti-time for Famly Feud!!!!

G-g-go-go for it!