Welcome to Rutgers Readers!
Welcome to Rutgers Readers, a student- run community service organization based out of Rutgers University and affiliated with both the Graduate School of Education and Citizenship and Service Education (CASE) program.

Our goal is to improve literacy in the surrounding community of New Brunswick, and our first step towards achieving this is by working primarily with children at the
Lord Stirling School

The program began in the Spring of 2001, when a Rutgers student decided that Rutgers had the resources and the students to be able to make a difference in the literacy problem faced by New Brunswick. More specifically, we could offer dedicated reading mentors to work with teachers to help young children learn the basics of reading and just as importantly, show them that reading is fun.

Rutgers Readers began officially in the Fall of 2001 with 30 volunteers. One year later, in the Fall of 2002, membership more than doubled to 80 Rutgers students visiting Redshaw during classroom hours as well as during the afterschool program. As we continue to grow as an organization, our releationship with the school has strengthened, and both Rutgers and Redshaw have benefited tremendously.

Through the dedication and enthusiasm of its members, Rutgers Readers not only has been able to help kids learn how to read and love to read, but has provided positive role models and friends for the students at Lord Stirling.

We look forward to continuing at Lord Stirling for years to come, as well as spreading out to other schools and people in our community.
*Member Applications*

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Our Constitution

A Year in Review: 2001

Lord Stirling School

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The more that you read,
the more things you will know,
the more that you learn,
the more places you'll go.

~Dr. Seuss

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
~Margaret Mead
We attend shifts at Lord Stirling school (located conveniently between College Ave and Douglas campuses) at the usual times 9-11am and 3:30-5:30pm.
Sun: 4-20-08
Officer elections are this Wednesday! This is also our last meeting which means it's a part-ay. You don't want to miss this one!