The Eredar
Lifespan:  1000-1050 years
Famous Eredar: Flamespeaker Dracaeus

Hailing from Eres, a mostly forested planet, the Eredar are a tribal culture based around the powers of spirits and nature.  Over the centuries they learned to call upon the spirits and forces of nature to aide them, most notably in the creation of living ships for air and water travel.

The Eredar were the first race the newly created Republic met as they began to spread out from Zohar.  The Republic introduced the Eredar to space flight and in return were shown how to give life to their vessels, increasing efficiency and making them easier to maintain. 

After the birth of the first living spaceship the Republic invited the Eredar to join them.  Now days the Eredar are commonly seen in spiritual and medical fields.  One tribe, the Flamespeakers, work directly with the Republic's living ships often going so far as to assign one them  as permanent members of each living ships crew. 

The three Eredar seats are each held by the leading member of the three most dominant tribe; the Flamespeakers, Windriders, and Earthshapers.  Flamespeaker Dracaeus is also the longest serving Grand Illuminant member, causing him to unofficially be seen as the head of the Republic. 
"Nearly all the living ships in this galaxy were brought to life at the hands of an Eredar.  Though surrounded by a technologically advanced Republic, the Eredar never forget that Nature is the source of life and believe that to ignore it is to ignore a part of yourself.  Only a few sentient species in the galaxy are as connected to whatever planet they live on as the Eredar." - Arcanus, The Great Battle