Health Kinesiology - How can it help

Health Kinesiology is a comprehensive holistic system for balancing the body's energy system.

This energy system contains the same 14 major meridians that acupuncturists use. The energy system is balanced by touching acu-points and using a variety of other energy tools such as thought, light, sound, magnets, essences, homeopathics and more. Health Kinesiology uses manual muscle testing to gather information directly from someone's body/mind. This helps pinpoint issues and choose an optimal personalised approach for each indivual. It also ensures that we always work according to the persons own inner priorities making the energy process as efficient and easy as possible. Health Kinesology can be used very effectively on pets and animals, a surrogate person is used for muscle testing. Health Kinesology can be used when individuals find it particularly difficult to discuss their problems.


Health Kinesiology can be used in chronic conditions both for humans and animals. No two sessions of treatment are the same even for people and animals with similar symptons because the person or animal is treated as a unique individual. Health Kinesiology's truly holistic approach of addressing issues at all levels of being makes it an especially powerful healing system. It is increasingly being recognised by members of the medical profession.


It is not necessary to be ill to benefit. Health Kinesiology can be applied in a wide range of situations. It can be used to achieve optimum health and well being. Life styles can be adjusted to achieve balance with work, rest and recreational activities. Detailed diet and/or exercise programmes can be worked out.


Training regimes can be created enabling individuals to save time, prevent injury and over training,. Creativity and performance can be enchanced by Health Kinesiology, making goals attainable. It is possible to help people widen their horizons, accept change, find new and exciting directions and realise their potential in life.


A detailed personal, medical and social history is taken prior to either counselling or Health Kinesiology bing undetaken. A detailed history is not necessarily needed prior to Reiki therapy. The sessions will be one hour duraction for all the therapies.