

3.What do you do with lazy employees? Encourage employees.

For instance, choose the best employees each month, to conduct a motive, to make employees more work hard and commend employees.

In the on duty briefing reward and encourage the employees.

Give a warning to lazy employee. If he/she still lazy, then company give a warning letter to him/her.

Part-time employees can reduce their on duty time and wage.

The passive method ------ to dismiss.

Due to there have a lot of employees, and there are not job for them , so the company also had make some arrangement for them :

for the fulltime job staff , we give them some small break to take a rest ,so that they can have power to do their work and more enjoy their job

Arrange the goods and give a substantial time table to employees

While employees are free , let them have a stock check

Senior employees arrange the useful practical education to junior employees.
