Mihoshi works as the ditz of the group. She has greater potential than just that, though. While she seems dazed and confused most of the time, she does manage to get the job done. She carries a vast array of weaponry, and manages to get herself out of many a tough scrape with them. She also carries a cube with the power to control what goes on around her which is how she accidentally breaks Washu free. She doesn't vie as heavily for Tenchi as the rest of the women do, but she doesn't keep her crush on him exactly a secret. She does mess up from time to time which is how she came to be stranded on Earth.
Mihoshi was with the Galaxy Police, her grandfather being the Commissioner, when she was sent on a mission to destroy Kagato. She had been a great officer when working with her former partner, Kiyone, but a number of mistakes set her down in a precinct where she had no hope of succeeding. The rest of the Police thought themselves rid of her and were for a time. As Mihoshi reached Earth, Ryoko was making a demon. The energy of the creation tugged at Mihoshi's ship. Mihoshi didn't realize it until it was too late. She tried to warp out of her descent, but she only managed to open the hole to warp, but almost got sucked in herself. Tenchi rescued her, and Washu eventually brought her ship back to the correct dimension. Mihoshi left for a few hours but returned to be with Tenchi.