Adoptee Genealogy - Adoptee & Genealogy Page
Adoptees  Resources - Adoptees Resource Home Page
Adoption Registry - Our first step is to register at  The person you are searching for may already be looking for you.  Register now, it's free!
AdoptoNetwork - A Volunteer Operated Information Registries
AROML - A listing of Specific State & Country Registries
Bastard Nation - Bastard Nation advocates for the civil and human rights of
adult citizens who were adopted as children

BirthQuest - Dedicated to Searching Adoptees, BirthParents, Adoptive Parents and Siblings.
Birth Roots - BirthRoots is an international registry commited to reuniting
birthfamilies and to truth in adoption.

Black Market - Black market adoption: the sale of infants by unscrupulous people for profit.
This registry is dedicated to black market.

Contact Line - The Adoptees Contact Line
Dmoz Open Directory - Adoptee Resources at Dmoz
For Adoptees - Especially for adoptees who are looking for support or for reunion.
Hispanic Registry - The Hispanic Adoption Registry
In Search - A Registry for Adoptees in Search and Birth Family Searching.
Lost Angels - 2740 people searching are now registered
Mailing List - The Adoptees Internet Mailing List
Relinquished - If you are a birthmother, birthfather or an adoptee, we encourage you to view our site.  We have worked hard on creating a database for those searching.
Reunion Registry - The International Soundex Reunion Registry is the world's largest
reunion registry and is a free service.

Sealed Records - Sealed Records and Adoption Reform - An Historic Perspective
Search and Reunion - Dedicated to Adoptees, Birth Families, and Adoptive Families
Search Registry - The Adoptee Search Center Registry
SeekLost - The "Seekers of the Lost"  International FREE adoption and missing persons registry -
The Largest FREE registry on the Internet

The Difference - Adoption Reunion Registry
Voices of Adoption - Welcome to your central source for adoption related news.
resources, support and insight on the web.

VSN - The Volunteer Search network is a worldwide group of Volunteers who have come
together to offer our services to people touched by adoption who need search help.

World Wide - About Newsgroups and Genealogy newgroups
World Wide - Adoption Reunion Registry - World Wide
Renee's Website
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