Profits of Death

911 facts and connection to enron

The Great Game: How to Pick a Winner

Common perception about the war and occupation of Afghanistan is that it is about humanitarinism and security. The fact is that major US oil companies since 1995 have wanted to build a pipeline from the caspian sea in the former Russian republic of Turkmenistan down through Afghanistan to the Arabian Sea. Coincidently, the new prime minister of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai was a former paid consultant to Unocal, the oil company who wants to build the pipeline through Afghanistan.

Equally shocking is the assertion that"As recently as 1999, U.S. taxpayers paid the entire annual salary of every single Taliban government official, all in the hopes of returning to the days of dollar-a- gallon gas." --SF Chronicle--

All of the major wars we have fought and will continue to fight will be about oil.

bush and fahedClick Here for the 1998 House committee on central Asia.

If you would like to view the selected quotes where the House committee outlines its motive and agenda concerning Afghanistan thenClick Here.

Also did you know that Enron conducted the feasibility study for the natural gas pipeline through afghanistan.For that Story please visit our friends at Enron's collapse sounds like one big vanished slush fund.

One millon jobs have been lost since september 11th. A large number of layoffs came in the airline industry. Executives of the airline industry also sold off all of their stocks when they were still up prior to the september 11th explosion, then airline stocks began to crash. Coincidental, I think not. View Article

Apparently the method used by these people was option trading. A kind of bet that a given stock will rise or fall. For more information Click Here

Consider these important facts. We had just finished an era under Clinton where government sponsorship of social legislation and balanced budgets had led to economic prosperity. Bush's agenda when he was elected was to be the "compassionate conservative,"..Whatever that means. In reality He is a neo Reaganite. Only with a major terroist attack could he increase military spending to levels not seen since Reagan, and declare a new ideological cold war on the former CIA stooge, Osama Binladen.

Hello America has anyone noticed that prior to September 11th the president's popularity ratings were figuratively in the toilet and Now he is being lauded the savior of the free world. Some people would argue that Bush's links to the oil cartel contributed to the world trade center attack. Osama Bin Laden's brother Salem Bin Laden was george bush's first business partner in the now defunct energy company, Arbusto Energy. George bush chose the name because it is similar to the spanish word for bush, however, linguistically Arbusto really means shrubbery. View Article

--All ironies intended.

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