"In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'" -- Dosteovsky

During the 1960’s and 1970’s the FBI under J Edgar Hoover conducted Domestic surveillance activities against alleged subversives at the University of California. The FBI targeted its investigation to include all members of the Berkeley Free Speech movement along with members of the faculty of UC Berkeley. In 1981 a chronicle reporter filed a freedom of information request with a Federal District Court to force the FBI to reveal the scope and methods it used to conduct its investigation. After nearly 20 years during the time it took for the court to grant the release of the documents amounting to some 200,000 pages of documents, the FBI’s domestic counter insurgent program was revealed to have violated the scope and mandate of its mission as a law enforcement agency and rather it was shown to have been an agent of Washington right wing politics.

These investigations were launched at the height of the Cold War where the Washington right wing establishment relied on the threat of the Red Scare to squash labor unions and other organizations deemed to be fronts for Soviet Communist infiltration. The FBI’s domestic counter insurgent program was recast under the backdrop of the House Un American Activities Commission. While the commission itself did unmask a number of KGB moles in the US  government, ultimately it proved to be an agent of right wing political intrigue and failed to address the true extent of Soviet infiltration into the American liberal establishment due to the fact that a KGB mole Samuel Dickstein was in fact the creator of the said Commission.

Hoover’s agency deliberately conducted a campaign to discredit the liberal academic establishment at UC Berkeley including chancellor Clark Kerr, by relying on false innuendos, fabricated evidence and hearsay to remove those deemed obstructionist to the right wing establishment’s pro war views. The FBI’s domestic counterinsurgent program was also instrumental in establishing the career of a former left leaning failed New Deal democrat Ronald Reagan and the event recast him into a conservative Icon of the Republican Party. To Read the SF Chronicle Report please Click Here.


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