currency of the world

Globalism: Free market oligarchy or evolutionary democracy

Globalism as it exists to day, is the interplay between states, and multinational or transnational organizations.

Political sovereignty and or dependence is exercised and maintained by core states who set the economic quotas and the peripherary states who must adapt to that system in a fashion in which state sovereignty over capital investment is replaced by the overarching motives of the interdependent economic system that favors capital investment in the interests of the G7 nations and their constituent international banking houses. Hence foreign aid for third world countries can be a double-edged sword.

So with foreign investment there come varying degrees of political and economic autonomy for periphery states. Representation or participation in the political process at an international level by states or citizens representing the interests of that state requires access or majority control of vital economic resources and the varying degrees of that sovereignty and that luxury, civil liberties is enjoyed by such a nation to the degree by which it can innovate, educate, produce and control that nation's economic output. Since the forces of globalism is dynamic in nature in that it has begun to redraw traditional boundaries and definitions of territoriality, that it becomes a necessity in order for a state to evolve it must cast aside autocracy.

However, the economic system of rewards and punishments for periphery states leaves the only alternative, that anachronistic tendency to restrict the vital ingredients necessary for its evolution from third world to first world by the usurpation by the elates of those states, of the access to knowledge and power for the majority of its citizens they claim to represent, and to the degree to which this is accomplished by, is the degree to which currency speculation and foreign capital investment interplays with the per capita of that state's GDP that goes toward debt repayment and capital investment.
If the current theory holds that free markets produce democracies then how is it that most nations in the free market system do not have democracies as part of their political process

I now recommend the following article that further elaborates on the process of globalization and its relationship to International Governmental Organizations. Issues involving transparency of IGO directives and the accountability of access to those directives and the real life, human effect factor is also discussed.

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