Roleplay Number 88


HBK's Record 88

W: 001 L: 001 D: 000

Next Opponent(s) 88

(Singles Match) Shawn Michaels vs Edge

Has-Beens 88

][ John Cena ][ ][ Edge?! ][

Trophy Case 88


"The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels

..Scene One..


][The scenes open backstage in the arena after Retribution has finished, Shawn and Hunter just won their match up, Shawn is walking down a corridor when he sees a few cans of beer on the floor crushed and empty, he stops and looks around, he then shakes his head and walks on, in the distance he sees a man throwing a can behind him as he walks towards Shawn, as the figure gets closer he is revealed as Stone Cold Steve Austin. As they get closer to each other Shawn stops to speak.][

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][ "Hey.. Austin."

]["Stone Cold" Steve Austin][ "Hey Shawn, What? I said Hello Shawn."

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][ "Welcome back to the wrestling business, i'll look forward to beating you again."

]["Stone Cold" Steve Austin][ "What? you think your going to beat me? What?! i said you think you have a chance of beating me."

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][ "No i know i can bea..."

 ]["Stone Cold" Steve Austin][ "What?!"

][Shawn shakes his head and turns away from Austin as Austin gets a smirk on his face, the camera looks on at Shawn as he walks away from Austin, the camera fades to black.][

Scene Two

A Sit Down Interview With Shawn

][Shawn Michaels is sat down.][

][Shawn looks at the interviewer who doesn't come in to the view of the camera, he is sat behind the cameras view, from where he will ask the questions.][

][Interviewer][ "First off, thank you for coming and congratulations on your win last week."

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][ "Its my pleasure and thanks."

][Interviewer][ "Well.. first question is Shawn, What are you thoughts on up coming match against Edge?"

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][ "Well its pretty simple me and Edge we've never crossed paths in the past, i've seen the way this kid fights and hes pretty impressive but hes nothing compared to me, hes nothing compared to anyone from The Worlds Finest, i mean we aren't called The Worlds Finest for no reason we've proved it in the past and believe me we will prove it time and time again here in the H-W-E."

][Interviewer][ "Now.. you say your "The Worlds Finest" but in the H-W-E you all have yet to prove it, exactly how do you plan on proving yourselves?"

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][ "What? we haven't prove it?! well me and Hunter showed you exactly why we are The Worlds Finest last week when we took care of that punk kid John Cena.

 ][Interviewer][ "Now onto your opponent Edge, what are your thoughts on what he had to say about you and the up coming match?

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][

"First off, Edge i'll give you respect you came out and ran your mouth and talked alot of trash but for what? all that crap you said what was it all for? i'll tell you Edge that crap just earned you an ass kicking straight into the heart break hotel, this Saturday night at Retribution i, Shawn Michaels, will show you exactly why i am going to win. I'm glad your not a brown nosing son of a bitch like some people in the business today. Edge you say that i can't cut it in the wrestling world today? why because i'm alot older than you, i've got more experience, ya see thats the problem with you little rookies you think that cause your young and athletic that you can win us older guys but ya see Edge thats where your wrong, thats where you made your mistake, thats what can and will cost you this match. Your gonna come prepared to fight an old, slow moving wrestler but reality check Edge "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels is far from slow, yeah i might be old and i might have had a few injuries in the past but so what? so have you Edge you were out for a whole year and came back, i was out for four years and came when everyone least expected me to come i showed up, now Edge you actually think that you are going to win the Undisputed Title? you actually think that you can beat Shawn Michaels? well Edge i'll give it to you, you've got a big mouth because Edge IF you beat me this Saturday that doesn't mean you can win the title no no... because every member of  The Worlds Finest wants that title, we'll back each other all the way, so ya see IF you get past me you'll have to get past Hunter, Beniot and Ric Flair. Now you say that "dethrone there greatest wrestler" talking about me, well thanks for the compliment Edge but you see theres something wrong with that statement, theres something wrong with those words because Edge on your first night in H-W-E, in your first match in H-W-E you wont be winning you'll be lying on the floor listening to the tunes of Sweet Chin Music!"

][Shawn moves around on the chair to get more comfortable and then carries on speaking.][

"Edge you are just another HWE rookie, you will walk out and face Shawn Michaels and lose, just like John Cena lost to me and Hunter last week, but there is a difference between you and John, John had the chance to win money if he won his match and that is what you don't have Edge. You say back in the WWE you always wanted to face Shawn Michaels, you always wanted to face The Icon, The Showstoppa, The Main Event! why Edge? back then i would have beaten and nothing has changed come Saturday night live at Retribution i will show you exactly why i would have beaten you then, because i'm going to beat you whether you like it or not. You think that i'm a past legend? Edge you don't know nothing about me, or my abilities to over come the odds, you think what you want Edge but coming Saturday you will know why the call me a legend, you will know why they call me "The Heart Break Kid", The Icon, The Showstoppa, The Main Event, i'm no where near past it, yeah you might be in your prime but your nothing compared to me, you never have been anything compared to me, and you never will be anything compared to me, and yet you actually came out for the first time to address the crowd and me and you talk about becoming the Undisputed Champion? come on Edge be realistic you aren't Championship material, you weren't in the WWE and you still aren't here in the HWE, you'd be luck if you won the Womens Title let alone the Undisputed Championship.

Your right Edge i have accomplished alot in my career, i was the first ever grand slam in the WWE, i won the World Title more than four times, i carried the European title, the Intercontinental title, the tag team titles, and i also was in the first Iron Man Match, Hell In A Cell and the match that i made famous the Ladder Match, and i've accomplished alot more than you ever will Edge. You actually think that you can beat me don't you Edge? [laughs] well your either living in dream land or you are dreaming of high hopes because Edge you winning me would probably be one of the biggest upsets in the history of the wrestling business, you beating me would be like Maven becoming the WWE Worlds Heavyweight  Champion, and we all know that isn't going to happen, just like you beating me isn't going to happen. YOU actually think that you can rip me limb from limb and have the referee pleading with you to stop this match Edge, boy you sure are living a fantasy world because Edge come Sunday you will feel and fall to Sweet Chin Music, you will be listen to the band tune up and you won't be able to do anything about it, the punishment that i'm going to put you through you'll want me to end the match when you hear the band tuning up. The rhythm of the band will hypnotize you and make you stand up and then BAAM you'll be on the floor and you'll have lost the match, its as simple as that, it takes less than a second to connect with Sweet Chin Music.

You think that coming to the ring and beating the best, Shawn Michaels, in the business will get you somewhere, which is most likely true but the fact is that Edge you will NEVER beat me, you don't have the skills, you don't have the stamina to last long enough to beat me, you don't have what it takes to beat me, you never have and you never ever will because after Saturday night you'll be waking up with the sound of Sweet Chin Music ringing in your ears, you'll wake up thinking why did you say what you said about me, you'll be waking up knowing you can't beat "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels, you'll wake up with a musical headache thanks to Sweet Chin Music! You know your right Edge the point of this match isn't to pick up the win but to make a statement for you, its right in your first match you have to come out and impress people but Edge you won't make any kind of statement against Shawn Michaels unless its signing a letter stating you want to withdraw yourself from the match."

 ][Interviewer][ "Now i'm gonna say a wrestler, from the HWE and i want you to say a few words about that wrestler."

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][ "Ok shot..."

 ][Interviewer][ "Chris Beniot."

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][ "One of the worlds greatest technical wrestlers"

 ][Interviewer][ "Triple H."

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][ "all i have to say.. Friends or Enemies he is one of the greatest wrestlers around."

 ][Interviewer][ "Edge."

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][ [Laughing] The guy thats gonna get knocked out by Sweet Chin Music this coming Saturday at Retribution, he thinks its going to be easy to beat Shawn Michaels but he has another thing coming, this Saturday at Retribution, Edge, you better come prepared for a battle because Shawn Michaels isn't going to lay down for nobody, i'm not just any HWE superstar that you fight no no... i'm more like a gladiator i don't stay down when you hit me, you can hit me again and again and believe me i'll just keep on getting up and getting up until you can't take it anymore and thats when i'll finish you off once and for all, and i'll teach you a lesson to come out and run your mouth and talk crap about a legend, especially this legend."

][Interviewer][ "Well that concludes the interview, thanks for coming and doing the interview Shawn."

]["Aitch Beeee Kaaay" Shawn Michaels][ "Its my pleasure."

][The interviewer shakes hands with Shawn as Shawn gets up and walks away and out of view of the camera.][