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The Globle Positioning System(GPS) is used as Cities numerical map GIS, Full speed of monitoring all moving objects and Real-time Correction of the Deviation.It gives the 3D co-ordinate of a point anywhere on the earth no worry whether it is stationary or moving.It is used in Nepal as mastly as GIS ,surveying and mapping. Though it can be used as;


Improving safety in air traffic control

In 1996, U.K. researchers successfully demonstrated the benefits of GPS in air traffic control. The research team, comprised of representatives from the National Air Traffic Services Ltd., the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, and the Civil Aviation Authority Institute of Satellite Navigation, proved the feasibility of using a GPS/GLONASS receiver to continuously transmit position data to a Eurocontrol flight management system on a BAC 1-11 aircraft. The flight management system, in turn, was able to direct the aircraft to fly along a specified four-dimensional tube, or bubble of airspace whose dimensions varied with time and route position in order to reflect the volume of air traffic in the aircraft’s expected flight path. This capability will allow air traffic controllers to strategically manage aircraft flight routes in real time.


The GPS coordinates of every fixed installation speed trap, of every variety, will be stored in a memory chip within each device. The 12 channel GPS receiver within each device will lock onto at least three satellites at any one time, out of a total of eleven satellites orbiting the Earth in the Northern Hemisphere which are owned by the American Government. By using triangulation calculations, the position of a vehicle equipped with the device will be known to an accuracy of under five metres, and this position is continually tracked and updated as the user moves around the road network.

At the same time, the position of the user on the road network will be continually compared with the database of GPS coordinates of every fixed speed trap installation contained in the memory inside each device. When the user approaches a speed trap, a synthesised voice, on-screen message, flashing LEDs and a series of beeps will alert him to the fact that he is approaching a speed trap. The distance at which the alert will trigger is user definable, in the range of 200m to 2000m.

Origin Technologies is keeping the master database of speed trap GPS positions up to date at all times, with new speed trap locations being derived from a number of sources. Using the supplied modem it will be possible for the user to download at any time via a standard telephone line the latest, most up to date speed trap information.

The user will therefore be able to update his device as regularly as he requires in order that he receives full advance notification that is entering a known accident blackspot (where the police have deemed it is necessary to site a speed camera) and that he should check his speed.

The Origin blue i will feature a mechanism whereby the user will be able to press a button on the front panel of the unit and store the GPS coordinates of any fixed speed trap they encounter which do not trigger an alert (ie when the trap is new). These coordinates will be uploaded to Origin Technologies during the speed trap update process. We will then verify the new location and send the finder a reward for observing a new trap location and advising us of it.

The Reliable Movable Unit (RMU) is composed of a car-carrying GPS receiver, an object-used monitor and control card (MCC), a car-carrying radio station and antenna. This single-body takes up little space, so it is quite convenient to install in a car. All instruments share a common power supply in vehicle. Extra electric power is not needed.

The size of the GPS receiver is smaller than a business card, and one centimeter thick. The time for first fixing the position of the GPS is less than 20 seconds, and is less than 10 second for the next fixing. The differential GPS (DGPS) function is also supported with the position accuracy within 10 meters. The GPS antenna, bought from aboard takes up minimal space (palm sized) and is easy with its magnetic bottom to be attached on the top of a vehicle. With as long as a 5-meter wire, it is very suitable for all kinds of vehicles. A GPS antenna designed specially for ships with a 15-meter wire is also available.


Without the city GIS vector map as the background, we can not show all the moving parts' real-time position. However it is almost impossible to find the recent city numerical map or city vector-map for the use in VMS. Thus we should develop a Computer Aided Generation(CAG) of City Vector-Map (CVM) software to develop or reproduce the CVM even from only the city's printed tourist traffic map with the bitmap form. Because the bitmap data can be gotten from the printed map or photograph by scanner, it is very useful where the electronic geographical data is not available.


* Taxi Central Dispatch and Theft Protection. Arranging the IVMS in the taxi company, one can monitor position of all its taxi cars at any time, and can provide fast and proper dispatch for serve of customers in phone call. The system can also provide immediate report to police, and report to the center in an accident case. After arranging a car with remote shutdown equipment, one can stop a car remotely if the car is stolen.

* Monitor Center of the Security-Defense System. With IVMS in the patrolling and alarming vehicles of the Security Defense System, the supervisor can obtain everyone's precise location at any time. In case of any emergency, a quick solution is easily at hand in the Monitor Center to contact a police force to handle the situation, to make a central dispatch to organize the police force for a quick response to the case.

* Ensure the Security of the Cash-transporting Vehicles. IVMS is being considered world-widely for companies that physically move large amounts of money. Its installment greatly assures the security of cash and valuable employees.

* Ship Administrating and Rescue Center. Installing IVMS system onto the ships, fishing vessels in the fishing area or touring ships in a touring area, one can monitor the positions of each ship and dispatch them easily, so that production can be increased and accidents can be avoided. The IVMS is not affected by weather, it greatly helps in rescuing ships in hurricanes.

* Administration and Security of Railroad Transportation. Arranging the IVMS in railroad systems, one can monitor the whole situations in transportation at any time. It is a convenient way to check the management of railroad traffic whenever necessary. Any possible danger will be ahead reported by IVMS to prevent impending accidents. And the railroad transportation capacity can be properly managed and enhanced with the aid of the IVMS.

* Military Command and Artificial Performance. Once IVMS is installed in military vehicles and ships, the accuracy and rapidity of battle deployment will be improved to a large degree. Employed in military artificial performance, IVMS will record the whole process for the purpose of a convenient analyses afterwards.


Helping the fight against crime Though basic telecommunications infrastructure is still rather sparse, the nation’s Gong An police are now using GPS technology in their daily work. A New Zealand-based company has provided this unarmed Chinese police force with GPS-based tracking and communications systems to monitor and respond to crime in all of China’s major cities.


Maintaining roadways GPS technology can be used to perform road work on the highway and to widen the highway. Surveyors on the road project estimated that using GPS saved them three weeks of work on the project.


Improving coastal marine navigation In 1998, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland began establishing a coastal marine navigation system that relies on GPS-based marine radiobeacons. Made up of 12 differential GPS stations and 3 control stations around the two countries, this system represents the first continuous, publicly-available differential GPS service in the region, and will help improve safety and navigational accuracy around coastal areas. This service brings the UK and the Republic of Ireland up to date with other European nations, which have already installed differential GPS reference radiobeacon stations. The new differential GPS service is expected to bring cost savings to the General Lighthouse Authorities, which is discontinuing use of the outdated and expensive Decca navigation system.

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Map of Nepal

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Map of Texas


Map of Kathmandu

Map of Nepal

GPS system