Real Name: Ruth Bat-Seraph
Occupation: Police Officer
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of Israel with no criminal record
Other aliases: None
Place of Birth: Israel
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: None
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Group affiliation: Israeli Super Soldiers
Base of operations: Mobile
First appearance: Incredible Hulk #250 (Marvel Comics, 1980)

The woman who would become known to the world as Sabra was born with super strength, invulnerability, and reflexes. The source of these powers is unknown. When she became a secret agent for the state of Israel, she was given top-secret tools and weapons invented by government scientists. She uses these tools in defense of Israeli interests, using her career as a police officer as a cover.
Quote: "When I spoke out for you, I spoke on behalf of Israel! You humiliated my country. You humiliated ME! Eat THIS, you pig!"

Webmaster's Note: This quote came from Incredible Hulk #387, where Sabra vented her anger towards the Hulk because she publicly endorsed, many years ago, a Banner controlled Hulk that later became mindless and went on a billion dollar rampage.

Powers: Sabra is able to lift 50 tons and possesses super human speed, being able to run 60 miles per hr. She also possesses super human reflexes, endurance, durability and heals three times faster than an ordinary person.

Weapons: Sabra wears a cape that allows her to fly at speeds just over 300 mph. She also wears two wrist blasters that shoot energy quilts that can paralyze the nervous system of an average person for over an hour.

Real Name: Ruth Bat-Saraph
Identity/Class: mutant
Occupation: government agent, police officer
Scale of Operations: Israel
Place Of Birth: Jerusalem, Israel
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: son Jacob (deceased) unnamed husband (deceased)

Her code name is Sabra. which, in Hebrew, is what born Israelis are called. The name originates from a fruit that grows on cactuses, prickly on the outside and sweet on the inside…just like Israelis.
-Her real name is Ruth Bat-Seraph. Bat-SSeeraph means daughter of an angel.
-Her son Jacob was killed in a terroristt bombing and Ruth swore to stop anything like that from ever happening again.

Powers: Bat-Seraph's skin, muscle, and bone are denser than that of a normal human. This contributes to her superhuman strength and weight, and provides her with natural body armor, able to withstand attacks from even the monstrous Hulk. Sabra is able to lift 50 tons. She also possesses super human speed (she can run 60 miles per hr), reflexes, endurance, durability and heals three times faster than an ordinary person.
Her immune system and cellular regeneration functions at a higher level than ordinary humans, and her metabolism and the chemical processes of her musculature are highly advanced and produces less fatigue as well. Bat-Seraph can move at lightning-fast speeds, and wears a cape that allows her to fly at speeds just over 300 mph by means of a gravity-polarizing device.
Each of Sabra's wrist bracelets contains a neuronic-frequency stunner. These devices can fire quill-shaped bundles of low-density plasma which travel below the speed of sound (about 738 mph at sea level) and can paralyze the nervous system of any organic being almost instantaneously. Each bracelet projector can fire up to 10 quills before needing to be recharged.

History: Little is known of Ruth Bat-Seraph's background before she became the superhuman champion named Sabra. The source of her super-human powers is not yet known, though they are known to have surfaced in pre-adolescence, which might suggest a mutant origin. After her powers surfaced, she and her parents were taken to a special kibbutz (living community) by the Israeli government where her powers were be studied and nurtured. She was the first graduate of the Israeli government-backed "super-agent" program and officially appointed to protect the state of Israel and serve in a highly-placed position in Israel's Mossad secret service. As a cover for her activities, she was given the job and identity of a police officer. Apparently, Sabra had for years been a member of the so-called Mutant Underground organized by mutant leader Professor X.
At one point, Sabra was placed under mental control of some unseen villain and ordered to fight the young super hero team New Warriors. After Sabra was returned to her senses, the heroes parted amicably, but the mysterious villain was never revealed.
Later, the vigilante group known as the Pantheon was convinced that the thirteen-year old son of a Draburgan ambassador would become the next Hitler, marshalling his homeland of Draburg into one of the most devastating war machines on Earth. After thwarting an attack on Ambassador Meer's family who lived in Israel, Sabra was assigned the task of protecting them. Following their failed attempt, the Pantheon sent Bruce Banner, at the time in control of his Hulk alter-ego, to bring the boy back to Pantheon headquarters. Banner found his Pantheon teammate Achilles in pursuit of the Meers boy, Max, and his friend Gretta Rabin. The four were spotted by Sabra who engaged the Hulk in combat. Sabra was able to fight Hulk to a standstill, due in part to Sabra's energy quills paralyzing the Hulk's larynx. Reaching an understanding, the two joined forces to save Max Meers from falling to his death, although Meers was ultimately trampled by an angry mind-controlled mob which he meant to have killed Achilles. With Meers in a coma, the Pantheon left Israel.
Later still, Sabra contacted the British hero team Excalibur to come to Israel, which was undergoing catastrophe do to pyschic "echoes" of the mutant Legion, who had recently died there.
During a time that Professor X's mutant heroes, the X-Men, were nearly decimated after their battle with the psychic being known as Onslaught, Sabra traveled to the United States to help former X-Men Iceman and Cecilia Reyes escape from the mutant-hunting robots, the Prime Sentinels. Sabra was later involved in several of the X-Men's adventures before returning to Israel.
Later still, Sabra contacted the Israeli woman Gabrielle Haller when researching the identity of the mutant villain Magneto. From there, she tracked down criminal forger Georg Odekirk, who helped forge an alternate identity for Magneto of Erik Lensherr, only to arrive too late to stop Magneto from killing him. Sabra then tracked down the clone named Joseph, believing the man to be Magneto, but was convinced that this was not the case, and she returned to Israel.

Known Powers:
Superhuman Physiology: Sabra's skin, muscle and bone are more dense than that of a normal human. This contributes to her superhuman strength and weight (240 lbs. on a 5'11" frame) and provides her with Good Body Armor. Her immune system and cellular regeneration function at a higher level than ordinary humans granting her Amazing resistance to toxins and disease and Regeneration of Poor rank. She regains lost Health at a rate of three times her Endurance rank per day. Her metabolism and the chemical processes of her musculature are highly advanced and produce fewer fatigue poisons than in normal humans. As a result, she makes Endurance checks for exertion as if she had Monstrous Endurance.
Lightning Speed: Sabra has the Lightning Speed power at Good rank and can run at 60 mph or 4 areas per round. She can accelerate to that speed in her first round of running.

Flight: Sabra wears a cape that allows her to fly at Amazing speeds (375 mph or 25 areas per round). This cape contains a gravity-polarizing device that can neutralize gravity's effect on her mass. Thrust is provided by the air ejected by a tight array of four electric micro-turbines. Circuitry in her tiara allows her to cybernetically communicate with the cape's wafer-thin, on-board computer system and control her flight. This cape has an optical navigation system which functions as an auto-pilot.
Energy Quills: Each of Sabra's wrist bracelets contains a neuronic-frequency stunner. These devices can fire quill-shaped bundles of low-density plasma which travel below the speed of sound (about 738 mph at sea level) and can paralyze the nervous system of any organic being almost instantaneously. These quills effectively ignore Body Armor and targets struck by them must make an Endurance FEAT versus Remarkable Intensity Stun. Failure indicates the target is unconscious for 1 to 2 hours. Individuals with an Endurance rank of Monstrous or higher can localize or resist the effects of the quills, and their saving versus the quills' effect can be considered automatic. Called shots to sensitive areas may still affect these individuals. A shot in the ear would force an Endurance FEAT, the failure of which would indicate the target's equilibrium has been affected and all Fighting, Agility, and Movement FEATs are at -2CS for 10 to 100 rounds. Each bracelet projector can fire up to 10 quills before needing to be recharged.

Bat-Seraph has Law Enforcement Training and as such fires guns at +1CS to Agility and +1CS is added to Reason FEATs involving the law or correct legal procedures. As a police officer, she may legally carry a gun and make arrests. Sabra is a Weapons Specialist and Marksman with her energy quills, firing them at +2CS to Agility. She also gains a +1 to Initiative rolls and does not suffer the range penalty when using them. Her fighting skills include Martial Arts B and Aerial Combat.

As Bat-Seraph, Sabra has contacts within the police. As Sabra, an Israeli super-agent, she would have at least one government contact at a national level. Though she battled the Hulk on at least two occasions, she could probably now count on him for help.

Role-Playing Notes:
Sabra is a staunch defender of Israel and though she may look sweet, those who dare to invade her homeland will feel her thorns. In her own words, she will give as good as she gets. In many ways the embodiment of modern Israel, Sabra is a hero of honor, who is a stranger to fear, and who will never again submit to murderous tyranny. She has a dry, analytical sense of humor in combat but if her back is against the wall, she has a tendency to restate Zionist party line.

Little is known of Ruth Bat-Seraph's background before she became Sabra. The source of her super-human powers is not yet known, though they are known to have surfaced in pre-adolescence, which might suggest a mutant origin. After her powers surfaced, she and her parents were taken to a special kibbutz (living community) by the Israeli government where her powers were be studied and nurtured. She was the first graduate of the government backed, Israeli "super-agent" program and is officially appointed to protect the state of Israel. As a cover for her activities, she works as a police officer.
After thwarting an attack on the family of the Draburg ambassador to Israel, Sabra, Israel's "top agent," was assigned the task of protecting them. This first attack had been carried out by Achilles and his intent had been to kill Ambassador Meer's thirteen-year old son, Max. Delphi had seen a vision that Max Meers would become the next Hitler, marshalling his homeland of Draburg into one of the most devastating war machines on Earth. He would do this through a mutant power of mind control. Pantheon planned to avert this disaster in the making by killing Meers before he could rise to power.

After this failed attempt, Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk, was sent to Israel to bring both Achilles and the boy back to Pantheon headquarters. Banner was accompanied on this mission by his long time side-kick, Rick Jones. They were told that Achilles's original mission had been a similar one: to convince the boy's parents that the best place for their son was with Pantheon and that in attempting to kill the boy he had turned rogue.

Banner found Achilles in pursuit of the Meers boy and his friend Gretta Rabin and started to follow them through the street of old Jerusalem. The four were spotted by Sabra who was flying overhead looking for Meers. She did not recognize the Hulk because he was wearing a long hooded robe, but engaged him in combat because he was the largest and closest target to her. When she realized she was battling the Hulk, she stepped-up her attack, in part because SHIELD had circulated word that Hulk was now more dangerous than ever. (Banner's friend and psychologist, Leonard Sampson, had informed Nick Fury of the Hulk's capture by Pantheon. Fury, aware of Pantheon's activities and realizing their intent was probably to recruit the Hulk as an operative, alerted law enforcement agencies world-wide of the danger.)

Sabra fired three energy quills at Banner, one of which entered his open mouth and struck his larynx. This paralyzed it, rendering him speechless. Unable to communicate, Banner engaged in a protracted battle with Sabra, which took them through the streets and walls of old Jerusalem, culminating at the Wailing Wall. Stripped of her cape, out of quills, and facing a physically superior foe, Sabra was prepared to make her final stand before the Wall. As she waited for the Hulk's final attack, she delivered a speech which affirmed her nation's and her personal courage and determination. At this time, the effects of the quill which had paralyzed his larynx wore off. Banner, realizing further violence would be pointless, and wanting to shut Sabra up so he could get a word in, surrendered.

Banner and Sabra reached an understanding and joined forces tracking down Achilles. They saved Max Meers from falling to his death. While Hulk and Sabra were distracted by Achiiles's explanation of why he tried to kill the boy, which included a recounting of his experience at the German concentration camp Dachau, Meers was trampled by an angry mob. This mob, which was chasing Rick Jones, was being mind control and had been sent by Meers to kill Achilles. After the accident, the boy was taken to Jerusalem Hospital, but the prognosis was that he would remain a vegetable for the rest of his life. Agamemnon lied to Banner on this point, telling him the boy was fine. He had also lied about Achilies's instructions, which had been to kill the boy from the start. No one yet realized that Meers never actually had mind control powers, but rather was the vehicle through which Gretta Rabin siphoned her own will-dominating abilities. It would be Gretta, working behind the scenes, who would cause Max Meers's rise to power foreseen by Delphi. Any further investigation by the Israeli authorities into this series of incidents, or how they have chosen to deal with Sabra's failure to protect the Meers boy, have not been revealed.