Fight & win the battle called LIFE

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In my short span of 29 years from the day I was born and till date, i have come across a lot of people saying, "Life is too tough", " I am a failure", I cannot get anything right", "What do I do nothing works", "I will fail", "I cannot do it" and the list is endless, but have we ever thought that is this the actual reality. Is life really tough or are we making it appear to be tough to ourselves.  I am sure everybody reading this article must have heard of the word VIRTUAL REALITY. This is a technique by which we make our brain believe to see what actually does not exist and just look at it, how easily we can befool our brain, which of-course are we, ourselves. The same thing is applicable to our real life also. Consciously  or unconsciously, we force ourselves to believe that, life is tough and by the end of the day  we firmly believe that it is tough and we cannot win it.  
But trust it is not so. History has proved that, people who try and Win...sooner or later, but they WIN. 

Life actually is like a SINE WAVE, yes the same mathematical sine wave. It goes UP and and it goes DOWN. When it goes up we are happy, but it also goes down and when it does we are shattered. This process continues till our last breath, when it goes up we easily forget that MAN it has to go down and when it goes down we again forget that it is bound to rise back. The invisible force behind this are our EFFORTS. Both for downward and upward swings. God has actually hardwired our lives for the upward and the downward swings, but with our efforts we can make these swings less jerky. With our efforts we can change the world.  

I will tell you a story which I am sure will convey my thoughts to you:-

Long long ago, there was a king, a real mighty king.The king was brave and bold and his kingdom was as large as it can be. His was a prosperous land with the highest productivity, happy people, a lot of money, a very fertile land and rivers filled with water. No one had ever seen prosperity at such a a vast scale. In fact it was like heaven on earth. But during the reign of the king's father, the picture was equally opposite. There was famine, plague, hungry people, no productivity and no law and order. It was just because of the efforts of the king, that the country had prospered. After sitting on the throne , the king had put in his hard work and honesty to change the entire scenario. He worked day and night with his advisors and ministers to make it a land of prosperity. In fact he toiled day after day, he used to sleep for just 4 hours and rest  was pure work work and work. But finally the results were there. He developed such a kingdom, which became the reason of envy for the neighboring countries. The king had a step brother, who was equally jealous with the king. In front he used to pretend as if he was the good wisher of the king but on the back, he was planning a revolt against the king. While king was busy with the country, the step brother was organizing mutiny. One day when the king was asleep, he launched and attack. Within a short time most of the king's loyals were killed, the palace was captured, most of the ministers and advisors were either killed or arrested and put in the dungeons. With the help of a loyal servant, the king was able to escape, his life was saved but he was shattered, there was no one to help him, no one to guide him, no one to console him, in fact no one to say anything to him. Even the princess he loved backed off. He ran away towards the jungles and somehow managed to survive. The king who used to sleep on the royal cushions was now sleeping on bare ground. He had nothing to eat and nothing to drink. His body became weak and his soul became broken. His clothes were torned. Within a few days yesterday's king was appearing to be a beggar. As the days passed, his morale broke, but some inner inspiration kept him walking and walking. The king had fought and won a lot of battles but now it seemed as if he was losing the battle of his life. He had no will left to live. 
Finally one day he reached the middle of the forest. With a heavy heart he sat on a stone near a tree to rest and started gazing at the tree. Suddenly he saw a baby of a monkey fell down from the top most branch. He kept on sitting there and watching the baby. The baby was weak and unable to climb on the tree, but if the baby did'nt climb back, it was sure to die. So the baby monkey started climbing but with no result fell back. It again tried but again fell back. It kept on trying but with a little result kept on falling back. The king felt pity for the baby but the baby kept on trying. Suddenly after a couple of hours futile trial, the baby was able to reach the lowest most branch of the tree. He held it and sat there for a few minutes and again started trying to climb. After a few more trial he managed to reach the other higher branch, but by now he was too tired, but he kept on trying. Finally after a lot of trials he was able to reach the branch where his siblings were sitting. The king was watching this  entire process. He analysed that had the baby not tried, it was sure to die a quick death, but the baby saved his life only because it did not left hope. It tried and tried and finally accomplished and impossible task. Suddenly the king rose, stretched his arms and stood straight. Now inspite of all the hardships, his face was beaming with glory. He started his journey back home. He went back gathered his left out loyals. Raised an army with the help of his neighboring friendly kingdoms. Although they were small but together they gathered a large army. The king launched an attack back on his step brother. His first trial was a failure, but this time he did'nt left hope. He tried again and  defeated his step brother. Finally he was able to get his kingdom back.

Analysis :-
Just like the king we all pass through a phase of ups and downs. The king here might be compared to a Business Manager, who puts in his best to convert a poor business unit into a successfully run profit making unit, but due to organisational politics he might lose the credit for his hard work. He might lose his position and prestige, but if he try and try again with his full will power, I can guarantee that he his going to win his position back.

Remember :- You win when you try till your last breath

So try and try really hard.

There might be times when a sales person may keep on losing deals and his boss may keep on pushing him hard, but if he persist and persevere, he his bound to get results. Before Neil Armstrong, there had been a lot of futile trials to reach moon, lives were lost money was spent but ultimately we humans did it. And we can do it in every sphere of life. Before  1947 there were numerous trials for the freedom of India. Thousands of revolutionaries lost there lives, but we did'nt stop trying and ultimately inspite of the defeat of 1857, we won our freedom. Everybody thought that flying was impossible but after hundreds of trials we flew and now we humans have flown across the boundaries of our solar system. Everybody said that crossing the speed of 100 miles per hour with steam engine was impossible but we (we humans) tried and now we have trains that run more than 300 miles and hour.

Whenever you fail always try again and again till you win

We have got a very small life span and we cannot afford to lose it simply by not trying.  We have proven that we can and we will. Failure and hardships are nothing but VIRTUAL REALITY. They do not exist, so why to bother about them.

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