Welcome to the Sacred Wheel Coven's homepage.


Merry meet!



We're a Wiccan training coven practising the Alexandrian tradition based in Wiltshire in the South West of England.

Our High Priestess and High Priest have many years of experience in the Craft and have been actively running a coven for over 15 years. We have a wide range of coven members ranging from new starters to witches with many years in the craft.

We have open rituals at the festivals normally on the Friday nearest the actual day, where new members are welcome and we also run closed circles for committed coven members every fortnight - again normally on Fridays. The closed circles are for development; eventually leading to initiation. For the initiated the closed circles help in the process of development towards second and third degrees.

We honour the Lord and Lady and work magic and healing in reverence of the Old Ones.

We are a small, close coven able to offer a good balanced foundation in the basics of Witchcraft. We have several sister covens in other parts of the UK and close contacts with Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, German and Belgian groups.

We're very lucky to be in such a beautiful and magical part of England: we're nestled between the stone circles of Avebury and Stonehenge and that mystical place Glastonbury is close too.

We accept seekers over 18 for training purposes but as a rule we don't initiate anyone under 21.

Genuine seekers are welcome to contact us - our email address is sacredwheelcoven@yahoo.co.uk








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