This is not real.  It is part of a really fun game called HOCK!
Belleau Wood Information
Belleau Wood was established as a mini barn in December of 2001.  In June 2002, Belleau Wood became a main barn and moved to our new location.  We are now located on 440 acres in beautiful Glenwood, Minnesota.   It boasts of many wonderful features.  There are six barns currently on the farm which houses all of our horses.  All the barns, except for the pony and broodmare/young horse barns, feature 14' x 14' stalls.  The pony barn has 12'x 12' stalls and the broodmare barn has 14' x 28' (these stalls can be seperated to make two 14' x 14'  stalls).  Each stall includes a feed and water bucket, hay wall mounts, bride rack, a sliding door, stall guards, salt block, and anything eles depends on the horse.  Every other stall has a folding saddle rack.
Racer Barn: 30 stalls, 2 wash racks, 2 tack rooms.  Pony Barn: 14 stalls, one wash rack, and one tack room.  Morgan Barn: The name of this barn can be deciving.  Yes, this barn houses all of our Morgans, Morgan crosses but also our Saddlebreds and National Show Horses.  40 stalls, 2 wash racks, 2 tack rooms.  Broodmare/Young Horses: 26 stalls (equipped with foaling camera hookups), 2 wash racks, 1 tack room, and 1 lab.  Show Barn: This is where visiting horses stay and where the show string stays.  4 tack rooms, 6 wash racks, 60 stalls (30 stalls on one side of the arena and 30 on the other)  Westerm Barn: 24 stalls, 2 wash racks, 2 tack rooms.
Arenas, and Courses:
Show Barn arena:
Westen events arena:
Cross Country course:
Race Track:
Dressage Outdoor:
Equitation/Jumper Outdoor:
Round Pen:
Indoor Track:
Pastures and Trails:
  The pastures all have small shelters.  However, the four large paddocks (for the mares) have a large shelter. Two pastures share a fence and this is where the shelters were built.  Since the mares live out in the pastures, this shelter is designed to house them if there is bad weather.  The shelter is capable of holding around 20 horses (this includes the foals at the mares sides.   Each side holds 10 horses.

Ever wonder what the letters in front of the Belleau Wood bred horses mean?

There are a few letter choices that go infront of the Belleau Wood bred horses/ponies names.  Each means something.
BW = Belleau Wood  This is the standard sign a horse was bred by Belleau Wood or is out of a Belleau Wood mare.
BWH = Belleau Wood Highland  Basically this is a sign of a Highland Pony that was bred or created here.
BWHC = Belleau Wood Highland Cross  Again the horse is a Highland from Belleau Wood but was crossed with another breed usually a Thoroughbred to produce a sport horse with both breed's qualities.  A Highland/Thoroughbred cross has been known to produce great hunters.

Who are the people here at Belleau Wood?

Sofia James: Sofia is a 6 year old rider who competes mainly in the leadline classes.  She takes lessons regularly and should be ready to move to the next level soon.

Melody James: Melody is Sofia's 15 year old sister.  She also takes regular lessons.  She sometimes helps out by showing a few horses in-hand when there are a lot of Belleau Wood horses competeing

Lexy Thein: Lexy is 17 years old.  She also takes lessons here and helps out with in-hand classes.  She occasionally shows in Show Jumping and Saddle Seat classes. 

Lizzy Thein: Lizzy is Lexy's 16 year old sister.  She regularly takes lessons here but usually doesn't show.  She likes the riding more than being out is a show ring.

Melissa Thompson: Melissa is my most trusted rider.  She helps out sometimes in the training of the young horses and the refreshing of the older ones.  She rides everything and helps when I need additional riders or drivers in the ring.  She also helps as a groom when she has time.

Brian C: Brian helps with the ponies mostly.  He is also one of my jockeys and is usually seen in the early mornings getting Fleet Dancerr ready for his exercise.  In the afternoon he is sometimes seen at Kewarra Stud exerciseing a pony or two with Joshua or Sarah.

Joshua T: Joshua is another person who helps with the ponies.  He also has a touch with the babies.  He works as a groom and jockey occsionally taking a pony for a ride in a show.  He is also an assistant trainer of the young horses.

Sarah Thompson: Sarah is also a jockey.  She also works as a groom.  She loves to help Brian out exercising the ponies. Sarah is my extra event rider.  I think she just loves the excitement of it all.

Lindsey J.: Lindsey is a groom that works here.  She will, if there is a need, help with the horses' training schedule.  She is an outgoing person who loves to help whenever any one needs any.

Jacob Kar: Jacob is also a groom here.  He loves being around the horses.  He can be seen helping Joshua with the babies and helping teach lessons.  He after his work is done he can be found taking or sketching pictures of the horses.

How is the weather?

Where is Belleau Wood Showing This Month?

Click Here to view the schedule

What are some awards Belleau Wood has won
In the recent Ultimate Hunter/Jumper Challenge, Kat won Reserve Champion in both